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Copyright © 2000-2003 NKOTB Never Let Them Go Fan Club / Woodward
All Rights Reserved Website Design by: Shannon L. Woodward for SLW Design

This website/organization was founded and is currently owned by Shannon Woodward. Some of the content comes from the original website by SLW Design, NKOTB Never Let Them Go Fan Club and still is copyrighted under this copyright. All content on all pages of this site, unless otherwise noted on the specific pages, is owned by Shannon Woodward. Any pictures or materials copyrighted by others is not coverd under this NKOTBFanClub copyright and is still under its original copyright. No portion of this site may be copied or used in any way without PRIOR WRITTEN permission from Shannon Woodward herself (emails not included). If there is anything you would like to use, please email Shannon Woodward at or Thank You, ahead of time, for your cooperation.


We are in no way New Kids on the Block, Management or any other employees of NKOTB. We are NON-PROFIT so Staff, Members and Volunteers will not receive any money for promoting from this site. As well as no money is made off of the sale of any items on this site. We believe that this not-for-profit use on the Web constitutes a fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the United States Copyright Law.

This organization and all content on this site are sole property of its owner and shall not be used without prior written consent of the owner.

Terms of Use

By visiting this site, you are bound to these terms:

In the terms below, WEBMASTER refers to the owner and/or maintainer of this entire site.

You agree not to threaten, harrass, take legal action against, coerse, make demands or requests of, force signatures or other legal contracts with the WEBMASTER, MEMBERS AND STAFF no matter what the reason, even if you feel you have legal right.

You agree not to hold the WEBMASTER liable for anything you find on this site.

You agree not to be an NKOTB, Label, WEBMASTER, MEMBERS, and STAFF imposter on this site, any other site, or to anyone affiliate with this site in ANY way.

You agree not to redistribute any portion on this site.

Unless specified otherwise, the WEBMASTER does not claim ownership to anything found on this site.

The WEBMASTER does not knowingly intend or attempt to offend or violate any copyright or intellectual property rights of any entity.

To the best of the WEBMASTER'S knowledge, all content, images, photos, etc. if any are being used in accordance with Fair Use Copyright Law 107.

The WEBMASTER does not claim any affiliation or connection with NKOTB or any entities referenced on this site.

This is a fan operated site and the WEBMASTER, MEMBERS AND STAFF are not compensated in any way for any portion of this site.

This site may contain material inappropriate to some viewers.

The WEBMASTER reserves the right to make changes to any part of this site at any time. These terms are in effect throughout the entire site and includes all content.