Hi, I'm Alisha. I'm pretty much the founder of this page. See, first I made it and Heather (my sis) started helping me out. And then I recruited my best friend Ashley. And then we became friends with Jenn and she started helping us out as well. And, then Ashley just lost interest. And Heather won't claim pop music anymore so, now its just me and Jenn. Anyway. I'm 17 years old. I'm really quiet. Im kind of the reserved on between me and Jenn. I live in a really small town. Its not really that small (pop. 20,000) but, its still small enough to fill pretty safe. I'm really into music. I like almost any kind of music except for rap. I hate people who are really close-minded about what kinds of music they like. If it makes ya feel good then you should listen to it, right? Anyway. I'm really moody. Not in a bad way just that I'll be sitting somewhere talking to someone about something and another thought will pop into my head and, I'll immediately decide to change the subject to that. And, I can be happy one minute and crying the next. I'm seriously considering the fact that I could be manic depressive.
Here are some things you may or may not care to know about me:
Some things to put you to sleep by :)
hey we love chatting with people about our page:
Alisha: alisha82
Or just do it the old fashioned way:
Name: Alisha
Age: 17
Sign: Virgo
Bad habit: biting my lip and getting so wrapped up in listening to people that I forget that I could be part of the conversation to.
From: Arkansas (I wear shoes and have all my teeth, I promise)
Best Friends: Jenn, Heather, Ashley, and my mom
favorite thing to wear: t-shirt/sweatshirt and jeans (im really casual)
Likes: guys with tatoos, people who aren't afraid to be different, people who aren't afraid to be the same, music, I love writing (any type)
Dislikes: guys with so many tatoos you can't see the color of their skin anymore, people who are self-proclaimed members of a clique (even unpopular ones), people who lie to make new friends, people who change themselves for a guy, girls who take shit from their boyfriends.
HEYA PEEPS! Mah name’s Jenn, y’all know that, I’m hyper! I AM DAMN HYPER! Prozac...where is my pro...j/k, I’m not on any drugs what so ever...except those pills I take for my acne....hey it works, my pimples are almost gone eh! Anyway, as you may have already noticed I get off topic so easily that you’re ready to stop reading! But I’ll try to stay ON topic just for you peeps :). I’m from Canada where the summer is hot and the winter is so damn cold-boy-bands-must-wear-really-bubbly-jackets-and-snowpants-performing-in-the-winter-while-Great-Big-Sea-(a-Canadian-group)-wears-thin-t-shirts-and-thin-shorts-onstage-in-the-winter-and-they-do-less-dancing-it’s-so-cold! I don’t live in an IGLOO! I don’t trade furs for Cds and pots! AND I don’t constantly wear parkas! Whew, now that that’s cleared up, I so enjoy music! Especially dance music, any kind, house, euro, techno, club. I’m really clueless about this Latin explosion thing, I’ve been listening to Latin music all my life because my backgroud is Latin! So, I love Latin music! My styles range from whatever I currently like to what I used to like! Baisically it means that I like anthing that’s comfortable or what appeals to me! Right now I’ve got a cotton charcoal V neck t-shirt and dark blue jeans cuffed at the bottom! I am a Celine Dion fanatic! Ask anyone that knows me well *ahem*alisha*ahem* and they can go ON AND ON about this obsession! Well, I won’t bore you anymore, now I’ll just put you to sleep with shorter stats!
Name: Jennifer, but please, just Jenn :)
Age: 14
Sign: Virgo
Bad Habit: of course biting my nails, and talking to fast
From: Ontario
Best Friends: Alisha, Heather, Sarah, Andrea, Wilma, Natasha, Jess
Favourite thing to wear: dark majourly flared jeans, fleece sweaters and fluffy comfy stuff
Likes: Guys who can breakdance, MUSIC! SINGING!! Guys with bleached blonde hair, curly is a bonus :)...'cause it's gotta be short! Guys with peirced ears, tattoos and baggy khakis! Fluffy things and puffy things and those oh so cute Pokemon (JIGGLYPUFF :)!!).
Dislikes: Guys with a freaken' attitude, and they're so self absorbed and girls that are like that too! I hate them, I just wanna fricken slap the hell outta them! Heavy rock, yucky! Country (sorry H, you know who u are) and Mewtwo (a damnded ugly Pokemon!) yeah, and grungee peeps with too many tattoos and peircings and talk like, Keanu Reeves.
(These screen names are for AOL)
Country Roads, take me home.