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Chapter 1

"..... as we wish that Mr. and Mrs. Henderson rest in eternal peace."

Hope Henderson was watching her parents funeral from the top of the stairs.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around saw that it was my boyfriend, the only person I have left.

"Hey.", Mark said.

"Hi.", I said in a dull voice.

"Why aren't you down there?"

"It's too painful."

"Yeah, I understand. Listen there's something I need to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"Well, um, I don't think that we should be together anymore."


"Because I'm 25. I should be looking for someone to get married to and your just too depressing for me."

"But, I can try, I can-"

"No Hope. This is the end. I'm sorry. This is the way it has to be."

I looked away and then heard a new voice.

"Are you coming, Mark? What are you doing here anyway? Who's this?"

"No one important. Let's go, Courtney."

I felt hot tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't take this anymore. I had nothing. I had no one. What was I to live for?

When everyone was gone. I walked downstairs and stepped up to my parents coffin.

"Why did you guys leave me? Sure I'm 25, but I'm still young. I need you guys. Why did you have to go?"

I burst into tears and realized what I had to do.

"I'll be seeing you soon. I love you."

Chapter 2