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A Day with *NSYNC

I could tell you that I was really wondering what it would be like to spend a day with *NSYNC but, honestly, we are in some serious need of updates. It's been many moon since we updated last. When thinking of something original to do, I realized, I can't think of anything orginal. So, I thought "oh hell, I'll just go where every other humor page has gone before." I just wanna give a shout out to that lovely girl in the slambook, who told us to learn to spell. But, I was just wondering what did we spell wrong? Yeah, I thought so. File honest complaints in the complaint dept. thank you. And on with the show.

Judging from the guys behaviors over the last few months we all know this would be no ordinary "in front of the tv, remote in hand, only get up to pee," kind of days that slackers like Jenn and I are used to. And this is how it goes....

8:30 am(dammit)-woken up by Joey screaming in the bathroom. He mumbles something about "rashes" and leaves headed in the direction of the free clinic.

9:00 am(still)-Realizing there's no way in hell I can sleep after such a mysterious mishap, I get up, and wake up my best buddy Jenn and, we head on over to the couch(our favorite spot in the whole house). A few minutes after we get there JC comes in the room scratching his butt. Not realizing we're in the room, he sniffs he fingers. He then freaks out and goes off to the shower.

9:06 am -Bobbi busts into room(JC carries her in his suitcase ya know--he just blows her up and takes her out whenever handy). Anyway, Bobbi busts into the room, asking where her money-ughh boyfriend is. I tell her he's in the shower. She then reaches into his bag and pulls out his wallet. A strange smile appears on her face and she heads out the door not to be seen until after noon.

11:00 -Jenn and I are kind of bummed because nothing interesting has happened in almost two hours. Then Lance comes into the room and watches Maury with us. He teaches us some of his extensive vocabulary such as: "incredible" and "Mississippi" and the all time greats "piss" and "shit". Then me and Jenn teach him our favorite word..."FUCK!". He looks shocked and leaves the room to get something to eat. Oh well. No big loss.

11:36 am-Justin comes happily prancing into the room wearing nothing but some tighty whities. He was not modest about his undies either. He plops happily onto the couch next to Jenn, who by the way is going into full body spasms now. Mostly its just an eye twitch so, don't be alarmed. He then engages in a full conversation about the beauty of the world yada yada yada. He then prances off to the kitchen. A few minutes later we hear some moaning coming from the Lance and Justin in the kitchen. Jenn gets her camera. We now have evil blackmail.

12:00-JC emerges from the shower, in a white cloud of steam. Chris runs immediately out of his room and into the bathroom where he picks up the sopping wet JC and cradles him gently. He carries JC to the room he and Bobs had shared the night before. Chris then kisses JC's forehead and said "G'day master" and walked back to his room. He came out a few minutes later, dressed. He acted normal for the rest of the day. We don't know what was up with that display at noon to this day.

1:00-Joey returns with a little white pharmacy bag and disappears to the room he and Lance share. Sobbing is heard coming from the room a few minutes later. Jenn goes to comfort him.

2:00- Bobs returns from her shopping spree. JC's wallet is looking a little thinner than when she left. But, not as thin as JC, himself. She shows JC the new "bondage" stuff she bought. They head off to their room. A few minutes later we hear "OHH Bondage Boy spank my pleather ass" Followed by "spanking" sounds. I wonder what was going on?

3:00- Me and Jenn alternate using the bathroom only to find ourselves back on the couch again. By this time, all the good shows have gone off. Or so we thought. An "After School Special" comes on and Jenn and I are content for the next 2 hours.

4:30-Lance "the bitch" Bass decides he wants to watch his gay porn and turns it. Jenn and I proceed to kick his ass for the next 30 minutes. Then, realizing we missed the end of our "After School Special", we kick his ass for 15 more minutes. We are then frightened to hear an enormous boom coming from the hallway. Then another. Then another. Then Joey appears in the doorway, anger in his eyes. "Who's beating up my bitch?" To which we replied, with puppy eyes "Lance made us miss the 'After School Special'". Joey helps us kick Lance's ass for the next 15 minutes. After a while Lance stopped crying so, we thought we'd done our damage.

5:00- Me and Jenn and Joey decide to go for a ride in the car car car. Luckily, Joey has one. We hop in. Of course I have to drive so Jenn and "STDMan" can get it on in the passenger's seat. Oh well. No big loss.

6:00- dinner time. Except no one can cook. Jenn makes us coffee and buys some cookies and pizza. She thinks its a good combination.

8:00- After we choke down Jenn's crappy canadian coffee we decide to watch TV. Joey is not allowed anywhere near the remote. We will not be watching "The Monkees" or...whatever else the fuck he watches. Jenn and I are asked for advice on what to watch since, we're experts on this subject.

10:00-Jenn and I kicked all their asses to bed. We went out to some party. Somehow we found Joey there (with Steve, of course). He and Jenn disappeared off to some closet and I rocked quietly in the corner missing my remote and granola bars.


Country roads, take me home