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Terri woke-up to the phone ringing. "Hello?" Terri said half awake.

"Hi!" said the voice over the phone.

"Who, is this?" she scremed into the phone.

"Chill, it's just me." said Ike.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey I was sleeping, and......"

he cut her before she could finish. "You were sleeping, at noon." he said with a suprising sound to his voice.

"Thats what time it is" she jumping out of her bed.

"Yeah, I just thought I would call and see if you had already gone to your appointment, when is it anyway?" he asked.

"No, I haven't gone yet, and it's at noon." she said taking a quick drink of her orange juice.

"Oh, okay." he said.

"Where are you" she asked him abruptly as she looked at the caller ID box.

"Oh, I'm at Zac's bestfriends house," he said quitetly "you remember her don't you? Oh, wait that was before you moved here."

"Well babe do you think I can let you go, cause I have to get ready, and then drive across town to get there." she said.

"Um, yeah sure, you have to promise me you'll call me when you get back......okay?" he said.

"Sure thing! I love you." Terri said looking at the picture of them together.

"I love you too." Ike hung up the phone. After Terri took a shower, and got dressed so hopped into the car, and drove to the doctors office.

When she got there she checked in, and sat down. The wait was no longer that 10 minutes, when the nurse came out she called her name and Terri quickly jumped up and followed her. "So dear what seems to be the problem?", the short pudgy nurse said.

"Well I haven't been felling well lately." Terri said sitting up straight.

"Well have you thought of taking a pregnencie test?" the nurse said withput looking up from her chart.

"NO! I wouldn't need to I'm still very much a virgin." Terri said kinda disgusted. The nurse must have felt the bad vibe coming from Terri cause she quickly left the room. 15 minutes later the doctor camein.

Mean while back in Washington, they had just sat down to eat lunch. "So when are you going to go do sound check?" Sarah asked the guys.

"Well I thought me and you could spend sometime together, since we haven't seen eachother for 3 years." Zac said smiling at Sarah, "plus Ike wants to wait for Terri to call him back."

"Oh, so when is the concert tonight?" Sarah asked reaching for the mustard.

"Um, at 7:00 I believe." Taylor said.

"Oh, guys I thought maybe before you guys go to do sound check, you could listen to me sing and see if I'm doing anything wrong, cause I'm spose to go into the studio and record an album later this month." she said.

"Oh, so you finally landed your self a record contract huh?" Ike said giving her a look that said congrats.

"Yeah, I should have believed you when you said it was hard." she said smiling. After lunch Ike and Tay offered to do the dishes so that Zac and Sarah could spend sometime together. Sarah and Zac decided they would go for a walk, and sit at the park and just talk.

"Zac, I've been thinking about moving back to Tulsa." she said looking in his eyes.

"Why?" he said looking back at her.

"Well....Zac....I um.... Zac, I think I'm in love with you." she felt a big knot in her in her stomach, "I've been in love with you sice we were 14. Yeah, sure I tryed to move on, but I kept comparing then to you. Like I would talk about you, I'd say they would never live up to the standereds. They would never be like you."

Everything was quite. Finally Zac broke the silence. "Sarah, you know I love you, but only as a friend.....sure I loved you when we were 14, but I was 14 i didn't know what love is, but now I do, and I've found it with Jessica. Sarah, I really like her, and I couldn't do that to her." He looked over at her, she had turned the other way, he could tell she was crying.

"Look, don't cry, please I hate to see you cry, exspecially when it's over me."

she turned and looked him straight in the eyes, they leaned closer, she put her head on his sholder and sat ther and cryed. He lifted her head up, and wiped the tears from her eyes, and put his hand on her cheaks, and leaned toward her ear and sang a sweet little song he use to sing to her when she would come to him for advice. He then turned her head and.............



