
Never Satisfied

I leaned back in my chair and listened as the four other men in the group talked. It had been a long day in the studio, working on the fourth album.

And frankly I was exhausted, tired. Tired of getting up early every morning, tired of straining my vocals, tired of autographs, tired of being "perfect", tired of everything. While I didn't tell the other guys, deep down I knew I wanted out... out of the *Nsync... out of the business altogether.

I wanted out of the business that all through childhood I had fought to get into, wanting to conquer the world with my voice. Little did I know that by age 26 the world would conquer me.

"JC, you aiight?" the tall blond, Justin, asked swinging his bag across his shoulder, preparing to leave the studio. Suddenly I realized that everyone had left and just the two of us were left in the room

I nodded,"I'm fine, fine... just thinking."

"'Bout Bobbi?" Justin suggested, referring to my long term girlfriend who I had broken up with a couple months prior.

I rolled my eyes, "Will you guys let that go? I dumped her!"

Justin shrugged,"Bye, man..." and left the room.

I slid my chair back and propped my feet up on the table in front of me and staired down at the papers from the conference with the rest of the guys. And the contract I had just signed, that sold me away to Jive for another 6 years.

I sighed,"I'm a god damn celebrity and you could think for once I could be happy... for just two moments in my life, be really truly happy..."