My Stories

* A Brief Affair *

We left the cool air-conditioned restaurant and stepped outside to face the humidity of a summer night. We weren't quite sure where to go next. Our affair should end, after all, it was just an affair, but neither one of us wanted it to. We had talked about it over a beer and decided that before it got any deeper we would just walk away. But standing there in the heat, neither one of us wanted to walk. So he offered me a ride home.

He pulled up to my apartment not knowing whether or not I would invite him in. Smiling, he said to park the car and we'd go for a quick beer.

At the bar we talked about how much fun we'd had in the past few months, how exciting it was to be together, how it was difficult to keep our hands off each other. The more we talked the more excited I was getting. Pretending the crowd was getting louder I moved closer to him. Every now and then I would brush my arm against his, my leg against his, I'd lean closer to him and just barely rest my breast against him. He could see what I was doing and he began to react.

I could see the way he looked at me, I could feel the pressure of his leg against mine. With his arms crossed and his elbows resting on the bar he began to caress my nipple with his hand. I'm sure others saw us but that just added to the excitement. After one more round we weren't concerned about anyone or anything except each other.

The walk back to my apartment seemed to take forever. He wouldn't kiss me, he wouldn't touch me, he just described to me what he wanted to do. I had to listen to him tell me how he wanted to undress me and make love to me. To him, it would be very soft and slow but I had other ideas in mind.

As soon as the door to my apartment was closed it began. I couldn't keep my hands off of him. I pulled him to me and kissed him hard while I ripped at his shirt. He tried to slow me down but I wouldn't have any of it. I backed him onto the couch and began to remove his pants. He couldn't control himself any longer. He took control of me, pushing me onto the floor. He lowered himself on top of me and would do nothing but kiss me. He made love to my mouth with his mouth, using his tongue the way he would soon use his dick. Our kisses were hard and full of passion just the way our love was. I could feel his naked body on top of me, I could feel him sweating and I could feel the sweat trickling down my back. I begged him to take my dress off and he did, with one quick movement. His hand tore through the snaps and I was naked under him. Our bodies wrapped around each other and our hands began to explore.

He lifted me into a chair so I was straddled on top of him. I was grabbing at his flesh, my fingers leaving tracks in the sweat that covered his body. He was kissing me and touching me. First my face then my neck, my shoulders, arms and finally down to my breasts. There was no tenderness anymore, just passion and need. He took each one of my breasts in his mouth biting each nipple hard enough to make me cry out and arch into him more. The harder he bit the more I needed him. We moved back onto the floor so he could spread me out and taste all of me. He was grabbing me, holding me so tight I could barely breathe. His mouth tasted every inch of my skin and when he finally found my pussy I could barely control myself. I grabbed his head and buried myself into his mouth. I rubbed against him furiously until I came then I dragged him back up to kiss me so I could taste myself on his lips. He stood up, taking me with him but only to my knees. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed his cock as far into my mouth as it would go. I wrapped my lips around him so he could feel the wetness of my mouth and I sucked on him, first slowly then more quickly. I sucked on each one of his balls then took both together in my mouth. I could feel him ready to explode but I wouldn't let him. Each time his rhythm got too intense I would pull back and begin teasing him again. Finally he couldn't put up with my teasing. He turned me around as he knelt down behind me and buried his dick into my wet center. He began to tease me, moving ever so slow in and out of me until I begged him to fuck me harder. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me back just as he was ramming his dick into me. He fucked me so hard I felt like I was going to burst if I didn't come. With his free hand he reached underneath me and grabbed one of my breasts, squeezing it with each thrust of his dick. The harder he fucked, the harder he squeezed. I could feel him in me growing harder and harder the nearer he got to his orgasm. As he made that final thrust into me he pulled back on my hair, burying his dick deep inside me and exploding with his orgasm. With his other hand he squeezed my nipple until I cried out in pain but the pain combined with the throbbing of his dick was what I needed to get off.

We lay there spent, him on top of me, just feeling our hearts beating against each other. Soon it began again only this time it was slower and gentler, the way he wanted it at the beginning of the night. He was an expert with my body and he took pleasure in making me happy. Brian made me cum over and over again before he made slow, tender love to me throughout the night. We knew our affair wouldn't end that night, we knew the passion we had for each other couldn't be ignored, it had to be satisfied - and it was - many, many more times.....

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