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Credits/Thank Yous

Okay, I think it’s about time I did this, I’ve been meaning to do it for awhile, I just haven’t got around to doing it. I’ve gotta send some props and shout outs to people who helped me and Lisha on this site. Also, if I’ve borrowed an image from your site, I’ve mentioned you below and if you have a site, have linked you. If at all you don’t want your name here or the picture(s) removed, email me directly and I’ll remove your picture and credit.

So, thank you to...

From the Other Men pages:
The people at for the picture of David Usher

The people at for the picture of The Tea Party

The people at for the picture of Glenn Coulson

The people at for the picture of Joee DeSimone

The people at The Brendan Fraser Shrine for the picture of Brendan Fraser

The people at for the picture of Dave Moffatt

From "Devil Boy":
The people at for the picture of JC

From "To all you guys that hate us but love us enough to see our site..."
The hard-working people at Message Mates for the little Alien that I froze and cut out from the clip "Area 52"

Random Thank Yous To...

Tammy over at Crunk Baby Crunk: Get Jo’ Party On for ideas on my marriage to JC and linkin’ us up to hers and Cassie’s site :) Big ups G, lol

Every single of y’alls who’ve signed the slambook with positive comments (y’all know who you are)

All the pictures that we’ve borrowed from ‘N Sync Studio

Okay, these are all the thank you’s for now! As we grow, so will this page! Bye now :)

Country Roads, Take Me Home