Chapter One

I have known Justin for about two months now. I owe him my life. He is my 
best friend. We tell each other everything, I don't know why everyone is so 
gaga over him he's just a normal, sweet person, But he saved my life and in 
my book he's my number one friend. 

*Flash Back two Months ago*

We walked into the hot night club where the party never stopped. Audrey, 
Nicole and I wanted to have a girls night out and check out all the cuties.  
We found a booth and ordered a couple cokes. The club seemed more busy than 
usual. Audrey stared at the crowd. She has been my best friend since we were 
fourteen. (we are 18 now) She loved Nsync as well as Nicole. Nicole has been 
my best friend for about two years. I moved to Florida as soon as I turned 
eighteen. Just so I could be close to my friends.  They were crazy over 
Nsync, but for me I really didn't see the big deal about them. I mean there 
music was great, but nothing special. Everyone seemed to be making a big 
commotion about something when a girl walked by the table saying. "Nsync is 
here!"  I rolled my eyes as Audrey's eyes lit up. "It's probably fake Audrey 
don't worry about it." I laughed as Audrey  seemed to be on the edge of her 
seat. "Well I am gonna go look and see if Lance is here." She stood up  and 
disappeared in the crowd.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Oh you guys and Nsync I swear." Nicole smiled 
and Stared at the crowd. "You can go if you want too." I said. She smiled. 
"Nah, I will sit here with you. We sat there and watched for a little while 
when  Jc Chasez, Nikki's favorite, comes up to the table. "I saw you sitting 
at this table and not dancing, Are you here with someone?" He asked Nikki. A 
big grin appeared over her face as she grabbed his hand and was lead to the 
dance floor, leaving me alone at the table with my face in my palm. I let out 
a long sigh as my thoughts were interrupted. "What's a pretty girl like you 
sitting here all alone?" A strong voice said. I looked up to see a tall man 
that looked about twenty, twenty five maybe. I smiled. "I'm not much of a 
dancer." I said, looking up into his dark mysterious eyes. He was tall and 
kinda muscular. "Well why don't you come to my house where you can learn to 
dance and scream." He said. "Excuse me!?" I said standing up in shock as a 
grin fell over his face. He grabbed my arm. I pulled away. "Get your hands 
off me creep!" I shouted but it sounded like a whisper compared to the noise 
in the room. He grabbed me this time holding on tighter as I struggled to 
pull away. "Let go!" I said dragging my feet trying to  pull away.  He 
started to drag me to the back of the club, while I fought to get away. He 
opened the back entrance as I let out one more call for help. He pulled me 
into a dark cold alley.  "LET ME GO!" I shouted unaware to what he was gonna 
do. He pushed me up against the wall of the club and started to lick my 
neck. I pulled away and punched him in the face knocking him to the ground.  
I took off running down the never-ending narrow alley, It seemed to be 
closing in on me as the smell of trash filled the air. The night sky was 
cloudy leaving little specs of the moon to show me out.  I had to get away, 
all of a sudden, I felt him grab my ankle and twist it. I let out a small cry 
as it cracked making me fall to the ground I reached my hand outward to the 
end of the alley, "NO!" I cried.  He climbed on top of me. He punched me in 
the face and I felt the warm blood from the corner of my lip. "Be a good 
girl, This will feel good I Promise." He growled unbuttoning his pants 
"Please!" I begged. "Stop!" I cried. Letting out one more shriek. "Shut up 
Bitch!" he shouted.  I felt my head being pounded into the ground of the cold 
pavement and suddenly felt dizzy as I felt my pants being ripped off of me. I 
heard him laugh evilly. 'Someone help me.' I cried. Still trying to free 
myself. "You're a feisty one ain't ya? I like that." He said. Kissing my 
neck. "Get off me you pervert!" I yelled my voice hoarse from crying. "Honey, 
after I get done with you, you will be begging for more." He said holding my 
legs down with his overpowering legs. I closed my eyes. 'God if you're 
listening to me please send me and angel to save me.' "Hey, What's going on 
out here?" A soft strong voice said as I tried to look down to see who it 
was. I could feel something warm and watery at my fingertips. I raised my 
trembling shaky hand to my face and saw red. 'Blood ,It was my own. I raised 
my hand to my head, "Help." I cried out, and blacked out.


Yes It was Justin who saved my life. He had pulled the guys off of me and the 
guy got away running away when he heard Justin's voice. He carried me to the 
hospital a couple blocks away. I had a slight concussion. The angel I asked 
god to send me was Justin and now we are close friends. We learned about each 
other and soon became close. We tell each other everything and had a few 
cries. I thank god everyday and I am sure my friends are grateful 

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