Way Back When


She sits, scribbling mercifully on a piece of sheet music. If this idea vanishes from her head, her chance to be up there with all her old friends does as well. This was it, the idea she had been waiting 3 days for.

The pencil stops, and her mind goes blank. It had drifted back to her younger years again. The days when she was a star in her own way, and when she was known all across the country. The days she missed so much.

After that fun had ended, she had taken a break. And now she totally regretted it. Her best friends on that show had gotten places, and they are now true household names. Why had they gotten so far? Because they didn't take a break, they kept on working for their dream, and that dream was coming true.

When she first heard of their fates, she immediatley began working double time. Sure, she had slowly begun to get back into her groove before then, but now she was motivated. If they could do it, then damnit.. so could she. And that is exactly what she was gonna do.

Her mind still blank, she slams her hand down on the keys of her keyboard below her and heads towards the kitchen where a nice and relaxing drink is waiting for her. She passes by the couch and kicks the growing pile of clothes that sit by the hamper. How the hell could she have lost that perfect connection of words? That beautiful poetry that only she herself could come up with? She didn't doubt the reason... it always was.

She missed it. Missed them... missed him. Her hazel eyes shut as she took a drink of her tea, his face slowly coming into view. It had changed since that time so long ago, and was now even more beautiful and perfect. He was like a piece of heaven on earth, a piece that she used to call her own.

She ran her long thin fingers through her thick brown hair. Chills ran down her spine as she remembered how he used to do that. They were so young, yet so in love. Some would call it impossible, others would call it cute, they would call it fate.

Salty drops of tears ran down her rosy cheeks as she remembered the pain of their breakup. Neither of them wanted to, but it was the best. The day they departed, he gave her a ring and she gave him one as well, and they promised to love eachother forever. She still had that ring. It no longer fit around her finger, so she wore it on a silver chain around her neck. And by pictures of him that she always seemed to come across... he didn't wear his anymore. Rumor had it he had found a true love that he would spend the rest of his life with. She called it bullshit, because she still could remember the way he used to say they would find a way to be together forever. True fuckin bullshit.

The tea was no longer pleasing to her, so she set it on the counter and headed into the bedroom of her apartment. The big comfortable matress seemed to be calling out her name as she entered the dark room. She didn't even bother to turn on the light, all she did was kick off her cheap Wal Mart shoes, remove her glasses that stayed perched on her nose for the entire day, and take off that crap shirt her ex had bought her.

Left in only her black sports bra and her gray drawstring pants, she collapsed onto the bed and shut her eyes. Last she checked, it was only 7:30 pm. But since she had gotten no sleep last night, and the night before, and even the night before that; she decided it was finally time for a rest. It was time to close her deep hazel eyes and fall into a deep sleep, and let the world of dreams consume her...

It was time to relive her past.. relive those Mini-Memories...


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