Hosted Stories

*Anniversary Story*

It had seemed so long since the first time. The first time she had seen "in the flesh" so to speak. A moment in time… when the hands of time stopped for them both. As he had stepped from his car, she had thought he was taller than she had thought. And he was quite good looking also, and he had such nice broad shoulders. All in all, well, she had been pleasantly pleased.

She had wondered if the fact that she practically fell into his arms, into his spell of fascination, had seemed to "easy" or forward, but when he had kissed her, well, it didn't matter.

And when he lovingly showed her the way to smoothness, well, it was better than she had fantasized about, and well worth the wait. And he had made each time since then a wonderful adventure of love and lust and fun. She had often thought that the best of all was a man you could love, lust and laugh with in bed. And that is just what they did.

So over the months, they had gotten to know each other a little better, with the little snippets of time they could steal for themselves. At first, she had hoarded him to herself. She had not made any plans for them to go out, for she was perfectly happy just the two of them, in their little love nest. And so the smooth love affair continued. Nine months, and they had said it wouldn't last.

She had wanted something really special for this occasion, even though they would have to do their celebrating after the fact. And so, she had started "planning." Afterall, planning is everything, or so they say. "The best laid plans of mice and men." And of course, there are those who proclaim, that to be spontaneous is truly best. Well, no matter which method you attest to go through life with, the element of surprise and the essence of the unexpected can truly make all the difference.

She wanted everything to be perfect. They had intimated at certain things in the past, hints here and there, but sometimes, well, you just had to step off the cliff of the unknown. Only then can you discover the truth. So, perfection is what she sought, even though she knew few things in life were rarely perfect, after all, man is an "imperfect being." (And of course, women are perfect.) But as we learn only as adults, the truly memorable, wonderful things in our lives, are often decorated with "what went wrong" instead of right. It is our shared laughter, over these things that deepen our relationships, and make them more wonderful.

Anyway, she had planned this down to the smallest detail. She had started weeks in advance, sitting down with paper and pen and began making lists. She had bought a special "outfit" to wear for the occasion. And now, this was it…

An hour ago, she had put the plan into action. She had deliberately hidden all the Diet Coke, so when he finished the last one, it would seem the natural thing for him to run to the store for more. And of course, she had handed him a "short" list of other things they could use, since he "was going already." While he was gone, she scurried about, assembling everything she had collected and would need for the occasion. Then she showered, shaved, and quickly dressed. She had only just taped the note to the front door and got it closed, when she saw his car lights turning the corner onto her street.

All the lights were turned out except the outside one, so he could read the note. From where she sat at the back of the house, she heard him put the key in the front door lock. She heard the key turn, all the little sounds suddenly seeming so loud to her sensitive ears. She could just picture him in her mind's eye, pulling the note from the door, rearranging the bags, and starting to read the note. She could not see the small smile that touched the corner of his sensual mouth. Then she heard him come the rest of the way in the house.

Per the notes' instructions she could hear him put the coke in the fridge, and the ice cream in the freezer. The rest of the stuff on the list, deliberately chosen for this reason, could be left unattended for as long as need be. Then he went to the bathroom and she heard the shower run, but not as long as he usually took. It seemed he was as anxiously looking forward to this as she was. A few minutes later, she heard the mattress creak as he sat at the foot of the bed, as the note had directed.

When she entered the room a minute later, she heard his slight gasp of surprise. She had pulled her auburn hair up on top of her head, and it spilled about in a riotous tangle of red curls. She had put on red lipstick, which made her lips look wet and delicious. And she was wearing and animal print- black and white striped silk teddy. As she walked towards him, he saw that in one hand she held what appeared to be…

He bit back a shout of laughter- she had made a 3-foot long "whip" out of black and white ribbons. In her other hand, she held out a think, over 1" wide, strip of black velvet ribbon. It had "silver studs" on it and as instructed, he took it from her without a word and attached it around his muscular neck. She enjoyed watching the play of muscles across his broad chest and arms as he performed the simple task.

Then she spoke. "You are now my slave. You will obey my every command, without question, and you may only call me 'Mistress.' Is that understood slave?" He could hear the quiver of uncertainty in her voice. They had played before at some simple things, but this was the first adventure into this area…

"Yes, Mistress."

His deep voice reverberated through her nervous system, which was already on edge. She couldn't prevent the shiver that coursed through her barely clad body.

"I want you to stand first, slave, and tie this blindfold over your eyes." She handed him a black silken cloth. Once he was done, she commanded him to stand perfectly still, with his hands clasped behind his back and to not move. His 'yes, mistress' reply was just a bit slower in coming forth this time.

With his eyes covered, all of his other senses were becoming much more aware. When she stepped closer to him, he caught the sweet scent of her perfume- "Safari" was the name of it he recalled. He smiled as he thought her choice of scents was quite appropriate with her "animal" print teddy. Then he felt her soft hands beginning to bind his wrists together with a soft cloth. Against his fingers he felt the soft brush of her silken teddy. He couldn't resist rubbing his fingers against her soft womanly belly, where it touched him. She slapped his fingers lightly with her own fingers, chiding him gently. "Now, now slave, no touching your mistress without her permission."

