Kaos Equals Trouble

Kaos Equals Trouble - Chapter 28

I think I'm in hell......

You know how you feel all sleepy and floaty and high? Like you wanna go to sleep but you can't go to sleep?? That was how I was feeling right now.....all sleepy and floaty and high!

I seriously think I'm in hell....

Kevin had his face about two inches from mine and I could smell garlic. "Nicky? Are you alright?"

What the heck!

"Of course I'm alright!" I mumbled with a small grin added for emphasis.

"I wasn't expecting the patient to respond like this," the doctor muttered with a shake of his head.

"What were you expecting?" AJ demanded.

Great! Now we've got AJ getting involved! This seriously wasn't gonna be good!

"AJ.....keep it down!" Kevin whispered harshly.

I waivered my hand at Bone.

"He's just jealous cause I'm high and he ain't," I giggled.

Kevin turned his attention from AJ toward me. "Nick! Shush!"

Great! Now the old man is pissed at me.

"What did I do wrong? I just said that Bone is pissed cause he ain't high."

Brian started patting my shoulder. "Nick how about you close your eyes and get some rest."

"I want to know why this doctor is confused at how Nicky reacted to the drug he gave him. Seriously, what kind of a doctor are you man?" AJ muttered.

The doctor puffed out his chest after he stood up. "I'm a medical doctor!"

"Could of fooled me," AJ replied.

"You need to take your friend to his doctor as soon as the plane lands..."

"So thats it? You give Nick some drug and he doesn't react to it the way you planned and you're going to bail on him?" Howie questioned the doctor.

Ya know, even though we tease Howie about bringing his medicine cabinet with him on every tour, I think Howie secretly wanted to be a doctor instead of a singer. I swear that guy has more common sense about medical things than even Kevin Richardson.....God I hope I didn't say that outloud.....I looked over at Kevin and he was standing, staring at the doctor....

Nope, didn't say it outloud....

"I love you Howie!"

Ooops, I definately said that outloud!

"And D loves you too Nick, close your eyes and try to rest," Brian said to me with that concerned voice he has when he sounds like he wants to cry.

You know how I mentioned how sleepy and floaty I was feeling? Now I felt all itchy.....what the hell!


"I'm fine."

"I didn't ask if you were fine yet," Brian replied. "Guys!"

"What the hell did you give the kid?" Kevin demanded.

"He's having an allergic reaction," Howie called out to the doctor who was already heading back to his seat.

"I said I'm fine...." I said as I scratched my neck...then my arm....then my legs.....

Dr. Johnson pulled out a vial of some type of medication and a new syringe.

Kevin put a hand on the doctor's arm. "Wait...what are you planning on giving Nick now?"


"And that would be what?" AJ rasped at the doctor.

God I love it when Bone gets involved! For a small guy he can be pretty intimidating!

"Liquid antihistimine....now if you'll let me tend to the patient, I can relieve his discomfort before his throat closes."

My eyes must have bugged out like those cartoons characters because I could have just sworn he said my throat was going to close!

Before anyone or even me could protest, the doc quickly swabbed my upper arm with rubbing alcohol and plunged the needle into my skin. God, that hurt like a bitch! My vision blurred as the tears sprung to my eyes but I sure as hell wasn't gonna cry!

"You know you wouldn't have had to give Nick that if you knew what the fuck you were doing," AJ mumbled.

"Let's not piss the doctor off," Howie quietly reminded AJ.

After giving me the shot, the doctor stared at me for a few moments, holding my wrist and then looking at his watch. I tried my best to watch him watch me but my eyes were having a hard time staying open. Remember how I said I was sleepy but I couldn't go to sleep?

Scratch that thought.


"What the fuck just happened?" AJ asked with a shake of his head.

"I have no idea but I think that doctor had no clue what he was doing," Howie answered as he looked to where the doctor was seated on the plane.

Kevin raked a hand through his hair in a defeated gesture.

"Don't beat yourself up over it Kev, you did what you thought was right," Brian said.

Kevin sighed. "This is has been one hell of a bad tour for the poor kid from one minute to the next."

"Well most of the stuff that happened to Kaos has been his own fault," AJ added.

Kevin stared at the tattooed rebel. "How do you figure?"

"Well... you know, when he gave himself a black eye from his backpack....when he went to the bathroom without anyone from security going with him to make sure he wouldn't get mobbed....stuff like that."

Kevin shook his head negatively as he thought. "Well Nick doesn't use good judgement in some instances but this doctor thing was my fault."

"No it wasn't Kevin, we all would have thought this was a good idea, how were we to know that this guy had no clue what he was doing?" Howie replied.

"Howie's right......Kaos just has bad luck," AJ agreed.

Brian looked over at the sleeping teen. "Bad luck is an understatement. I mean if it were any one of us, we probably wouldn't have had an allergic reaction to the medication that doctor was giving. Nick just had his share of bad luck to last for the rest of the year."

"As long as he's comfortable right now, I guess I should be happy," Kevin replied with a sigh.

"So why don't you look happy?" Howie and Brian asked at the same time.

"Are you worried about meeting the attorneys?" AJ questioned.

"Bigger things," Kevin replied.

"As in?"

Kevin glanced over at Nick as he spoke. "Bob and Jane Carter."

Chapter 29