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"What?" he exclaimed, half pissed and half heartbroken. "You want me to stay away from you? Don't be such a tease then. I see how you look at me. You do still love me, no matter what you say."

"You're fucking everything up!" she hissed. "We've been through this before and once was bad enough. And I have Tay now. I love Tay," she said, more like she was trying to convince herself than him. "He's a great guy and I'm really lucky to be with him."

"He's not as great as you think." Ike looked down at her, not wanting to hurt her but feeling like he had to. "He...I just have to say it. He cheated on you. More than once, with more than one girl. And he has a baby now. In Brazil."

"You're jealous, Ike! That's what it is. You are so jealous that you have to lie to me and try to make yourself feel better or something. My God, that's pathetic. You can't break up a love like mine and Tay's." She wasn't as sure as she was trying to sound.

"It's all true. And you don't love him. You love me. I see it in your eyes, Skye. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you love him more than you love me. Do it."

"I can't," she whispered. "Please, don't tell him," she cried. "I can't say it, but don't tell him."

"Face it, we are meant to be together." He leaned in again and pulled her close, kissing her fiercely.


"I just wanna be with you." Ike looked down into the eyes of the woman he loved. "This is so right and you know it."

"So right," she breathed, closing her eyes.

"What's taking so long?" came Tay's voice from the other room. Skye quickly moved away and started searching in the refridgerator.

"Ike, would you get some cups?" she asked loudly. "We're on our way out, Tay."

Tay walked into the room, noticing that the faces of his brother and girlfriend were flushed and they carefully avoided each other.

Skye tried hard not to look at Ike, but she couldn't resist. As their eyes met, she knew for sure. She wanted to be back with him. She needed him. She couldn't fight it anymore.

Ike's hands shook as he handed her the glass. There was no way that he could pretend not to love her. "I've got to show her," he muttered under his breath.

Tay figured out what was up in that moment, but he didn't care. After all, he wasn't in it for love. He didn't want somebody to love, he just needed somebody to fuck. More than one somebody, actually. He smirked to himself as he thought of Angie and Samantha and Barbie and Marilyn and...

Veronica sat silently on the sofa, waiting for her man to come back. Not Ike, but Tay. Ike was alright, she supposed, if you ignored his lack of fashion sense and his stupid jokes. But Tay, he was a work of art. An angel. He could do so much better than Skye. He could have her.

Jess squeezed her boyfriend's hand again and wondered what she had done to deserve such an amazing guy. Cute, sweet, loving, and sixteen years old. How was she supposed to tell him that she was ready to give herself to him? Sure, she was only thirteen, but she knew she wanted it. And he was the one. She leaned in for a kiss.

Matt pulled back a second later, breaking off the kiss. He couldn't continue these games much longer. He knew that Jess was young, and he didn't want to force her, but he wanted her with a fierce aching that took over his entire body and left him begging for more. He loved her with all his heart, but he wanted so much more.

Cinder excused herself from Zac and headed for the bathroom down the hall. She knew from that look in his eyes, he was ready to break up. Ready to give up. Not another one, she couldn't handle it. She took the razor blade off of her tongue and held it close to her wrist. Taking a deep breath, she sliced up the artery, wincing at the pain, then repeating the process on the right one...

Zac yawned and popped his neck. Where was Cinder? He had been so glad to see her, but she was acting really strange, like she didn't want him to touch or be near her. She couldn't break up with him. He would die if she did. "I think I'll go look for her," he told the air around him. He rose from his seat and headed to the bathroom. A scream filled the house...


Chapter Index

