My Stories

* A Night Out *


It had been a long trip. It was only a four-hour drive but it had seemed like forty. Traveling at night always makes a trip seem longer, but they had arrived at the hotel and had checked into their room for the night. The room was spacious with a separate living area from the bedroom. A couch and end table sat directly across from a large television in the main living area.

Heading back into the bedroom the two dropped their bags in front of the dresser. The bed was spacious, definitely more than enough room for the two of them.

"Are you tired?" He asked her as he rooted through his travel bag.

"A little, but I'm more sore than anything." She told him while arching her back trying to work the kinks out of it. He came up behind her and began to work on the muscles in her lower back.

"Ummm, that feels so good. Would you mind giving me a massage?" She asks as she rubs up against him.

"I'll tell you what, let's do this right." As he says this he reaches for the item he had been searching for in his travel bag. It is a small black bag. He grasps her hand and leads her towards the bathroom.

He turns on the light in the bathroom to reveal a large sunken tub, big enough for two to fit comfortably. He walks into the outer room and quickly turns out the light. Returning to the bathroom he opens the bag. Out of it he pulls a bottle of bubble bath, several candles and a bottle of massage oil.

"Well don't you come prepared?" She tells him with a slightly mocking tone.

"Once a boy scout, always a boy scout." He replies.

"And what good deed to plan to do, pray tell?" She muses.

"Why I plan on bathing and massaging to the point of ecstasy the most beautiful woman I know." He says a-matter-of-factly.

"Flattery will get you everywhere dear sir!" She replies as she begins to fill the tub with water. As she is doing this he places the candles in strategic place around the room and lights them. She grabs the bubble bath and pours a generous amount into the filling tub that now has steam rising off the surface.

"Now for my favorite part, the undressing. Milady, may I help you to remove those restrictive garments?"

"Why sir, I thought you would never ask!" He reaches for the bottom of her shirt and slowly lifts it up. He slowly exposes her stomach and she shivers with anticipation. He continues upward, exposing the lower part of her breast. She trembles with excitement. He lifts the shirt up and over her breasts to expose a purple demi-bra trimmed in lace. She smiles a wide grin and he sees a flash in her eyes. He finally pulls her shirt over her head
and drops it to the floor.

"Well, what do you think so far?" She asks him as she playfully places her hands on her hips, which rock from side to side.

"I do believe that I am the luckiest man on the face of the planet." He says.

"Don't forget the best is yet to come. Now will you please to help me remove these very constricting jeans?" She asks as she bats her eyes at him.

"Your wish is my command." He tells her as he reaches between them to undo the button that holds her black jeans together. He slowly pulls down the zipper and as he does she lets out a small moan. He peels away the jeans from her hips and exposes the top of a purple french cut brief trimmed in lace like her bra. He peels away the jeans from her ass as if he were peeling the skin off a grape. He slowly slides them down her perfect legs and she steps out of them.

Suddenly they both notice that the floor is wet. The tub has overflowed.

They let out a laugh and drain the tub so that they may bathe together.

"Now it's my turn to undress you." She states.

"You'll get no complaints from me." He tells her. She hastily pulls his shirt off and undoes his belt and his jeans. Quickly she pulls down his jeans and reveals his dark green boxers. He steps out of his jeans and pulls her close to him. He slowly and passionately gives her a kiss. Very tenderly at first but this does not satisfy her for very long and she begins to demand more.

He kisses her more forcefully and was rewarded with her full surrender into his arms and her tongue down his throat. His hands travel downward, lightly stroking her back until he reached what he had termed her "million dollar" ass. He kissed her more passionately, their tongues intertwining, and he began to squeeze her ass. She moaned into his mouth and thrust her crotch into his. He broke the kiss, sucking on her bottom lip as he pulled away from her. He gave a little squeeze and was rewarded with goose pimples breaking out on her arms.

"Now, for the final undressing." He whispers into her ear. He moves behind her and slowly slides one of her bra straps off her shoulder and lets it fall against her arm. He gently kisses her shoulder where the strap had rested.

He moves to the other strap and once again removes it and kisses where it had rested. She feels helpless. He moves to stand in front of her and begins to play with her breast through her bra. Her nipple hardens at his touch. It protrudes through the lace material of the bra, straining to escape its imprisonment. He lets out a small laugh. Patience, he thinks to himself. All good things come to those who wait.

He reaches for the cup of her bra and pulls it down to expose her breast.

He places the cup underneath her breast so that it holds the breast for him.

