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In bed with him... WOW! so interesting, isn´t?



What's essential to him: To be in love. He really feels desire for a girl if he feels something special for her, too.
What he likes the most: To be kissed softly on his chest and abdomen.
His kissing way: He is soft and passionate. He says that he does not have any technique and he likes to just get carried away.
A caress that drives him crazy: Tickling the nape of his neck. If she has long nails, it's even better.
He looks at: A girl's ankles and lips. Seeing a girl moistening her lips in a sexy way turns him on.
He likes to start by: Caressing his beloved's face and by touching her lips before kissing her.
His favorite sensation: Having her head rest against his chest while he hugs her.
His intimate dream: He would love to live a history like the one with Rose and Jack in Titanic, but with a happy ending.
His strongest confession: "To me, the best place to make love is in bed and if the sheets are satin, then it's the best. I know it is not original but it's great."
He does not like: The dates in which the girl tries to hurry everything. He prefers to take his time and spend the night talking or sleeping. He also doesn't like if the girl is dumb and has nothing to say. If the girl is beautiful, but she can't talk about anything, then all his passion disappears.

