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undefined PAX 217 Concert
PAX 217 at Club Eden

On Saturday December 9th I saw PAX 217 rock the Eden Center in California. I got there at eight, an hour before the show and got a good front row seat. At around 9:15 the show started. The guys started off with "Sandbox Praise" and got the place jumpin. There was another song, and then they played "Prizm" which was dedicated to all the people who had never seen PAX in concert before. A few more songs were played and they took a break to hang with the fans and sign autographs. I stocked up on some awesome PAX 217 merchandise including this really cool hoodie! Guys, this is why you should always bring money to concerts! :) I got my stuff signed by all the guys and got to talk to them for a while. They are incredibly nice and cool guys! I really like Jesse's piercings... :) After the short intermission, they started back up with some more rockin tunes, and soon enough, a mosh pit formed right in front of them! There was no stage so we were all moshing face to face with the guys! It was so awesome! Those guys really rocked the house and I am so happy I got to see them. When they play, they play withe very thing they have! After they were done, they signed more autographs and stuff. I stayed till everyone left and got to talk to them some more. Josh, the band's bass player gave me some candy, I cannot post his secret recipe though, it is very very secret. :) j/k I took some cool pictures with them that are below. I had a blast hanging with the guys and I am hoping that I can do it again soon!

Me and PAX 217

PAX 217 gettin all silly

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