Goin' Hollywood, too

Welcome to the world of Hollywood Howie!
Where the corvettes are fast (and purple or yellow)...
The cellphones are surgically attached to your ear...
The limos are phat...
The clubs are jumpin'...
And Armani is the pajama of choice!
Step into Hollywood Howie's world with us, if you would...

Hollywood Howie talking on his cellphone in New York city after men strike back last year.
You know what he's doing?
He's inviting people to a phat afterparty which will feature his latin singing sister, Pollyanna, some lovely cocktails, and the hottest house on the east coast.
Janet Jackson and The Artist will also be in attendance.

This is where Hollywood Howie buys most of his "play" clothes.
He shops at D&G and the regular Armani for his party and "schmoozing" attire.
In fact, Hollywood Howie doesn't even like to GO OUT shopping.
He would rather have the stylists come to his house, with their own models, and Hollywood just points while fine ladies feed him grapes and file his toenails.

This is Hollywood Howie's phat limo.
It is 500 feet long and houses a swimming pool,
wet bar,
and small night club (with the finest DJ's on the East Coast).
Hollywood travels to the club, TABU , which he is a part owner of, in this limo.
Sunday night is NOT gay night at TABU.

Hollywood Howie at the American Music Awards.
He was really able to shine this night.
Especially cause it was in Hollywood's hometown, Hollywood.
Howie (haha) to be Hollywood:
1. Wear Armani, sunglasses, a cell phone, and drive a limo (has this not sufficiently been established).
2. Have an alter ego, someone who is not Hollywood. eg: Howie Dorough
3. Go out with women who are TOTALLY not your type.
4. Party at the finest clubs and listen to the finest DJ's on the East Coast.
5. Open up your own club.
6. Have extremely good fashion sense, buff arms, and dress like you're sometimes gay.We have no problem with people who are gay...I mean, we're not gay, but we don't have any problems with people who are.
7. Make sure Sunday night at the club is NOT gay night.
8. Own a condo somewhere on the beach (even if you don't feel at one with the ocean) as your "hollywood" escape.
9. Take extra special care of your skin and your hair, preferably going to a day spa once a week.
10. Immerse yourself in old films and musicals, sometimes dancing in your PHAT living room, pretending you are the star of them.
How NOT to be Hollywood Howie:

Redd is NOT HH. He is the farthest thing FROM HH.
So there you have it...Hollywood Howie. Stay tuned for more updates on the man...

Email: NinasFeet@aol.com