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Chapter 8

"Nicole! Oh Nicole!"

"Huh? What? Who's said that?",Nicole asked.

Nicole was in a dark room. She squinted and tried to make out where she was, but it was too dark.

"Nicole! Why did you leave me, baby?"

"Who's there?"

"Did you forget about me already? It's Derrick, baby. Why did you leave me?"

"If it's really you, then why don't you show your face?"

She saw a figure floating towards her.

"I miss you soooo much, baby. Come with me."

"No, it can't be! You're dead. Nick told me so!"

"It's me. And you're right, I am dead. I've missed you, so now I've come to take you with me!"

Nicole saw something in his hand. She couldn't make out what it was so she looked a little closer. Then it hit her. It was a gun!

"Derrick, what are you doing with that gun?!?"

"Oh this? Well, you see the only way that I can take you with me is if I kill you. And well, I think you can figure out why I brought the gun."

"Oh yeah? And how are you gonna do that?"

Nicole began to run away. She heard the bang of the gun felt something hit her from behind......


Nicole awoke to find herself soaked in sweat. She felt herself begin to shake and tremble.

"Nick! Nick! Where are you?", Nicole shouted.

Chapter 9
