Chapter Five: Heart of Innocence

“Sometimes I wake up in the dark night and in my mind there is a picture of you, I know someday this dream will come alive so for now your shadow will do…baby someday someplace I’ll hold you in my arms…”

Lea came running into Kevin’s arms at the beautiful sight set before her. They embraced and kissed. Heather watched green with envy as he whispered to Lea the words she had been longing to hear for as long as she could remember. “I love you too.” Lea replied back. She loved Kevin but she just didn’t love Kevin as much as he loved her. She was more into time alone than time with people and therefore hanging out with Kev all the time wasn’t her thing. He on the other hand would have spent every living moment with her if possible. For the good of them both that didn’t and won’t ever happen.


Cate was happy too but more in the giddy sense than anything else. She giggledand blushed as Nick escorted her to her seat. They were preset places. She smiled and bit her lip and he was delighted to know that she was obviously enjoying herself. He kissed her forehead and they began a spoon fight(EN:WOOHOOOT!) in which Em soon joined. (EN: Sorry, I had too…) They didn’t mind her intrusion as much since she didn’t get in the way of there eye contact. She was also soon dragged away by Brian and AJ to sit down at her designated area, she childishly made sure they were aware of her opinion on that action. But both boys really didn’t care that much and thought it was funny. Kat watched it all with a close eye considering ways to break up Cate and Nick. She was glad Em was being so distracting so she could watch without notice. Stephania watched in contempt as Courtney gave Howie a kiss. She couldn’t grasp the fact that Courtney could be better for Howie than her. Howie was unaware of her feelings for him and didn’t really notice her piercing stares either. Courtney did though and she began a glaring contest with her. The rest of the table either didn’t notice, care, or understand.


AJ gave a lot of extra attention towards Megs. He couldn’t help it, he was falling for her and when that happened he went with it. He was enjoying this too. She was fun, interesting, and beautiful inside and out. He could tell and he wanted to know more, he had to know more. It was destiny. She thought he was cute and felt compelled to follow this attraction for some reason. She was going off of whims, whims she was very pleased with but whims none the less. Sooner or later she knew she would have to talk to AJ about these new feelings and what they were going to do about them, in the meantime they would just have to have as much fun as possible. Lissa noticed there new relationship type thing began to grow and hated herself for not making her move with AJ sooner. She sat staring at the oblivious “couple”.


Amers was busy talking to Brian, hanging on him, flirting, etc., throughout the dinner. She couldn’t help her attraction and couldn’t stop herself form acting on those feelings. She was smitten. But Brian was still too dense to notice and too busy teasing Emily about her childish behavior that he kept encouraging. He liked to have fun and be silly too and finding someone who was alike him in that respect made his little crush seem to extend. It was a mixture of innocence and fun that he just couldn’t forget. Em was having fun too. She kept getting glares from the quieter end of the table and occasionally from Amy for reasons she hadn’t noticed yet either. But she did like Brian, who wouldn’t? During dinner she did her share of flirting too. There were games of all sorts: more spoon fights, thumb wars, arm wrestling, shoe fights (EN: WE ARE INSANE!*giggles*), and various other things.

After dinner everyone left but Cate, Nick, Amers, Brian, Em, Megs, and AJ. The guys were supposed to leave later this evening. They didn’t do anything really special but it was a great end to a meaningful evening. They talked. They shared dreams, desires, nightmares, anything. This didn’t help any attempts to stop certain feelings for people either.

This is Em's chapter. E-mail her at for feedback!

Chapter 6
Chapter 4