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No Strings Attached

Despite all the bad reviews that I've read from this CD, and all the crap I've recieved from Backstreet Boys fans, I really like the direction of this new CD. No, its not just because I'm a die-hard Nsync fan. I really like they're new sound. I feel that this is a sound they've been working towards for a long time. On their first CD as it on every artist's first CD it was all about politics. They had to put certain sounds on their to work towards getting an audience. Then after they've achieved their audience they can go for their own flavor.

Alot of Backstreet Boys fans have been complaining. Yes, I did some surfing around tonight on all the "Back boards" as they call them. I just wanted to get the opinions of some people who obviously weren't going to be as open-minded to this CD as I was. I got a little (lot) upset by some of the things these girls were saying. Alot of them claimed that Backstreet was "more talented" or "more mature". Have they failed to realize that Nsync is the group that has 5 part harmony and the group that has a true bass voice? I have Backstreet's Millenium CD and I listen to it alot and enjoy it. I try not to be biased I don't understand why Backstreet fans can't be as open-minded.

I have picked through so many bad reviews over the last few weeks. Some critics were so shallow as to make racial comments. Something along the lines of Nsync faking African American voice practices. I know alot of people who would be upset by this comment. If you're going to critisize an artist's music, do just that. Don't turn it into politics. I know that alot of crap they've been getting about this album isn't because of the actual quality of the album but about who they are and, who they were more or less made to portray themselves as in the past. I read a review that claimed "Space Cowboy" was about the end of the world. Dramatic much?

All in all, I feel this album is exactly what Nsync played it up to be. They told their fans for months and months before the CD came out that it was going to a "fun" CD and, that is exactly what it is. Not to many sappy ballads. Thank God, because if I had to hear one more "God Must Have Spent.." I would have killed myself. (really). I guess now I'll do a song by song, cause its hard to do an overall album review with all the different sounds.

Bye Bye Bye- I have liked this song from the first time I ever heard it on Nickelodeon (shut up). I even enjoy the lasso moves. Basically they're telling the slacker GF to get lost. It's really an up-in-your-face kind of song, and as of yet I haven't gotten sick of it.
It's Gonna Be Me-I'll admit this isn't one of my favorite songs on the CD but, I still enjoy it alot. It's got a really funky feel to it with alot of tech sounds.
Space Cowboy-The end of the world! Ahh! Ok, I'm obviously just playing. I seriously enjoy this song. It's not a song to be taken to seriously. I really enjoy the rap at the end.
Just Got Paid-For those of you who didn't know this is 80's song that NSync re-did. I really like this song too. It's got that cheesy 80's feel to it. But, it is an 80's song after all and, what were the 80's without cheese? I especially enjoy the Justin rap at the end. "smiles like kool-aid" or something like that...quality entertainment.
It Makes Me Ill-God bless the writer of this song. It is my favorite song on the album. It's definately the highest R&B feeling song on the album. I love the way Justin sings at beginning...and JC.
This I Promise You-This is a really beautiful song. The first time I heard it I had to restrain myself for breaking down and crying like a little girl. This song was written by Richard Marx. All I have to say about him is you know you're a good writer if you can make women cry like babies.
No Strings Attached-Also, not one of my favorite songs. I don't skip it or anything but, I don't find myself singing along very enthusiastically. I guess anything would suck after you just listened to "This I Promise You".
Digital Getdown-This song is about cyber/phone sex. You gotta know this is based on real-life situations. COME ON, these guys are on tour 11 months a year and don't get to be with their women "naturally". I know they can't wait to get their girlfriends on the phone/computer.
Bringin' Da Noise-This is basically the NSA version of Here We Go. I really like this song for some reason. I can't wait to see the guys perform this song in concert. It's one of those songs that was written specifically for the onstage performance, ya know?
Thats When I'll Stop Loving You-Alot of people like this song...I guess I can understand why people like this song but, its like a mix between "God Must Have Spent..." and "Music of My Heart". I still like it a bit though, don't get me wrong.
I'll Be Good For You-This is the infamous "Justin" song. That's right folks JuJu wrote this one. I find myself getting into this song. I'm not too fond of the lyrics, they seem kinda shallow. "...I've never seen a lady look so fine". Oh wow, since that's what loves made of. But, after all the in your face JC written songs this mellow song kind of calms you down, getting ready for the finale...
I Thought She Knew-This is one of the first songs NSync ever sang together way back in the day when they were just an a capella group in O-town. They re-worked it for this album. I'm really glad they added some a capella to this album. Anyone who ever doubted their talent, can't deny it after listening to this song.

Overall: I give this CD a B+. Trust me, this one's been in my CD player for 3 days playing solid almost the entire time and, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Country roads, take me home