Kaos Equals Trouble

Kaos Equals Trouble - Chapter 27

One minute I was laying on the bathroom floor in a hotel room and the next minute I'm sitting on a plane heading for home. At least thats the way I remember it. My mind was becoming more and more like swiss cheese lately.

"How ya doin' Nicky?" Brian asked as he rubbed my shoulder.

"I'm seriously getting sick of people asking me that every two seconds!" I grumbled. Judging by the look on his face, I realized I must have hurt his feelings. "I'm sorry.....I'm fine I guess."

"You don't have to apologize to me buddy....we're just concerned about you."

I shrugged my shoulders to that statement. Why were they concerned about me?? I was okay.

This time it was Kevin that leaned over to stare at me.

"Nick, why don't you put your seat back and try to catch some sleep?"

"I'm not tired," I protested, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You look like shit Kaos, take a nap," AJ rasped from his seat across the aisle.

"Yeah Nicky...you'll feel better if you get some sleep...you were up most of the night last night," Howie added.

I dragged a hand over my face. I don't remember being up last night. Like I said earlier, I was laying on the floor in the hotel bathroom. That was the last thing I remember.

"Why are you guys sooooo concerned about me sleeping? I think I'm old enough to decide if I'm tired!"

"Because you've been through a lot over the past week," Brian said quietly.

"That is an understatement," Kevin added with a shake of his head. "You've put all of us through some weird hellto th."

"You guys are making a big deal about me puking at some meet and greet thingie.....I'm not tired and I'm fine."

Okay aside from the sound of the engines I could have sworn the airplane was dead silent when I made that comment. Howie, AJ, Kevin and Brian were looking at me with weird looks on their faces and I think AJ had his mouth open......I unbuckled my seat belt.

"I gotta use the restroom," I announced quietly as I started to stand up. "Is that okay with y'all?"

I barely had the last few words out of my mouth when Kevin stood up.

"I'll walk beside you Nick, your balance hasn't been the greatest."

"I think I can manage the few feet from my seat to the bathroom," I whined.

I didn't mean to whine but geesh, they seriously are starting to get on my nerves! After I took a few steps I suddenly realized why Kevin was getting all protective on my ass when I literally fell into the seat of a not-so-happy business man!

"I'm so sorry," I quickly apologized.

Thankfully Kevin was right beside me and grabbed my upper arm and helped me back to my feet.

"So sorry, sir," he added to the man as he helped me stand up.

There wasn't any turbulence on the plane....when did my balance start to suck? Once we reached the bathroom door, Kevin looked at me like I was going to leave on a long trip or something.

"You know those bathrooms aren't very big, just lean against the wall while you're going," he whispered the directions.

"I think I can handle taking a piss by myself," I hissed as I opened the door. "People are gonna think we're gay or something....please go sit back down."

I could tell that Kevin was feeling some sort of separation anxiety or something as I was closing the door. Seriously, that guy has some issues!

"How come you didn't stay with the kid?" AJ asked after he watched Kevin sit back in his seat.

Kevin shook his head as he muttered, "Something about not wanting to look gay."

"He's been so worried about being tagged with that lately," Brian grinned.

"I have no idea why he's been preoccupied with that lately," Howie added.

AJ laughed. "I think he overheard a fan one time about a rumor and Kaos took off on the thought."

Kevin glanced at his watch. "Well I don't know about all that but don't you think the kid has been in there longer than normal?"

"Maybe he's constipated," AJ wondered outloud.

"He said he had to take a piss."

"Well you know Carter, he gets embarassed about bodily functions anyway."

"Well we all can't be as open and free about some of the stuff you think is funny, AJ," the Latino said with a grimace.

With a grunt, Kevin got up from his seat. "I swear this kid is gonna make me turn gray." He stood outside of the closed bathroom door, knocking softly. "Nick.......Nicky?"

After a few moments of tense silence from the other side of the door, Kevin was finally rewarded with the blonde unlocking the door. A sweaty faced Nick Carter stared at Kevin with a glassy-eyed look in his eyes.

"Can't a guy take a piss in private?" I mumbled as I slowly walked past the older man.

Kevin was practically walking down my back and I seriously could feel him watching me as I held onto each seat. "A five minute one?"


Kevin looked nervously around the plane after I confronted him.

"Calm down little man....nothing to get upset over, just take your seat."

A flight attendant hurried toward the seats where the we were at. "You need to calm down...you're upsetting the other passengers."

