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An Insane Interview

An Insane Interview

What videos do each of you have on your bus?
Chris: Murder, she wrote collection
JC: foreign film collection
Joey: PORN!!!
Lance: HGTV taped by my mommy.
Justin: 10 steps to becoming a successful ramen-noodle-headed-pop-star.
Where were you guy before Nsync?
Chris: They found me at the zoo *giggles*
JC: I was hanging out at the crackhouse.
Joey: I was in a gutter.
Lance: Avon lady Assossiation founder.
Justin: I was on a street corner.
What are your biggest fantasies?
Chris: To go back to my natural habitat in Mexico.
JC: To be with my one true love, Alisha
Joey: To hook up with Heather or Jenn again.
Lance: *Stands up and begins to cry* Ashley please marry me...
Justin: *winks at chris and flicks his tongue*
Are you friends with the bsb?
Chris: I think Howie's trying to copy my great 'do.
JC: They're all LOSERS!!! NO!!!
Joey: I'd like to jump all their asses. *winks*
Lance: Nick is really pretty.
Justin: No!!! they Don't gots no skills.
What do you think of your fans?
Chris: Sometimes they throw things at me..
JC: I hate them all, stop calling me, I need sleep too.
Joey: I liiiike them younger women.
Lance: *falls on the floor and begins to twitch*
Justin: They don't be cool like me.
Do you have girlfriends?
Chris: What's a girlfriend, I have a mate at the zoo
JC: I used to *begins to cry*
Joey: Many some minors, some not. Hey Bambi and Chloe.
Lance: No, I'm not dating Topanga *Runs out of the room crying*
Justin: Yeah, hey Britney, baby be naked and ready when I get home.
Are you virgins?
Chris: of course not, I told you about my mate at the zoo.
JC: No, *Winks off stage at Justin's mom*
Joey:, What do you think I do with Bambi and Chloe.
Lance: No, I lost virginity to Toby when I 12.
Justin: No, look at this body, what do you think. *feels himself up*
Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
Chris: In a retirement home
JC: Hopefully back at the crackhouse with Alisha.
Joey: Wherever beautiful women are..and own a porn-film company.
Lance: Hopefully married to Ashley with 2 kids and producing the movie The Life and Times of Toby: The Horse I Lost My Virginity to.
Justin: I hope to be a successful ramen noodle head.

Country Roads, Take me Home