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Sarah hung up the phone and went to her room to get ready for her shower! Asshe was stepping into the shower she thought about her conversation with Mollie.


“ No, he he slept with some girl named Jessica. “


‘Could it be the same Jessica, that Zac was dating?’ she asked her self ‘No, there are plenty of Jessica’s in this world it was probably someone else!’ She quit thinking about it and finished her shower. She got out andbrushed her long brown hair and out her pj’s on and went to bed. As she slept she kepthearing Mollie say ‘No, he slept with some girl named Jessica.’ over and over inher head. At 2:00 AM in the morning she woke up and decided to watch some T.Vsince she couldn’t sleep! She feel asleep watching some old episode of Save By TheBell! She woke up to the phone ringing.

“Hello?” she said sleeply.

“Hi, is this Sarah?” asked the female voice on the other end of the phone.

“Yes, may I ask who is speaking?”

“This is Mollie. Did I wake you up?”

“Yeah, but thats okay **she swallowed**, it’s 7:30 about time to wake up!”

“I’m sorry!”

“No really thats okay.”

“Well, anyway I was gonna be in Seattle for about aweek, and was wondering if I could possible crash at your place.”

“Sure, I’d love to see you again. Are you flying?”


“Well when is your flight gonna be here?”

“About 3:30 PM.”

“Okay, I’ll pick you up at 3:30.”

“Thanks Sarah. I’ll see you then.”

Then Mollie hung up the phone. ‘Damn it why didn’t iask her about Jessica and Andrew?’ she said to herself. She then stumbled into the kitchen to eat some cereal.

Back at the Hanson house

“Tay, Michelle what are you doing here so early?”Diana asked.

“Well, Mom we have something to tell you...”

Diana cut Tay off before he could finish. “Oh, dear God Michelle’s pregnant.” Diana said sitting down looking at Tay in astonishment.

“No, I’m not pregnant.” Michelle said. Diana gave thema look of relief, and stood up.

Tay finished what he was saying “Mom,Michelle and I are getting married!” he looked at Michelle, then at his Mom who was laying on the floor. “Dad! Mom fainted!” Tay yelled!

Walker came running down thestairs zipping up his pants. “What happened?” he asked Tay.

“Well I told her Michelle and I were gettingmarried and she just fell!"

“First Ike and Terri, now you and Michelle.” he said in amazement.

“What?” Tay asked.

“Well, Ike and Terri aregetting married too!” he answered.

“Man, Ike is always stealing my thunder!” Tay said plopping on the chair near his mom.

Just then Zac and the others were downthere too! "What happened to Mom?” Avery asked.

“She fainted.” Tay said dully.

“Why did Mommy faint?” Zoe asked.

“Well, Tay told her that we are getting married, and it shocked her!” Michelleexplained to Zoe.

“Oh!” and she ran off!


