Justin walked in the front door with a devilish grin on his face. Mandy, his 
Neighbor, followed dripping wet. "I can't believe you Timberlake!" She 

They had just finished playing touch-football with Justin's friends Jc, Joey, 
Chris, and Lance. The teams were Jc, Lance, and I VS. Chris, Joey and Justin. 
Everytime i got the ball Justin and Chris would pick me up and drag me to 
their touchdown. After the game all of the guys dumped a cooler of ice cold 
water on me.

"What?" Justin smiled innocently. "Don't what me!" I laughed. "Your so 
innocent aren't ya?" I said rolling my eyes. Justin smiled and threw a towel 
at me. "Thanks." I said wiping my face with the soft fuzzy babyblue towel. I 
took it away from my face seeing Justin staring at me. I smiled sheepishly. 
"Take a picture it lasts longer." I joked to my friend of three years. Justin 
walked closer running his fingers up the side of my bare arm. I gazed up at 
him as a tingling feeling overwhelmed my warm body. His soft blue eyes gazed 
into mine, my head grew dizzy. His hot breath against my lips made my knees 
buckle. He pressed his lips against mine. I pulled away. 

"What are you doing?" i said staring at him, searching his eyes that made my 
heart melt. Justin's finger brushed my cheek. "I really care about you, and 
can u honestly tell me you want to be 'Just Friends'?" He asked. He did have 
a point. Everytime i was near him...anything felt possible.

Before  I could reply he kissed me deeply. I surrendered to his touch, 
tightning my grip on his shoulder. He picked me up and walked me over to the 
couch. "Justin." I sad I said pushing him back staring into his eyes. Making 
sure this is what i wanted. The man that had always been there for me. In his 
eyes i knew. I brushed my hand across his face. "I love you." I said. "I love 
you too and i always will." He said in a promising voice. I kissed him again 
feeling my love rush through my veins. We made love for the first time that 
night and we hed each other the rest of the night not wanting it to end.

*One Year Later*

"Manda....Manda, baby you gonna sleep all day?" Justin whispered in my ear. I 
smiled opening my eyes to see Justin's angelic face. "Good Morning Sunshine." 
he smiled kissing me. "Its our one year anniversery of us confessing our 
love." Justin said pulling a rose from the vase next to my bed. "The first 
time we made love." I said brushing the rose across his face. Justin held my 
hand. "I love you." He said kissing me. He pulled away leaving me with my 
eyes closed. "Come on I've got a surprise for you in the front yard." My eyes 
filled with question, as and walked downstairs opening the front door, Justin 
behind me. My eyes widened when i saw a huge hot air balloon with all of 
Justins friends smiling. Inscripted on the balloon was 'My Angel'

Justin must have read my mind. "I named it after you." he said wrapping his 
loving arms around my neck. "Now go get dressed." I ran upstairs finding some 
comfortable clothes when a fimalier tune hits my ears.

Can this be true tell me can this be real...

I looked out my window to see all of the guys singing. I walked downstairs 
and let them finish singing as Justin and I swayed back and forth. We got in 
the balloon and set off for a romantic evening.

*up in the sky a few Hours Later*

I noticed a gold chain wrapped around Justin's neck, one i had never seen 
before. "What's this?" I questioned. Justin smiled. "My grandmother gave it 
to me before she died. She told me to give it to the one i wanna spend 
forever with and know she will treat me right." Justin said as he unhooked 
the chain letting the baby blue diamond heart-shaped ring fall into his hand. 
He got down on his knee and took my hand. "Manda, I love you with all of my 
heart and i knew the first time we made love you would be the one i was 
spending forever with." Tears clouded my eyes. "Will You Marry me?" He asked 
so sincerly but with such eagerness in his eyes. "Yes, of course." I said as 
he slipped the ring on my finger. It was really loose but i could deal. 
Justin stood up and kissed me.


It was about 7:00 and Justin and I decided to get some dinner.

"Your looking kinda low on gas." I said reading his gas gage. "Well there is 
a gas station a couple miles down the road." He said putting his hand on my 

*Few Miles Later*

We were about to go over train tracks and the lights and barriers were going 
down and Justin thought he could make it. We sped up onto the tracks and the 
car died. A train whistle sounded in the distance as i peered out Justin's  
window and saw the faint glow of the train. "Justin go!" I said as my heart 
raced. Justin tried to start the car. "Justin this isn't funny!" I said as 
the train approached. "I'm- Not- Get out!" He said opening his door. we got 
out and stared at the beemer. The trains horn blew louder it was about a mile 
away when i realized, The ring! It must have fallen off. "Justin the ring I 
Have to go get it!" I said running back toward the car that laid in the path 
of the train. Justin held me back. "No I'll get it." He ran to the car as the 
train got dangerously close blowing its horn repeatedly. "Justin....NO...GET 
BACK HERE....PLEASE!" I shouted. "Justin its coming!" I screamed all of a 
sudden the train smashed the car knocking the train off the tracks. 
"JUSTIN!!" I screamed franticlly, falling to the ground and i blacked out.

I Woke up in a hospital bed remebering everything. "Justin!" I said running 
out of my room. I ran down into the clinic and asked for him. Terrified that 
they might tell me it's to late and he was dead. They wouldn't tell me where 
he was so i searched. I walked into a room seeing Justin' lifeless body being 
worked on by a doctor and nurse. I gasped at his sight. "Justin." I cried 
outloud, making the nurse look up. "Ma'am you can't be here!" she said 
pulling me away. "NO!" i said pushing her off of me. The doctor led the nurse 
out of the room leavng me with Justin The room was silent as tears rolled 
down my face. I went to his side and held his stiff hand. I kissed his lips. 
Justin let out a moan, "Manda?" Justin cried out in pain. "I'm here." I 
cried. "Manda, I love you so much." More hot tears streamed down my face. 
"Look in my left hand." Justin said. closing his eyes tightly at the pain. I 
walked over and slowly opened his hand and there sat the ring. "Oh Justin." I 
cried. "Manda...Kiss me." I closed my eyes tightly letting the tears fall. I 
tried to control my unbearable shaking. I laid a gental kiss on his lips. "I 
Love you." I whispered. "I love you too." I kissed him one last time and then 
he took his last breath. "No!" I cried outloud. "Not yet Timberlake, Please!" 
I begged, sobbing even harder. I fell on his chest sobbing. "Miss..." The 
nurse said above a whisper knowing what just happened. "Whats your name?" I 
looked at her with heart broken eyes. "Mandy...Mandy Timberlake."

*One Year Later

I stood at the head stone and laid the rose down. "Hey baby...Its been two 
years since we confessed our love for each other...and we made love." I said. 
"I'm sorry i wanted this ring  so bad, cause i miss dancing with you." I said 
as a single tear fell down my cheek. I traced the words 'My Angel' on his 
headstone and kissed it. I felt Jc wrapp his arm around my shoulders. "Come 
on." He said.  I cried on his shoulder as we headed to the car. A soft breeze 
hit my ear. "I Love You." I turned around quickly and saw noone. I smiled, "I 
Love you too."

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