There it was, no way anyone could miss the fat lip I got by hitting that table awhile ago. Brian had made sure that I held a wet washcloth with ice wrapped in it to my mouth until I could feel the frost bite building up in not only my lips but my fingers from holding onto the stupid thing. By the looks of things and not to mention my lip, it was a complete waste of time! Not only was my upper lip swollen and redder than normal - it sorta looked like I had a ton of lipstick on - but I could see that I was getting a dark circle underneath my right eye!
Just peachy! I looked like the survivor of a street fight and judging by how mashed up my lip looked, I wasn't the winner in the competetion either! Brian had hung up the phone with a loud thud that I dropped the washcloth.
Just as I dropped the white hotel washcloth, Brian came storming over toward me. "Nick! Put that back on your lip!"
"It was on the floor!" I protested firmly.
Brian scooped it up and started toward my mouth with it. "It's okay."
" it isn't.......germs!"
Judging by the look on Brian's face, I had definately pushed his run for sainthood. I think I pissed the guy off.
"Sit tight then, I'll get you a fresh towel."
I could swear he had a sissy fit. What gives on that? I didn't think I was being all that unreasonable and heck, I could have gotten up and grabbed a new washcloth myself. What a prick.
"Hey who were you on the phone with that got a stick up your ass over?"
Brian stuck his head around the corner of the bathroom doorway. I knew that I had pressed a wrong button by the scowl that was pasted on the Kentuckian's face.
"Well you do seem kinda pissed off."
"I don't like you saying I have a stick up my ass so yeah, I guess I would be pissed off about that."
Boy my head was pounding! "Can I have some tylenol? My head hurts like a bitch."
"Would you like me to bake a pizza too while I'm at it?"
Why was Brian being mean to me all of a sudden? I didn't think I was being such a pain in the ass,,,,all I wanted was some tylenol for this Osama of a headache. "I'll get it myself, don't bother."
Brian pushed me back down on the chair. "You stay put, I don't want you falling down and messing up something else on your body."
I felt like a little kid as I watched Brian go through my backpack looking for my bottles of medicines. After a few moments of pawing through the bag, Brian dumped it out ontop of the bed.
"Nick! How many times have we had this talk about you and candy bars and what it'll do to your complextion?"
"I dunno."
Thank God there was a knock on the door! At least dumbass would lose interest in the candy and leave me alone. While Brian went to answer the door, I got up and shoved the contents of my backpack back to where it belonged and fortunately for me I found my bottle of tylenol!
"Yo Nickster! Heard you're being a pain in the ass!"
All I could do was shrug my shoulders at AJ. Why try and defend myself? It wouldn't work anyway.
"He's been worse than a little kid, I swear! I'm sorry Nick but you've whined since you woke up from that short nap and you just seem kinda off or something."
"But we're talking about Carter here......he never acts normal."
"Thanks're a real friend," I mumbled through the washcloth. "Can I take this stupid thing off my mouth now?"
"Yeah kid, lets see how messed up your face looks."
"It ain't that bad," I replied as I thankfully took the wet cloth off my mouth. The sound of AJ sucking his breath in told me instantly that he didn't agree with my own observation.
"Eww....put the cloth back on your mouth!"
"It looks okay dumbass," I hissed as I tossed the used cloth ontop of the bed next to me.
"You've got a fat lip and a black eye. Boy the press will have fun with this. Who do you want to say finally got fed up with Nick?" AJ asked as he threw himself onto the bed by the window.
I think my brain took a vacation. I looked down at my hand and discovered a bottle of tylenol. After a few minutes of trying to figure out why I was holding it I remembered that I had a headache. I guess it was the constant pounding in my head when I remembered. I got up and walked toward the bathroom, totally ignoring Brian and AJ. They were sick of me so why should I ask for help?
I had only been standing in front of the bathroom mirror for 2 seconds when Brian walked in, a bottle of Aquafina in his hand. "You better not drink that tap water or you'll have diarrhea ontop of all your other problems to deal with."
I grabbed the bottle. "I'm not a total fuck up."
"Yeah and I'm the pope," AJ laughed from the other room.
Tossing two tylenols in my mouth, I drank 1/2 the bottle of water quickly. I went to the bathroom while I was in there and decided after that I was going to go lay back down and take another nap. I was tired!
Have you ever had the feeling that your nose was runny? Like when you have a bad cold or after you've been up all night crying? I quickly found out that it wasn't a runny nose when:
1. I wiped underneath my nose and bright red blood was on my finger.
2. AJ's mouth dropped open.
3. Brian fainted.
That guy never could stand to see blood. Mine or his!