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Chapter 26

"Brian.... yo Bri! Wake up, man!!!"


"What the hell just happened?", Nick yelled.

"I.... I.... saw something here and I guess i just passed out."

"What did you see?"

"It was a person. It was calling my name and I came in here and there it was."

"Who was it Brian?"

"I don't know who it was, but I'll never forget that face. I'll try and describe him for you."

"Wait, maybe I could draw while you describe."

"It might work."

Nick ran up the stairs. He took some paper and a pencil and came back down again.

"Okay, go ahead."

When they finished, Nick was stunned as he asked Brian if that was who he saw.

"Yep, that's him. Good job, Nick. Maybe we can show the police the picture and-"

"Brian, this.... this is Derrick. He's dead."

"Really? Yoy mean the saem Derrick that was-"


"Did he say anything to you?"

"Yeah. He said that she's not what she seems."



"Are you sure it was her?"

"Definitly, because he pointed to a picture of her that was on the table."

"Brian, I don't have a picture of Nicole in this room."


That was all poor little Brian could take and, once again, he passed out.

Chapter 27
