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Random Thoughts

This is a section for all of us to vent about what's going on with Nsync or our lives, or pretty much anything else we want to put on here. Read and Enjoy my little friends.

Today I was just sitting here with a few ideas bouncing around in my head. One of them involved the name of Nsync's new CD. Okay, here's the picture. 5 "lonely" guys have been on tour on and off for over a year and, now they're coming out with a new cd called "No Strings Attached". Hmmm... makes you wonder what (or who) they were doing all those lonely nights in the hotel rooms.....

-Nov. 21

My next thought was about little Lance. At first he came out as this nice, sweet little country boy who never did anything wrong. The next thing we know he swearing with every word that comes out of his mouth. Personally I think the boy must be spending way too much time Joey. I knew the boy was trouble the first time I heard him say "Girl, were you alone" on the disney concert....

-Nov. 21

You know what? I was watching my beloved Celine Dion concert special about 2 hours ago and as I was watching I thought to myself, aren't there a little more teenyboppers here than at a usual Celine Dion concert? And it made me oh so very sick, sad/mad, upset and stunned to see people actually holding up giant we love 'N Sync signs and one girl even wore an 'N Sync t-shirt! That's like singing Korn songs at a Barbara Striesand (who I deeply hate, btw) concert! But that got me so upset 'cause no where did I see "'N SYNC CONCERT" on the TV screen! 'N Sync were the guest!! GUEST!! All together now, GUEST! G-U-E-S-T!!! So that pissed me off royally, it that ever happens again, I'm flying my pissed off ass down to where they're shooting the concert and slappin' those bitches to hell and back!!


I want to burn my F*cking uniform!!!


"I did it all for the Nookie! c'mon, the Nookie! c'mon, so you can take that cookie, and stick it up your, YEAH! stick it up your, YEAH! stick it up your YEAH! stick it up your!!!"

-Jenn- Nov.23

I WANNA MEET GREAT BIG SEA SO BADLYEEEE!!! They're in the States now, so I can't... but I wanna meet them!!!!! And they're not coming anywhere near me anytime soon! The closest they're coming is Brantford, and I dunno where that is (it IS in Ontario) but I know it's far!!! Daddy for some reason won't let me go to a concert of theirs in Toronto, WHY WON'T HE LET ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm gonna continue pining over this untill my wish is granted, and when it is, I'll tell y'all all about it :)

-Jenn- Jan.16 2000

"Because the old Black rum's got a hold on me like a dog wrapped 'round my leg..."---Great Big Sea "The Old Black Rum"

-Jenn- Jan.16 2000

I was sitting here surfing around and I noticed how the guys looks had changed since they first came out in the U.S. and Canada. I also noticed how some of the people at school's style has changed in the same direction as theirs. When they first came out Justin had the oh-so-sexy day-glo hair going on, right? Well, pretty soon after they came out every guy at my school was dying his hair bleach blonde and scrunching it up in the front. Much like the 'Justin Timberlake look'. Then, this year Joey died his hair the lovely fuschia. Supposedly by accident but, that's beside the point. Now, everyone in the free world is dying their hair red. Girls, Guys, old ladies at the supermarket. Coincidence? maybe. It all just makes me much influence does Nsync really have on all these people who think they are too cool to be influenced by pop culture and "teeny bands". Haha, guess they jokes on them.

-Alisha- February 5, 2000

Everyone I know can't wait to graduate from high school and, my whole life this is the moment I have been waiting for. I've always wanted to get away from this town and get out their on my own but, the closer I get to the actual moment when all this will happen the more scary it becomes. I always used to say I would move to New York City or some place like that. Being from a small town, NYC seems a million times more interesting. Now, all I wanna do is stay here safe and protected for the rest of my life. Let my mommy do my laundry forever. Never have to go out there in the real world. Have job interviews and college. Most of all the day that I move away from here and have to leave everyone and everything I've ever know behind and start all over again and have to do everything for myself. It all just seems like a big burden to me. I'd rather just stay in high school forever.

-Alisha- February 5, 2000

Why are people from Canada called Canadians and people from Mexico are called Mexicans but, people from the United States are called Americans, when we're really ALL Americans. I am no longer considering myself American, I'm United Statsian.

-Alisha- April 13,2000

Look forward to more thougts later.

Country roads, take me home