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Nsanely Nsync

Confronting the cliche's

When you come across a boyband there are usually a few cliche's. Mostly referring the thier personalities. Other than the assumption that all the members are homosexual, they go as following.

The Goody-Goody Choir Boy
This member of Nsync would be JC. Anyone who wasn't very familiar with Nsync would assume JC would fit perfectly into this category. But, for any mature fans who have read those "heinous" stories of afterparties knows that JC is far from innoncent little choir boy. I wouldn't really say he was the devil incarnate either.

The Pretty Boy
Everyone and their mother knows that this one would be Lance. I admit and I'm even sure Lance would admit that when Nsync first came out in Europe he was damn pretty. But, over the last few months maybe even the last year he has been becoming more and more masculine. And then as a shock to everyone he started dating a girl. A respectable girl at that.

The Pimp
Joey. I don't know honestly how he got this reputation. Its not because of all the afterpary stories either because they came out long after he acquired the pimp status of the group. I don't know, I guess to some people flirting=him whore. Well, damn me and Jennay both to hell because we both know we've taken part in flirting with guys. I'm sure he's very proud of his pimp-ness though. Chicks dig it. Yeah Jo-ay

The Old Guy
Even though Chris is 28 years old and still in a boyband we still love him. I don't necessarily know if he fits perfectly in the "old guy" mold. He barely acts 14 so, I dunno.

The Young, Cute One
The only one left is Justin. Like you didn't know it was going to be him anyway. I have to admit that he is the cute one and he is the young one. But, I don't really think he fits into this category because aside from his ghetto mouth he seems really mature for his age. Unlike his equal in the Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter, he doesn't resort to name-calling of other boybands. I respect Justin alot. Oh yeah, to all the teenies who don't like his new hair, I love it! I was sick of the blonde look on him.

Is this my final answer? YES! My final answer is that even though their image upholds the usual boyband cagorization of personality and physical traits, they are real people with personalities that go beyond the one-dimensionalism that they portray.
(Oooh, Big college words.)

Country Roads, Take me home