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Zac finally decided on a tight white tee shirt with a black, silver-swirled silk button up shirt to go over it. He finished the outfit off with comfortably loose jeans and black and white Adidas shoes.

"Boy, you look good," he told his mirror reflection as he pulled his hair back in a tie.

"Talking to yourself through the mirror again?" Taylor picked up the hair brush and ran it through his blond hair. "Sharice doesn't like you, you know. I'm the one she wants. She gave me her number." He grinned mischieviously as Zac's dopey grin faded.

"Oh. That's great, Tay. I'm happy for you. Anyway, I'm going to make sure Zoe is ready. Is Mack coming too?" Zac shook his head, trying to shake the fact that he wasn't the only one with Sharice's number.

"No, just Zoe." Taylor watched Zac leave, his broad shoulders drooping. "He's such a puppy," Tay laughed.

Zac entered the playroom to find Zoe entranced by Veggie Tales. Diana was writing something in her notebook, filling page after page with her tiny script.

"Oh, Zac. I'm glad you're here. A girl called while you were in the shower. She said her name was Sharice. She's meeting you tonight at the fair." Diana wiggled her eyebrows.

"Did she ask for Taylor too?" Zac replied bitterly.

Diana frowned. "No, she didn't. Why do you ask?"

Zac felt the blood rush to her face. "Just something he said about her, that's all. I need to say something to him."

He turned and bolted up the steps, turning around only to yell, "Mom, get Zoe ready!"

Diana rolled her eyes and picked up Zoe. "Let's get you ready for the fair, hon."

The bathroom door flew open. "You lying son of a bitch," Zac spit at Taylor.

"Excuse me?" Taylor backed away, brandishing his hair brush like a sword.

"I'm leaving now. Zoe and I are going to the fair without you. Sharice thinks you're an asshole and a snob. I can't believe I tried to convince her otherwise." He slammed the door shut.

It opened a few seconds later. "Oh, by the way, have a nice night."

Chapter Index

