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Lance Quotes

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Chat rooms are so cool, especially if you go into your own chat room and all the people are talking about you and you pretend you're somebody else!

Fans don't love me, I get no love.

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up now. It's not about horses. I promise, this song is not about horses

I am NOT singing the song.

I can't bear looking in the mirror. I guess that's why my hair looks like this!

When asked what his eye color really is: I don't know it depends on what I'm wearing. It's usually yellow, green, or blue.

I have the worst memory in the world...I even forget the words to our songs!

I just love when we sing that (tearin' up my heart) and the fans start singing and try to do the dance moves.

I like Garth Brooks cuz I'm from Mississippi.

I used to have a dog but I had to get rid of him because we've been traveling way too much. I couldn't take care of him.

I was sky diving and I hit a bird.

I will play basketball but I'm so bad at it, and they make fun of me for it, but you know, I like to try things.

I would love to die in a horror film.

Lets Get It On...

Man... I need to shave

My best friends are the guys in this group

My mom still has control over me, and she knows it. She'll ground me on the road.


The Here We Go video has gotten to him (talking about Justin).

The worst feeling in the world is waking up in the morning.

This is the poo foo song "Poo foo Poo foo, where are you, please come out and play”

We like to dance a lot and entertain.

What can I say? I'm a love machine…well…yeah no maybe I'm not
