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Chapter 3


              Christy felt a soft cloth on her forehead and opened her eyes slowly.  Justin was bent over her worriedly.

              “ Where is it?” Christy bolted up, regretting so when her head began to swim.

              “ Lie back down,” Justin pushed her down softly.

              “ Where is it?” Christy asked again.

              “ What?” Justin looked confused, “ JC brought you in earlier.”

              “ No, that freaky animal scared me half to death,” Christy shuddered as she remembered.

              She looked up to see a slight smile on Justin’s face.

              “ It isn’t funny, Justin,” Christy snapped.

              “ No, JC’s done it to me enough.  He’s a werewolf, Christy.  You were lucky he recognized you,” Justin replied.

              “ What are you?” Christy asked in barely a whisper.

              “ I’m a full-fledged Fae,” Justin answered.

              “ What are they?” Christy asked.

              “ We are shifters that change into either elements, which the guys do, or the girls, fairy-like things.  It’s stupid, but it can get me out of hot spots,” Justin shrugged.

              “ How do they make me a full fairy?” Christy was curious.

              “ No idea.  You’d probably have to go to the community and have them approve you,” Justin answered.

              Christy bit her lip.  Death or life as an immortal, which was the best?

              “ You have a gift, Christy.  Don’t let it get away from you.  Boss wants to see you,” Justin began to leave.

              “ Stay here.  I don’t want to be with him alone,” Christy begged.

              “ I can’t.  He’s the boss,” Justin disappeared out the door.

              Heavy footsteps indicated his presence.

              “ What are you?” Christy asked without looking up.

              “ Just a watcher.  I am a warlock, but my powers are useless in this dimension,” he answered.

              “ Why am I so important?” Christy asked.

              “ I can’t tell you.  If you change, then I can, but not until then,” Boss answered.

              “ Then leave me alone.  I want the truth,” Christy heard him leave.

She spied an open window and crept over to it.  Christy climbed out of it and ran across the empty parking lot.

              2 eyes watched her run.

              “ Good girl, now let’s go get her,” a voice hissed.

2 bulky beings stopped Christy.

              “ Leave me alone,” Christy said, her anger taking over.

A blast with the heat of the sun threw the beings back.  Christy stared in horror.  She had done that.  Her surroundings swam before she fell to the ground.

              Lance and Justin entered the room and stared at the empty bed.

              “ Let’s go,” Justin turned and ran out with Lance not far behind.

They saw 2 bulky figures bending over another and quickened their pace.

              “ Hey, leave her alone,” Justin yelled.

              2 heads turned their way.  1 look at the ball of fire that had been Justin’s hands sent them running for cover.

              “ I love this job sometimes,” Justin chuckled at their stupiditity.

              “ Look at what she did,” Lance inspected the blackened ground, “ Her anger got the best of her and she smoked those 2.”

              “ Let’s get her back.  The change began and I don’t want to be on her bad side,” Justin easily picked up the limp body.

              The 6 sat away from her shackled body.

              “ She totally tried to cook them.  Her powers are way better than mine.  I couldn’t train her,” Justin said, sending her a quick glance.

              “ You have to.  Those 2 you scared off were some of Candy’s friends.  You have to convince her to change,” Boss replied.

Her sharp scream turned their heads.

              “ Crap, they’re using mind control.  Joey, snap her out of it,” Lance ordered.

              Inside Christy’s mind she had been thrown into a scene where the 6 talked quietly.

              “ If she doesn’t change, we’ll have to kill her,” Boss whispered.

              “ Let’s do it now.  Better for her to be dead, then for her to go to the other side.  If she leaves us, we’re dead meat,” Justin replied.

              “ I’m hungry.  I could go for some extra food,” Joey licked his lips.

Christy began screaming before the scene changed.  She was in a field of flowers.  Someone else was there, but she couldn’t find out who.

              “ Come back, Christy,” a voice whispered.

She walked towards the light.

              Next thing she knew, she was awake.  Christy shrunk away from them.

              “ What did you see?” Joey asked.

              “ You 6 were talking.  I can’t believe you,” Christy screamed, her fury mounting.

              “ Joey, move back,” Justin ordered in a calm voice.

              The 5 moved away, seeing the tense mode he was in.

              “ Get away from me,” Christy tried to release the bonds.

Lightening almost hit Justin if he hadn’t changed into air.

              “ You can’t kill me, Christy.  Stop overreacting,” Justin resumed his human form.

              “ Whoa, do that again,” Chris exclaimed, getting an evil look from Justin.

              Christy had seen the whole thing, but she couldn’t stop from being so angry.  A voice inside her urged the anger, telling her to let it all out.

              “ Stop it,” Christy crumpled to the ground in tears.

              “ They’ve got mind control, Boss.  I can’t break it.  She could kill us all if we can’t break it,” Joey whispered, “ We have to convince her to change now.”

              Justin was busy unlocking the chains.

              “ Justin, put them back on,” Boss ordered.

              “ If we keep them on, she’ll kill us.  I can control her.  Her power is still too raw to kill me,” Justin replied.

              “ My power?  I think you’re crazy,” Christy snapped.

              “ Why do you think I had to shift?  You tried to kill me, Christy,” Justin replied.

              “ It’s not me.  Something is making me,” Christy’s bottom lip trembled.

              “ Joey, break the link now,” Justin said softly.

              Christy felt something free her and she let the darkness take over.

              “ We’re losing her,” Justin said suddenly.

              “ What?” JC asked.

              “ Somehow she’s dying now,” Justin answered, “ Boss, are you sure your magic doesn’t work?  If it doesn’t, we have to take her to the hospital.”

              “ It won’t,” Boss said.

              “ I’ll take her since it’s a full moon.  Go get something to eat, guys.  You look drained,” Justin replied.

The 7 went their separate ways.

Chapter 4