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Read it very good and you'll know how you should to touch him!!!



For Leos, the astrological erogenous zones are the spine and back.
The hair is another good spot, but we'll concentrate on the back.
In the bath, use a loofah sponge to gently work down the spine, pausing in the small of the back, then circle out to the sides and ribs.
In the bet-room, while Leo lies on his stomach, shake talcum powder over the back. Using your hands or a soft-bristled brush, smooth the powder into the skin, paying particular attention to the spine and the small of the back. Place the heels of your hands on the small of Leo's back with your thumbs resting directly over the spine. Using a circular motion, make 6-inch circles with the heels of your hands. Trace a path from the shoulders to the small of the back, repeating until the entire back has been massaged.
By the end of this, Leo should be VERY relaxed. If he's dozing off, you can wake him up quick by sticking an ice cube on his neck. Just kidding!! Really, you should very lightly, just barely touching the skin, draw lines down the shoulders to his cute little tush with your fingertips or, even better, your fingernail.
He'll come up off that bed like he was spring-loaded!