"I'm sorry, he's not feeling well," Kevin apologized.

"I think there is a doctor aboard this flight, would you like me to have him take a look at your friend?" the flight attendant offered.

"I'm fine!" I growled.

"I was going to say no but I'm beginning to think that it wouldn't hurt to have someone take a look at him," Kevin agreed.

"This is stupid," I grumbled. "Why are you bothering someone? Whats the point?"

"Because maybe you need to have someone give you something to put your ass to sleep," AJ said in a harsh whisper.

"I told you people I wasn't tired."

Before I could finish my arguement, a man probably the same age as Kevin with a small black medicine bag came up to our seats.

"I'm Dr. Neil Johnson, the flight attendant asked me to take a look at you," he said as he crouched in the aisle next to the row.

Kevin was quick to offer his hand. "I'm Kevin Richardson...its Nick that is having some problems."

I shot Kevin the dirtiest look I could manage. I seriously wanted to kill him. I hate doctors and hospitals but now he has a doctor looking at me with twenty billion people staring at me while he did it?? What the hell is he thinking?

"What seems to be the problem?"

The doctor had neat looking eyes....I know its a guy and I'm seriously not that way but you know what I mean? It was like a pale blue in the center and darker blue on the outer edges.

"About a week ago he got knocked when he was rushed by some fans..."

Okay this is the first time I've heard about this.

"When did this happen?" I interrupted.

"He hasn't been the same since---"

"Kevin what are you talking about?"

"Did he lose consciousness?"

"I didn't lose anything because Kevin is making this up so you give me something to go to sleep!"

Why was everyone against me? I can't believe that he is making stuff up.....Lou is mad at me because he made things up I'll bet and this is probably why we were flying home and none of management was on the plane with us. I am gonna be in trouble when I get home, my dad will be pissed not to mention my mom!

"Wasn't he seen by a doctor after this happened?"

"He was seen by a registered nurse and she diagnosed Nick with a concussion..."

Okay looking at Kevin's face while he said this to the doctor he seriously looked embarrassed and like he was gonna cry!?! Kevin Richardson never cries....well at least in front of me he didn't!

"So he was never seen by a doctor?"

"We had strict management and we didn't have any other choice so basically I booked the flight home so that Nick could be seen by his family doctor in the states. If it was up to our manager we would still be working and wouldn't be going home until later on this week."

By the look on that doctor's face he was really mad.

What the heck?!

"I'm not going to do a full eval on this young man but you realize you've put him at a serious risk for injuries by failing to have him seen by a physician."

"I'm fine.....you can go sit back down."

I think Kevin was going to have a stroke when I said that. He got really red in the face and that one vein popped out on the side of his forehead.

"What is his name?"

Helllloooo I'm like sitting in front of you!

"My name is Nick." I flashed a grin for good measure. He didn't seem to be swayed by that though...

"Okay Nick, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Before getting on the plane?"

"Yes, before getting on the plane."

"I was laying on the bathroom floor in the hotel."

That was a pretty easy answer....

"Laying on the bathroom floor?"

....or not.

"Yeah I was going to take a bath and I think I passed out?" I looked at Kevin for confirmation.

"He was getting cleaned up from when he had thrown up at an autograph signing."

"You mean to tell me that you had this poor boy working even though he had a concussion?"

Kevin pinched the bridge of his nose.....great he was getting pissed with the doctor!

"It wasn't my idea, we're under contracts with some strict managers and this will be something that I will be adressing once we're back in the states. Please just take a look at Nick."

"Alright Nick. Do you know what year this is?"

Was this guy for real?

"It's 1996."

Ooookay looks like I didn't answer that question right.


"Its 1997.....but thats okay," the doctor replied with a sigh. "Has he had other symptoms?"

"His balance is for crap right now," AJ filled in.

I seriously wanted to kick his boney ass right now! This doctor is gonna think I'm screwed up or something.

"I accidently fell into some guy's lap on my way to the bathroom a few minutes ago....no big deal."

"Vomiting, balance issues, double vision, memory loss and we're not sure what else Nick is keeping from us."

"Anything you want to add to the list Nick?"

I just shook my head. I had no idea whats going on so what could I say?

It was after I shook my head I saw the doctor pull out a syringe and a small bottle of medicine! Crap! I fricken hate needles! Next thing I knew I was feeling all floaty and sleepy.......