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Skye waited anxiously on her front porch. Her eyes nervously scanned the road, searching for Isaac's car. From Matt's window, directly above her head, she heard a sob.

"Matt," she said softly. "Matt, down here."

His tear-stained face appeared in the window. "Oh, hey Skye. What did you want?"

"What happened with you and Jess? Tell me what's wrong," she pleaded.

"She tried to get me to f-" Isaac's car appeared in the driveway. "Never mind, I see how it is." Matt shook his head. "You're in over your head, girl." He disappeared into his room.

Skye scoffed, "Whatever."

Taylor stretched his long torso out. It was so quiet in his room, what with Isaac sneaking out to meet some chick and Zac never coming home. He rarely had so much peace.

Suddenly, the door burst open and light flooded the dark room. "Taylor, get up."

"Jess, what the fuck?" Taylor pulled his pillow over his head.

Jess tore the pillow from his grasp and glared down at him. "Jordan Taylor Hanson, get your fucking ass up right now, before I get pissed off."

"It's two in the morning. Tell me what you want and get out," Taylor demanded.

"Do you want to know what your baby sister here tried to do today? Do you? Because I embarrassed myself to death and lost what will probably be the only guy I have ever loved." Jess abruptly turned and ran out the door, leaving it open.

"Crazy bitch," Taylor muttered as he closed the door and returned to his bed.

Cinder pushed Zac toward the window. "Honey, you have to go home now."

"Can't I just stay the night," he pleaded, flashing those big brown puppy dog eyes. "Just this once."

"I'm leaving. I will never see you again. Don't make this harder than it is. Don't you understand anything?" Cinder turned away from him and started pulling clothes out of her drawers.

Zac's eyes widened. "You're leaving? I thought you were going to stay. You can stay. You can move in. My mom loves you. Or you could go to Skye's. When I turn 18, we'll get an apartment and get married and start our own little family. I had so many plans..."

"Just go," Cinder ordered angrily.

And he went.

Chapter Index

