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Misc Links

Okay, you know, this site, ISN’T our life and as self absorbed as we are, surprisingly, we like other sites and visit them quite often!!! Okay, most of them aren’t *N Sync fansites but now and then, Jenn likes to give herself shameless self promotion! may find some of her sites floating around this, enjoy and remember, if they have a guestbook, SIGN IT GODDAMNIT!!!

Giddy For *N Sync: this, we must say, is one of the funniest *N Sync humor sites around, we both love this site and we both post on the message board...Jenn rarely posts but when she does, her name’s Jennay, Lisha posts all the time, she uses her plain name, alisha.

Rant and Roar With Great Big Sea: Did you actually think Jenn was gonna go by this whole list without mentioning GBS?!? No way! This site is amazing! It has a large and vast collection of pictures, old and new. Alot of concert pictures, lyrics (yes, I said lyrics :D), games, sound clips and info GALORE, BABY! It’s run by my buddy, Missy, if you email her, tell her Jenn sent ya :)

The Official Great Big Sea Online Kitchen Party: Oye! Don’t know the actual name for the site, Jenn just calls it what she knows, it’s GBS’ official site and it’s the Online Kitchen Party...what else is there to say about the name!? This site is the best place to get info. Up to date Tour Dates, official Merchandise, bios written by the b’ys themselves, etc etc!

Andrea and Jennifer’s ‘N Sync Emporium: See!!! Shameless Self Promotion!!! This is Jenn’s other site, it’s an ‘N Sync fansite. It’s got the comic on this site, in pictures...speaking of pictures, there’s alot of them, lyrics, adoptions, links and a whole bunch of other crap you find on every fansite. VISIT IT VISIT IIIIIIT!!!

Satan’s Whore: Since we’re on the topic of Shameless Self Promotion, may as well promote both of us...and ex ‘N Sanely ‘N Sync ‘N Sane Girl, Heather! All three of us run this Britney Spears Humor Site, or Anti-Britney Spears site, whichever way you wanna take it. We’ve got warped pictures, constipated looking pictures, two awards (so far...), critiquing anything of hers, online articles and a Britney Spears boob pump!

Crunk Baby Crunk: Get Jo’ Party On: YES!! This site is FUN-NAY!!!! Go visit it! Go visit it!!! It’s got Justin as his normal dumb Wigger self...and funny predicaments he gets himself into (hehehe, DMX...hehehe), it’s got some really good fan fic! This site is a piece of work!!! Not to mention these two webmasters update quite often so there’s always a bunch of good stuff being added and made :)

The Brendan Fraser Shrine: You know how Jenn likes her Brendan Fraser?! Oh yeah, RAW BABY, RAWWW!!!!...Anyway, this is where Jenn gets her dose of Brendan, there’s a huge variety of pictures, ranging from Brendan as himself, to George of the Jungle, to Rick O Connell *in the Mummy* and to him and his wife, Afton. There’s alot of info and other fun stuff, Canadian Music Center: Holy CRAP! What can we say, this is a wicked site, Jenn just found it and was completely blown away and now just loves it! This site has a wicked variety of links for a large amount of Canadian artists in different genres and such. It's got guitar tabs, a message board with alot of different topics, news and so on. So, if you want to get a fill on Canadian music (IT HAS GBS! Look under Celtic/Folk and scroll down to find Great Big Sea they'll be there :)) or just wanna look up on your favourite Artist/Actor, visit this kick ass site!

C103...Moncton's Best Music!: This is a really good station!!! It's not a stupid Kiss 92 or a stupid Mix 99.9, it plays new and old (GOOD) music! It may not be in the same province as Jenn (two provinces over actually) but it's listened to whenever she's in New Brunswick! Check it out :)

Street Cents' Official Website: MMMkay, Street Cents is a show done in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and is about how to save money! It's a really great, funny and usefull show and is obviously watched by Jenn. The website is very organized and has ANYTHING you want to know on there. All the topics, reviews, reponds and such are all archived on the site.

*More links to go up soon, so check back here*

Country Roads, take me home