When she was all done, she stepped back away from him, saying nothing. She let the silence fill the darkened room around them. After several long minutes of silence, she walked back around to face him. She flicked his nipple with one long red-painted fingernail. She then trailed the nail down his chest, letting it very lightly scratch his skin as it travelled down his furred chest. When her index finger reached his navel, she let her finger trail lightly around the outside, before continuing downward.

When she reached his lower abdomen, she let all of her finger tips stroke his skin, moving downward. Her small hand encircled his already hardening shaft. She leaned forward, and as her soft hand continued to stroke his "steel with velvet" hard cock, she licked the nipple with the ring through it. She smiled to herself as she felt his whole body jerk in surprised response.

She slowly stepped back away from him again, deserting his body totally. "Now, tell me, my sweet slave, what do you like best?" Her hand cupped his balls, gently, stroking, fondling and caressing him tenderly, lovingly. Her hand moved slowly, as if to an inner music. She stopped to softly, sweetly squeeze his tender area every so often. "Do you like gentle touches best, the kind that tenderly caress, stroke and fondle your manliness?" She leaned forward, letting her full breasts press against his chest for a moment. Slowly, she eased her head forward and took the nipple with the ring through it inside her hot, wet mouth. Very slowly she licked his hardening, taut nipple, just once.

She lifted her head finally, and whispered to him. "Or," she watched his face as she continued. "Do you like," she took his very hard by this time cock back into her hand. She began to firmly, steadily stroke his rock hard cock with her hand. She stroked him up and down, loving the feel of his flesh beneath her fingers; glad she could please him like this. She reminded herself 'back to business' and continued caressing him firmly; she couldn't stop the soft groan of desire escaping her own throat for a moment. Then she began stroking, pulling at him, a bit more firmly, faster, as she whispered, "Hard touches?" And then she quickly leaned forward again and lightly nipped his other nipple with her teeth.

To say he reacted would be an understatement. His whole body jerked in response to her touches, her words, her little bite. As she held his hard cock in her hand, it seemed, if possible, to become even bigger and harder. "Hmmm," was all she said, as she continued to hold him, stroke his cock, then stop and move and gently cup and fondle his balls below. Then she let her fingers slide up and over the velvety soft head of his cock. Her fingers touched his precum, which had just begun oozing forth. She began playing with him, rubbing the liquid around the head of this cock, the gentle ridges she found there. She let her fingers tenderly soothe him, and rub the liquid around, and up and down as she began letting her hand pump back and forth again and again on his cock.

Releasing him finally, she stepped away again. "I guess that answered my question." Knowing he had seen her "ribbon" whip earlier, she asked him in a soft, sweet voice, "Perhaps you would like to be treated a bit more roughly?" She lifted her whip and let the silkeny ends trail over his hard shaft.

"Or maybe my sweet slave, you would like this…"

He waited, his body so sexually tensed to the pinnacle of desire, he could hardly bear to stand upright any longer. The muscles in his whole body quivered with the need for release. He ached to grab her soft, sweet body, throw her to the bed and bury his hardness deep inside her own velvety softness. He strained to hear her, but he could hear nothing except his own raspy, rapid breathing. He moved his wrists, testing the silken tie that bound his wrists together. His thoughts were racing as he waited, the silence growing. Dear God, he thought, if she doesn't do something soon…

And then he felt her behind him, and he felt her tongue lightly touching, caressing, and licking the skin of his lower back. Then her lips planted soft, sweet, gently loving kisses across his firm, very taut buttocks. Her hands began caressing, stroking his tight ass, and squeezing the firm flesh every now and then. She gave him a light kiss on his right cheek then bit the tender flesh she had just kissed, and began sucking the skin inside her mouth. Her hands continued touching him, wandering down to his hard thighs, teasing the skin of his upper, inner thighs, then moving back up to his tight cheeks. She stopped and rubbed her own soft face against one of his buttocks, then to his complete surprise, she let her nails bite into his flesh in a hard, tight squeeze.

She stood and began caressing his back, long slow circles massaging his skin. She could feel his muscles rippling beneath her fingers. She raised on tippy toes and kissed the nape of his neck, lightly licking the skin there. She whispered softly in his ear, "I love you" and then she gave his bottom a hard slap.

That was it! In less than two seconds his wrists were free and the blindfold pulled from his eyes. She barely had time for a surprised gasp before she found herself flat on her back, and him kissing her madly, while holding himself above her on the bed. His clever fingers quickly unsnapped her teddy, and found her sweet, pink, smooth womanly folds, and began touching and caressing her, until she squirmed on the bed. He fingered her clit, coaxing gasping, moaning sounds from deep inside her. When her hips bucked against his eager fingers, he slid his own hard cock deep inside her. Her hot, wet softness enfolded him eagerly, as her thighs enfolded his thrusting hips. His own shout of climax, was drowned out by her scream of joy. She whispered, "I love you Kevin" almost simultaneously, as finally slid into a sated sleep. Back to Hosted Stories