The rain came pouring down outside the tour bus as I lay awake in my bunk. Lance lay snoring below me on another bunk. Thunder roared along with the engine of the bus as it drove along some lonely highway. Why couldn't I get to sleep? I didn't know why, but it prevented me any way you looked at it. For several minutes I lay there, trying to sleep. Listened to the rain hit the windows of the bus.
But after what seemed like hours, I got out of my bunk and went to go watch t.v. in the back room. Justin and Britney were curled up next to each other on one half of the wraparound couch. To think this was one of their usual dates. Never anything normal with the dinner and a movie, but something adequate and secretive. I tiptoed over them and sank down into the couch. In the darkness I searched for the remote, but was unsuccessful.
I was about to give up and turn it on manually, when I came across it. "Finally.." I muttered to myself. I pressed the ON button and the t.v. flickered to life, giving off an alien green glow. I had to choose between a re-run of Happy Days, a rebroadcast of the 11 o'clock news, a late night talk show, or what MTV had to offer.
I chose MTV. But after watching video after video I was bored again. I rubbed my eyes with my hand and tried to hold back my drowsiness...yawned. As I turned my attention back to the t.v., MTV NEWS scrolled on the screen. Kurt Loder, with his pressed suit and wrinkled jawline spoke about a recent shock to the "pop music community". The Backstreet Boys, after a concert in Toledo called the tour off for the rest of the three months because AJ had strained vocal chords.
"Big whoop..." I muttered in disgust. I turned the t.v. off and made my way back to my bed. I threw the covers over my legs, yawned again, and fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning I woke up with the biggest headache, but instead of taking some aspirin to ease it, I was instructed to hurry up and get dressed for a cd signing we'd be arriving at in less than 2 hours. I knocked at the bathroom door irratated. Whoever was in there, had been in there for over 15 minutes.
"Come on man! Get out of the bathroom!" I yelled but with no luck. So instead of waiting I just opened the door. Surprisingly it was open. Billows of hot steam floated around me and escaped through the now open door. Whoever was in the shower proably used all the hot water, I thought unhappily. Without warning moans came from behind the curtain. I stepped back and realized it was Justin and Britney in the shower....TOGETHER.
Trying so hard to contain my laughter I rushed out of the bathroom to go and find Chris. Chris would love this, and why not? Justin was screwing around in the shower, so he should've remembered to lock the door. I found Chris and JC sitting on a couch in the back room. I explained what was going on and they quickly followed me. But instead of heading straight to the bathroom, I grabbed my camera on the foot of my bed. I hurried back to the bathroom and thought laughing to myself: I wonder how much this would pay for on Ebay.....???