The nipple stands well off her breast and is very thick. He gives it a small pinch and is rewarded with a deep moan. He quickly exposes the other breast and finds the other nipple in a similar state. She takes his hands and places them over her breasts and he gives them a playful squeeze. He moves his hands to undo her bra and to his amazement her breasts remain in the same position without the support of her bra that had fallen to the floor.

"Perky little suckers, aren't they?" She says with a grin on her face. A quick up and down head motion is all that he can manage. He moves in closer and grabs her ass and pulls her to him. She can feel his erection against her and he kisses her deeply as he removes her panties that are very wet. As he does this she pulls down his boxers and begins to play with his penis.

She strokes his penis bringing him to full attention. He turns off the lights and the soft glow of candlelight illuminates the bathroom. They break from their embrace and climb into the bathtub.

The two stretch out in the tub and she reclines against him. The feel of her skin against his sends waves of passion pulsing through her.

"Tonight, you will want for nothing. You will not lift a finger. I will wash you, dry you, and dress you. I dedicate this evening to your pleasure."

He whispers into her ear. She sighs and relaxes as he prepares to wash her hair. He begins to wash her hair and she closes her eyes and surrenders to the pleasure that overtakes her. As he washes her hair he also massages her scalp. Small moans of pleasure escape her lips and he smiles. He finishes washing her hair and takes the bar of soap into his hands. He lathers up his hands and begins washing her shoulders, as he does this he also begins to massage her. A deeper moan escapes her lips and he can't help laughing.

Finishing working on her shoulders he begins to soap up her chest. He starts at her neck moving downward. As he approaches her breasts he uses only the tips of his fingers and once again her nipples spring to attention.

She begins to squirm and he increases the pressure. Finally he takes her breasts into his hands and massages them.

When he finishes soaping her breasts by playing with them he finds a washcloth and cleans the soap from her torso. He takes special care to rub the rough material of the washcloth across her erect nipples that only serves to elicit another deep moan from her.

" I need for you to face me in the tub so that I can do the lower part of your body." He tells her. She dutifully does as he asks and now is facing him. He starts with her feet and once again massages as he washes them. He removes the soap from them with the washcloth and she laughs because her feet are ticklish. Next he works on her long legs. He enjoys playing with her legs and delaying the inevitable, the cleaning of her gorgeous center. He finishes after several minutes of teasing her. He pulls her towards him.

She rides halfway up his legs.

"Are you going to quit teasing me and clean me, inside and out?" She asks him. He looks at her and she can see that mischievous look, knowing that look all too well.

"All right, but you must lean back so that I can see what I'm doing." He tells her, as he does he hands her another washcloth.

"Wet this and then place it over your eyes so that you will totally relax."

She does as he asks and he begins to soap up her pubic hair. When he gets a good lather her begins to soap her outer lips that are swollen from her excitement. Every caress of her lips brings forth another moan from her. Finally when she thinks that she can stand it no more he thrusts a soapy finger into her and she explodes with a fiery orgasm. He uses his washcloth to clean her of soap and her juices. As he does he brings her to orgasm again as he strokes her clit with the rough material of the washcloth. He dips the washcloth into the water again and covers her mound with it. While he does this he pulls out a bar of shaving soap and a razor.

He removes the washcloth and once again lathers up her mons. When the lather is good and thick he begins to shave her.

Using small strokes going with the grain of the hair he begins to remove the pubes that hide her treasure. He makes quick work of it and cleans her mons revealing the skin that had been hidden. He pushes her legs further apart so that he may shave the hair off her lips. If she didn't know what he was doing before, she would now. He makes sure to be extremely careful and not cut her. He works slowly at first, but as he gains more
confidence moves more rapidly. When he finishes he once again cleans her with the washcloth.

"I've always wanted to shave myself but never had the balls. Thank you."

She smiles with the washcloth still over her eyes.

"No, thank you, the pleasure was truly mine." He tells her as he stands.

She removes the washcloth from her face and stands as well. He steps out of the tub as she pulls the drain stopper. He quickly grabs a towel and motions for her to step out of the tub. As she steps from the tub he wraps her in the towel and begins to dry her off.

"There is one wet area that I hope doesn't get dry anytime soon." He tells her as he dries her breasts and works his way down her stomach.

"I really don't think that is going to be a problem, just as long as you keep doing to me what you have been." She says as she snuggles close to him.

He finishes his task at hand and dries himself off quickly. After he finishes drying himself off, she drops her towel and leads him to the bed.

He grabs the bottle of oil and a candle and follows her.

