A Second Chance
Chapter Eleven

Nick looked at his surroundings when he woke up. He was confused to find that he was laying in a hospital, he couldn't remember what landed him there in the first place.

Looking over to his left, Nick noticed an old man, laying in a hospital bed. He found that odd that he would have a stranger in his room, but as Nick looked around the room, he noticed that this wasn't an average hospital room. This man had a shelf lined with tons of personal items and pictures. As he looked straight past his feet, Nick took a quick breath in when he noticed that the shelf that was in the wall in front of his bed had pictures of his friends and family too.

Nick wanted to push his nurse call button, but it was laying on the end table next to his bed and out of reach. As he became more aware of his surroundings, he realized that he was on oxygen among other things. Trying to recall his last memory, Nick found that he had none. The only thing that was in his mind right now was the present, the current. He rememembered his friends and family but he couldn't bring up any specific dates or events.

Finally a nurse entered the room. She first walked over to the patient in the other bed, talking to him in a baby like voice telling him to drink what was in the cup she held up to his mouth. Next she came over to Nick's bed, another cup was in her hand.

"Here, I need you to drink this," the girl shouted at Nick, her face inches away from his.

"Where am I and what's happened?" Nick questioned the nurse.

"It's okay sweetie, I know you don't like to drink this stuff, but it's for your own good."

Nick stared at her for a moment. That wasn't what he had said to her, she must not have been paying attention he thought. He tried again.

Nick could feel his heart literally sink when he listened to his voice. No wonder she was answering like that, he thought, it wasn't because she didn't listen it was because she couldn't understand what he was saying. The words came out garbled and slurred.

"Come on Nick, we can do this by your mouth or the other way, now please cooperate with me," the nurse urged.

Hearing her say that, freaked Nick out. He quickly dropped his mouth open and drank the thick, chalky tasting liquid.

"There hun, that's the way. If I can catch you in time before this works, I'll be back in about two hours so we don't have to change your bed and bathe you like we did yesterday."

It only took a few moments before what she said registered in Nick's head. He was mortified to think that this was or had actually happened.

Looking at the TV set that was hanging in front of him, Nick decided he may as well watch some TV. He commanded his right hand to reach for the buttons and turn the set on. Instead of his arm going directly towards the set, it drifted away from his intended target. After three tries, Nick gave up and closed his eyes.

+Chapter Twelve+