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Howie Quotes


- "I think of girls as exotic birds, they are great to look at but hard to catch, and easily fly away"

- "This is Howie Do It!"

- "Rock on wit' your bad self! Uh!"

- "Not being loved frightens me. I'm a very loving person and for me to give out so much love - and not recieve any in return really scares me."

- "I don't think there's anything corny about romance. I think it's beautiful."

- "A lot of people think that I'm shy, but once they get to know me, they realize that I'm not shy at all"

- "It's crazy. It's nuts. It's, like...surreal. Is that the right word?"




- "When I was younger, I had a bunch of rabbits. At one time, I had about 30. One's name was Thumper and another one's name was Skully."

- "If you don’t want it to happen to you, don’t do it to anyone else"

- "Considering we're with each other 24-7, we've grown to love each other. We have a tight bond. We know which buttons to push and which not to."

- "I had kind of an awkward childhood. I've been in the business since I was 6, so my free time, after school or during weekends or whatever, was always tied up doing auditions, plays or voice lessons. I didn't really get into dating until my last couple of years of high school."

- "...and stuff like that!"

- "I was always the shy guy. It took a lot of nerve to ask somebody out or to ask somebody to dance. That was like the biggest thing."

- "Aj, don't ever do that with me in public again alright!"

- "I've learned a lot over the past few years. I say what's on my mind a lot more now and I'm not scared of what people think of me."




- "I love hugs and kisses. I think it's because I grew up in a big family. Even now I grab my mom and give her kisses all over and she's like, 'Oh Howard Pleeeease!"

- "Oops upside my head , I said ooops upside my head. LOL just joking"

- "One of the Temptations gave me the best advice I ever got in my life: That show business is two words. He said, 'You've got to watch the business because while you are on the show, somebody can be taking off with your business."

- "I prefer to talk from the heart and go with the way I feel. A few people have told me they find it warming and romantic."

- "Brian is a five finger discount man"

- "We just try to bring a little happiness into people's lives. To know that you made them happy and that you brought something special into their lives, that makes you feel good."

- "I got everyone thinking, Man that Howie just wants a woman to take care of him!"





- "I'm the shortest member of the group...good things come in small packages!"

- "I was scared of being alone because I always had everybody around me since I had such a big family. Then my brothers started getting older and they were doing their own things and my sisters had boyfriends, they weren't around the house as much. I'd have all the lights on and everything."

- "Cause we're back! And we're from the street! And we're boys!"

- "For me crying is something I'm pretty open about. It's just a way of expressing your feelings."

- "I am way, way uncool !!!"

- ¿Got any wedding plans yourself then?
"Oh no, not me! I'll probably be the last. I am a single man still, and I'm just doing the dating scene, It is kinda weird. I try it here and there, but I just have so many things going on in my life at the moment, I just don't have the time. I still love women though, a lot! I'm not at the crossroads or anything, heh-heh. They say "Oh right, Howie doesn't have a girlfriend, he must be gay." But I have just reached a point where I finally have my own place which I'm just about to move into with my brother, Johnny. My life is just so crazy at the moment!"

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