He sets the candle on the nightstand and she crawls on to the bed and lies on her stomach. He watches the shadows of the room play across her back as he pours some oil on his hands. He rubs his hands together to warm the oil and begins to massage her shoulders. Small moans of pleasure escape her lips and he feels the tension in her shoulders melt away. He continues to massage her moving to her lower back. He works the muscles there for several minutes and then begins to work on her ass. He takes great pleasure in massaging her derriere. He uses kneading strokes across her ass and as he does she moans
deeper and deeper with each of his strokes. He notices that the more he massages her ass the wetter she becomes.

"Do you like that?" He asks as he continues to knead her ass.

"Oh god yes. You don't know how much that turns me on." She moans.

"I think I can tell." As he responds to her he slips a finger into her drenched lovebox. Her body trembles uncontrollably as she experiences her first orgasm. He gives her derriere a playful slap and begins to work on her gorgeous legs. Two legs that go up and make a perfect ass out of themselves, he thinks to himself and smiles. He finishes up her legs and then climbs off the bed and walks into the bathroom.

"Would you like me to do your front?" He asks as he returns with two more candles. He sets them both down on the dresser opposite from the bed and climbs back on to the bed.

"You always finish what you start don't you?" She asks as she flips over.

"Yes, I do." He pours oil on to his hands and rubs them together to warm the oil. He begins to spread the oil across her torso, taking special care to caress her breasts. He uses the same kneading strokes on her breasts as he did on her derriere. Her nipples harden under his hands. He works his way down her stomach tracing spirals around her bellybutton and causing goosepimples to spring up across her torso. He pours more oil on to his hands and covers her newly shaven mons.

"Open your legs for me." He asks her. She complies with his request and he massages her inner thighs and her outer lips. Another moan from deep within her exits her mouth. He finishes by working on her legs and feet.

"I love to feel your hands all over my body." She tells him as she gazes into his eyes. She takes his hand and gives him a gentle kiss in his palm.

He drinks in the splendor of her nude form and realizes that there is no other place that he would rather be. He takes her hand in his and returns the gesture by kissing her hand.

"Would you make love to me?" She asks him.

"I was hoping that you would allow me that pleasure." He tells her as he gets up from the bed and rummages through his travel bag. Finding his shaving kit he pulls out a box of condoms.

He takes one condom and opens it up as he places the rest on the nightstand. He pulls the condom out and grabs it by the tip and unrolls it over his penis.

"Have no fears. Captain Condom is here." He announces as he strikes a pose by placing his hands on his hips and stares off to a corner of the room.

"Oh, Captain Condom get your ass over here and make love to me, this instant!" She orders him as she spreads open her legs to give him a view. He quickly leaps on the bed and she guides his penis into her and he thrusts deeply feeling how tight she is.

"My god, you are so tight!!" He tells her as he quickens his thrusts.

"Oooohhhh yesssss!!! Fuck me!!! Fuck me harder!!! Fuck me deeper!!!

That's it, yeah, fuck me just like that!!!" She tells him as she moves her hips faster and faster. He plunges deep inside of her over and over. He feels her begin to shudder and realizes that she is on the brink of orgasm.

He thrusts, once, twice and a third time, burying himself to the hilt and finally she comes, Longer and harder than she has ever before. Her own juices drench her. She grabs his face in her hands and gives him a deep passionate kiss that lasts for several minutes. He is still inside her while they kiss. Slowly he begins to lose his erection and he withdraws from within her. He rolls over and pulls her with him so that she is straddling him.

"Why sir, what big hands you have," while caressing his hand.

"All the better to play with your tight little ass." He says as he begins to run his hands over her derriere.

"And sir, what a long tongue you have." A huge grin spreads across her face.

"All the better to lick you all over little girl." He tells her as he licks her nipples and areola.

"And sir, what a HUGE PENIS you have," as she plays with his penis.

"All the better you fuck you with!" With that he once again gets and erection.

She removes the used condom and grabs a fresh one from the nightstand.

Ripping it open she removes it and places it on his penis. Carefully she impales herself on him. Slowly she finds a comfortable rhythm and begins to move up and down.

Faster and faster she humps him as he holds on to her ass watching her spectacular breasts bounce up and down as she heads for another orgasm.

Finally she shudders and collapses upon his chest. Her breathing is shallow and rapid. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her on the head. She looks up into his eyes and smiles.

"Thank you for everything. Thank you for being my best friend, my confidant, and most importantly for being my lover." She finishes her confession to him and lays her head back down on his chest and gives a contented sigh. He strokes her hair as he listens to her breathing. He can tell that she has fallen asleep. He continues to stroke her hair and listening to her breathing until he falls asleep.

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