Chapter Twenty-Two

The sun had arisen and was shinning bright in the autumn sky. Audrey stepped 
outside grabbing her leather jacket on the door handle. "I'm going for a 
walk." Audrey said as she motioned towards the woods to me. "Would you like 
to come?" she asked not really wanting to be rude to me, but she really 
wanted to be alone to collect her thoughts. 

" actually I thought I'd uh redecorate those boys have no sense of 
style I swear!" I giggled 

"Ah, I see and I definitely agree with you bud." Audrey managed to let out a 
smile "I'll be expecting my hot chocolate when I return!" Audrey demanded in 
a humorous manor.

 "Yes mam." I replied.

 "Extra marshmallows." Audrey bellowed as she shut the door and disappeared 
"Alone, but once again." Audrey said aloud to the open air. She looked around 
the whole mountainous region and it was so silent. The air gently blew 
Audrey's hair and the smell of pine trees filled the air. Audrey took a long, 
deep breath. This is relaxing Audrey thought as she walked towards the silent 

"This reminds me of the woods in Sleepy Hollow." Audrey said aloud not 
expecting anyone to answer. She walked through the lonely woods. It seemed so 
much gloomier from the inside than from the outside. She gently began to hum 
the song 'I Drive Myself Crazy'...realizing what she was singing she 
immediately stopped. Look at yourself you are a mess you need to get a hold 
of your self. The voice reappeared in her mind again.
"I know I do." Audrey answered to the anonymous voice. "It's just breaking my 
heart so much. Lance has not done anything to me, but I feel I am forgetting 
to say or do something in this relationship. I need him so much right now." 
Audrey said shakily as a tear slowly ran down her pale cheek. She walked in 
silence while emotions and thoughts whirled in her head. "This obviously 
isn't going to do any good crying about it isn't going to make him return any 
sooner." she said choking on her words just call him the voice said inside 
"That's it!" Audrey said why hadn't she thought of it. Audrey walked away 
towards the cabin. It slowly came into view as she jogged up the grassy hill. 
"I wonder if Mandy has gotten anything straightened up." she said She shook 
at the sudden dampness in the air. She looked above her and the thick autumn 
clouds were slightly covering the sun. 

She jumped suddenly and she turned her focus away from the sun and heard a 
deafening scream come from the cabin. Audrey being terrified of what was 
wrong ran towards the cabin as fast as she possibly could. I don't think I've 
ever ran this fast before she thought as she reached the front door. She 
opened it in a forward thrust and practically fell over in a gasp to catch 
her breath. Breathing heavily, she looked up at me sprawled up on the kitchen 
table screaming my head off. 

"What the --?" Audrey questioned looking around "Mandy why are you up th-?" 
Audrey's question was quickly answered as a mouse scampered across the cold 
wooden floor. "Ahhh!" Audrey yelled as she jumped back in surprise. 

"Kill it! Kill! Kill!" I cried in shock and fear

"Okay, okay." Audrey laughed, as she looked for something to smoosh it with.

 "Wha? You aren't afraid?!" I asked in a questionable tone. 

"Not at all." Audrey replied "I'm used to it from where I grew up you had to 
be tough."

"Ok, I see just get it out of my site!" I cried "Look at those eyes, evil, 
pure evil!" I wailed.

 "Ah come on they're actually pretty cute." Audrey said still searching for 
something "Here's something." Audrey said as she grabbed a baseball from the 
closet. Audrey looked around the room for the little furry creature. "Where 
are ya little --"Audrey was cut off by it running towards the cupboard. 
"Ah-ha!" Audrey screamed she backed up her arm and threw the ball so hard the 
ball hit the wall and missed by an inch. "Darn!" Audrey yelled really getting 
into this whole 'cat and mouse' chase. Audrey grabbed the ball and spotted 
the mouse. She dived and threw the ball once more landing hard on the kitchen 
floor. *Wham! * The ball hit the mouse instantly knocking it out. 

"Woah!" I whispered "Are you alright?" I asked Audrey who still lay sprawled 
on the floor. Audrey slowly got up and faced the me. 

"Ya never been better." Audrey replied dizzily 

"Omg! You're bleeding!" I replied. Blood slowly dripped off Audrey's mouth 
and a small cut was engraved on her forehead. "I'll get the first-aid kit!" I 
cried as I disappeared around the corner into the other part of the cabin. 

"Really, Mandy I'm ok." Audrey replied

"Are you sure?" I said turning my gaze to her over my shoulder. 
"Ugh mice are such devils" I mumbled to myself." Audrey laughed and rolled 
her eyes as she gazed at my scared expression and me. "HaHa! Laugh all ya 
want, Audrey but I HATE mice." I shot back. 

"I am only messin' with ya bud ya know I am." Audrey said still laughing. 
"Hey where's my hot chocolate?" Audrey suddenly brought up. 

"Oh it's right over there." I said surprised at the sudden question.

 "Yes!" Audrey said in an eager tone. She walked over to the drink and 
grabbed it with her hands. "Hey where's me lucky charms?" Audrey said in an 
Irish accent. I smiled and pointed towards the microwave. "Marshmaaaallows" 
Audrey joked copying yet another interpretation but this time from 'The Blair 
Witch Project'. 

"You watch too many movies." I remarked giggling "Yup I'm aware, but I mean 
how can ya not love the entertainment business?" Audrey smiled an evil grin.

"What are you thinking misses, I know you" I said.

  "Oh nothing." Audrey said as she suspiciously walked towards the bathroom 
"I see you!" I yelled in Audrey's direction. Audrey suddenly appeared around 
the corner with a huge can of silly string. 

"Oh no you don't!" I yelled as I backed off.  She suddenly sprayed me with a 
huge glob of silly string Audrey let out a triumphant cackle and ran towards 
me, her victim. Audrey looked at me with evil in her eyes.

 "You better not!" I yelled shielding all that I could back away at the same 

"Oh, but I am!" Audrey replied spraying me head to toe. 

"Oh no you just didn't!!" I yelled back as I filled a glass of water and 
splashed Audrey soaking her face and shirt.

 "Ugh-ah!" Audrey shockingly yelled. We both chased each other through the 
cabin screaming in a playful manor with an occasional "Oh no you just 
didn't!" "Oh yes I did!" We both became tired and sprung ourselves on the 
living room couch. 

"Omg." I said breathless as I suddenly spoke up. 

"I can not believe that we just did that." Audrey whispered exhausted "Well 
believe it." I replied

 "I miss them so much." Audrey said suddenly. 

"Audrey, don't get all sad on me now!" I said a little bit of anger in my 

 "I'm sorry Mandy, I don't know where that came from." Audrey said "I need to 
stop this no sense it's just the long walk made me think about well you 
know." Audrey said. I nodded "Which reminds me, I need to call him." Audrey 
said, "I just need to tell him how much I love him." 

Audrey replied not giving me a chance to reply she ran into the bedroom. I 
jumped when I heard a hard thump on the ground. Frightened I ran into the 
other room horrified to find Audrey lying motionless on the ground.

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