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The Kry
T h e K R Y

Who is The Kry?
Once upon a time Ten years ago, Jean-Luc and Yves Lajoie set out to go to Hollywood. They were "California dreaming" of becoming a internationally successful rock band. Little did they know that they were on their way to meet their Maker. They actually took a right turn in Albuquerque New Mexico, and, after a series of interesting circumstances, gave their lives to Jesus there. Ironically, both Jean Luc and Yves first heard the gospel via the airwaves. Jean-Luc was listening to a radio station while working on a ranch there, and Yves saw a preacher on television. Little did they know that God would use them to reach people the same way later on.

They started going to Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque and started growing in the Lord. The youth pastor of that church needed some musicians to help his Tuesday night youth group meeting. He asked Jean-Luc and Yves to join him in leading worship. This youth pastor's name was Pete Nelson. Pete had never played electric guitar in his life; but God is a God of surprises. Just when we know what's going on and where were going, God does a new and exciting thing. Pete and Jean-Luc got together after a leader's meeting for the youth group at Pete's house and wrote a song together: "Letter of love". This became a song on their first album. They started writing songs & playing around the city for different youth rallies. The rest is HIS-story.

Nine years later, their sound has changed, their looks have definitely changed, and their lives have changed (Pete has three children, Yves is married with two children and Jean-Luc cut his hair), their locations have changed (Pete lives in Vail, Colorado, Yves & Jean-Luc in Oceanside, California) Their vocation has changed a bit too (Pete is an assistant pastor at a church in Vail, Yves is an intern pastor in San Diego, CA, Jean-Luc has been producing & leading worship).

Their purpose is still the same though: to provide believers with a tool (music) to reach their unsaved friends, to provide a place (concert) for them to bring their friends to hear the message of the cross, and to see people come to Christ through the lyrics, preaching, altar calls, etc. To be ministers of the word by taking advantage of the powerful medium of music to bring our generation to a knowledge of God's character and give them a clear understanding of the gospel of Jesus. That is the heart of these guys. They consider themselves ministers first who have been gifted with music talents, creating the band as a natural platform to present a portion of their ministry.

Now a new millennium has just begun and who's to say what's in store for the Kry. They are getting ready to start touring again after the release of "Let Me Say" in February. Pete and Yves will keep busy with their first ministries; taking care of their families. They have missionary trips planned already to Australia, Italy, Ireland, Canada and more. They will be touring the U.S. again and will be doing many other things as the Lord brings opportunity to minister wherever and however He wants to.

The band has five albums out altogether: "I'll Find You There", "You", "Unplugged", "What about Now". Their newest release is titled: "Let Me Say". They have toured around the U.S., traveled to different countries to evangelize through their music, etc. They have ministered in Israel, Russia, Australia, Canada, France, England, Africa and many other countries. They are involved with the Harvest Crusades with Greg Laurie, Compassion International, Lifeline Missions of Albuquerque, Focus on the Family "Life on the Edge" tour, and other ministries.

They have touched the lives of innumerable people through their ministry and they consider themselves blessed to have been given the grace to write, share and travel. Most importantly is that they have been entrusted with a ministry that continues to grow and that God is using to bear eternal fruit. They understand the importance of covering the band in prayer, having accountability, and supporting each other's individual gifting in the expansion of God's kingdom. By doing so they can continue to create passionate music and develop a high quality concert that brings a clear, relevant gospel message and worship experience.

So what is their vision for the new millenium? The same as it was for the new band that was playing praise and worship for their youth band in Albuquerque: To preach the gospel to all men.

"For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!" Cor 9:16

They want to take one year at a time to prayerfully plan each concert and tour that will take place. They want to have music recordings that continue to advance and mature while the message remains consistent, clear and edifying.

The greatest desire for the band is to see God use a ministry that changes thousands of lives for Jesus, and will make an impact that will go far beyond the actual concert. Ultimately, to see converts to later become disciples to equip the next generation of leaders in the church. That's not only the heart of this ministry, but that's the heart of these guys individually as well.

God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty 1 Cor 1:2

About The Kry
In a day and age where the word of God is regarded as irrelevant, the bible seen as an old mythological book filled with fiction stories, where prayer is no longer allowed in public schools and where the ten commandments have become, to most, "the ten suggestions", there is an urgent need for people to once again to proclaim the everlasting truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this modern moral wilderness. People need to know that they have a Creator. A Father who loves them and who went to great lengths to save them from their sins. He has called His children to be His ambassadors.

"Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God." 2 Cor 5:20

That is the vision that the Kry has been following for nearly 9 years now, to make known the love of God through Jesus Christ in a world that is desperately looking for answers in all the wrong places. How did that vision start?

Where can I find more information?
The best place to find all of the best information would be thier Official Website. It has everything that has to do with the band including bios, pics, sounds, merchandise, chat rooms, message boards, and so much more! So if RAVE*N hasn't satisfied your Kry Kraving, then make your next stop!

Buy this CD here

Album Review
I bought the Kry's album "Let Me Say" (pictured above) quite recently, and let me say, this is an awesome album! The tunes are really catchy, and after the first time hearing one of their songs, I would have it in my head all day! Their music has this infectious beat and rythem that makes you wanna dance! I love the lead singer's voice too! The lyrics are also very beautiful. In fact, the last song on the album, Cassie's Song, is based on a poem written by Cassie Bernall, the girl that stood up for God and was shot at the Coloumbine shooting. It is evident that this album has had a lot of blood, sweat, and tears put into it. A lot of hard work has also been spent, and it really shows. I highly reccommend this album!

Here are some Kry tunes for ya!

[What God Says]
[The Law of Love]
[Get Away]

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