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100 questions for Howie D.


1.- What's love for you?
Love it's find the ideal person to share your life with.

2.- Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes! I'm sure someday I'll meet a girl and just seeing her I will think: 'She's is. She's the girl with who I will get marry.

3- When did you shave for the first time?
When I was 14. And I felt like an idiot!

4- Have you ever been sick of the fans?
No, never. I need their love and support, because without them there wouldn't be BSB.

5- Are you nervous before a concert?
Yes, specially if it's first time we perform in that place.

6. Weird or clasic clother?
I think I'm very clasic... specially compared to AJ!

7- What's your fave object?
My bed! Sleep in it it's the most wonderfull feeling on this world.

8- Blond or dark-haired?
Dark-haired and latins.

9. How you keep fit?
I do sit-up's every day.

10- What's your fave instrument?
Piano and guitar.

11- Do you have Spanish blood?
Yes. My mother is from Puerto Rico and her ancestors were Spanish.

12. What was the first album you've ever bought?
"Thriller" by Michael jackson.

13. Why they call you "Sweet D."?
"D" comes from my surname and"Sweet" because I never get angry.

14- Can you drive?
Yes, I've got a convertible, a Corvette and a van.

15. What's your fave book?
"The lid", by john Grisham. And I also like horror novels.

16- What song would you dance to with the girl of your dreams?
"Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers or "The most beautiful girl in the world" by Prince.

17- What actrees would you invite to dinner?
Demi Moore.

18- What's your fave movie?
"Titanic" and "La Dolce Vita".

19- What are your fave tv programs?
Humor series, as "Fresh Air Prince", and domestic videos programs.

20- Can you cook?
Yes. My specialty is curry chicken and hamburger with chips.

21- What's your fave colour?

22- What do you wear for sleep?
Silk Pj's.

23- What cologne do you use?
Cool Water.

24- What kind of girls do you like?
Optimist and positive girls, who now what they want.

25- What was your fave subject?

26- What do you do in your free time?
I go to the cinema or go out with my friends.

27- How would you describe yourself in three words?
Romantic, sincere and loving.

28- What has been the saddest moment of your life?
When my sister Caroline died.

29- Are you living alone?
No, I still live with my parents in our house in Orlando.

30- Where would you tell your love to a girl?
In the beach, under the moon and the stars.

31- What would you change of your personality?
I would like to be less perfectionist, less shy... And go to bed early

32- You rather seduce or be seduced?

33- Do you write a diary?
No, but I've got a recorder in my pocket. And I record my thoughts.

34- Is it true taht you are sleepwalker?
Yes. I talk in my sleep and sometimes I have even get up.

35- Are you still studying Spanish?
Si, I barely have the time to open my books.

36- What would you do if you had a year off?
Sail along the caribean islands.

37- What kind of girls you can't stand?
Conceited girls and girls obsessed with her silouette or weight.

38- What's the part of your body you like most?
My hands and abs.

39- And what least?
My hair and legs.

40- Would you appear naked in a film?
No. My mother would have a fit!

41- What's your fave food?
Chinesse food and paella.

42- Who encourages you to become an artist?
My grandmother and my sister Polly.

43- Who was your first love?
A girl of my class. I engraved our names in the Statue of Lieberty while we were on a trip in New York.

44- Have they ever broke your heart?
Yes, twice.

45- What do you do when you are nervous?
Eat chewing gum.

46- What's your worst nightmare?
Going bald!

47- City or countryside?
City. I'm alergic of some trees and when I go to the cuntryside I spend all day sneezing.

48- What's your fave quote?
"Treat people as you like to be treated".

49- What do you think about Nick?
He's one of my best friends. Have fun with him it's easy.

50- And about Kev?
He's my best friends. He's a great person and I admire him a lot.

51- And about AJ?
You can always trust in him.

52- And about Brian?
He's so funny but never with the important things.

53- Do you lie often?
No, never. I'd rather don't answer than lie.

54- Are you religious?
Yes. I recieved a religious education and I believe in God completly.

55- How tall are you?
About 5'6".

56- What are your fave sports?
Swimming, surf and tennis.

57- Do you colect something?
Yes, vests.

58- What's your fave jewel?
A gold cross my mother gave me.

59- Which's your fave BSB song?
"Anywhere for you" and "Spanish eyes".

60- Cats or dogs?
Both. I love animals.

61- How would you filtr with a girl?
Dancing and telling her what I feel for her.

62. What do you find sexy?
A tight shirt.

63. When was the first time you be on a stage?
When I was seven. In "The Wizard of Oz", a musical where my sister worked in.

64- What's been the latest joke they have played on you?
Nick put me a Kit Kat bar in my mouth while I was sleeping, that happens to me becasuse I sleep with my mouth open!

65- What's the hardest thing of being a BSB?
Be far away from your family.

66- What's the first thing you do when you got up?
Have breakfast, toast with jam.

67- And the last thing before going to sleep?
Thank God, for have given me another day.

68- What has been the worst date you've ever had?
Once, while I was kissing a girl one of my back tooth fell down.

69- Have you ever been embarrased on stage?
Yes, once I stumble and almost fell over the first rows.

70- What's your debility?
Gum teddies and whipped cream.

71- What gets you angry?
Fights. I hate arguing.

72- Have you got any scar?
Yes one in my arm.

73- What posters do you have in your room?
One of the BSB, of our beggining.

74- What did you do before joining the BSB?
Commercials, theatre, cinema... and I also worked as a guide in the Universal studios.

75- Do you like shopping?
Yes I love shopping.

76- What was your fave toy?
My Batman motorbike.

77- Do you always keep your body guad with you?
No, just when I'm with the group.

78- Who's for you the most wonderfull girl on Earth?
My mother Paula.

79- What are you afraid of?

80. Do you have any complex?
Now I don't, but when I was little I found myself fat and ugly

81- What do your parent think about your fame and fans?
Very good. My mother take pics with them.

82- Are you tidy?
Yes, a lot.

83- What do you do for not get bored when you travel?

84- Where would you spend your honeymoon?
By the sea.

85- What are your fave countries?
The USA and Spain.

86- Do you like going fast?
Yes, and I got some fines that confirm it.

87- Are you ticklish?
Yes, very tickish!

88- Do you have girlfriend?
No, but I date with girls often.

89- What would you bring with you to a desert island?
Sunglasses, music and a ceelphone.

90- What's your fave season?

91- What feeling wouldn't you change for nothing?
Watch the sunset from my house yard.

92- Sex and love are the same thing?
No, but I prefer them together.

93- Night or day?
Night. It's more romantic and magic.

94- What you bring with you in your suitcase?
Everything! I'm the one who brings more suitcases.

95- Do you have any tattoo?
No, I don't like them

96- What's your bigges wish?
See the future and read someone else mind.

97- What BSB would you like to be look-alike?
None of them, but I would like to be as impulsive as AJ.

98- What's one of your bad habits?
I'm not punctual.

99- Why do you like your job?
Because I can make people happy.

100- How do you kiss?
With passion


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