My Stories

* Adventures of Sprite *
I gasped at the tone of his voice, so fierce and unrelenting after his tender kisses of a moment ago, but I bent my legs to kneel as my master had commanded. The heel of my boot caught on the hem of my skirt and fell in an undignified sprawl on the carpet. Immediately felt my master's fingers in my hair, winding n the thick tresses at the back of my head n the way that drove me crazy.

"Up, pretty," he growled, sounding a little amused. "You're not usually this clumsy. Are you nervous?"

I nodded. "Yes, sir."


I knelt on the floor, still blindfolded and bound, trying to get a sense of where the two men stood. I felt my master behind me, but I could not sense Kevin.

My master lifted my chin and ripped open my shirt, sending buttons flying. I felt the heavy chain with his pendant bounce against my ribcage and come to rest between my breasts. Then, a sharp, stinging pain as my master slapped my breasts, back and forth.

The pain was not intense. He concentrated on the curved parts and my nipples, staying way from the extremely tender area where my breasts met my armpit. But, he hit hard, and with my hands bound I had to struggle to keep my balance.

My nipples hardened and became hot. I felt them as little lances, seeming to bore into my chest and run a lightening flash of heat into my groin. I moaned, throwing my head back so that my breasts pressed further forward.

I was beginning to feel the stirrings of the particular mindset I call Magic. This happens when I lose control, when I care for nothing but the present. The world shrinks down into a luminous pinpoint, and I am impaled on the pin, wanting nothing but to please, to serve. I heard Kevin gasp, and although my mind was blurred, I fixed his position to my right. My master had creased slapping my breasts and was kneading and kissing, biting at the nipples.

At times like these I love to hold his head in my hands and run my fingers through his hair, and so I raised my bound wrists to him, moaning in a pleasing tone of voice.

"So you want your hands free, slave? But tonight we do not care what you want. Tonight you will learn what it is to truly serve. You will serve me, and, should I command it, you will serve Kevin. Your only desire will be to please me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my lord," I whispered, lowering my hands. I felt ashamed that I had had such a selfish desire.

I felt my master smile as he lifted my face.

"No need to be downcast, my sweet little bitch," he said, "We forgive you. Don't we Kevin?"

The voice came this time from the left.

"Most assuredly, Howard. Just as soon as..."

I felt my skirt being lifted from behind, then, Swat! A hard smack on my already tender buttocks.

I let out a scream and my master immediately grasped my face in his hands and pressed it against his crotch. Swat! The bare handed smack came again, and my eyes watered behind the blindfold. But this time, I did not scream.

With my face pressed against the rough fabric of my master's pants, I could feel the solid outline of his cock against my cheek and lips. I traced it with my tongue, feeling him grinding against me, the dry fabric forcing my lips apart, the cold metal of the zipper clinking against my teeth.

Howard, my lover, my master, let out a groan and ground harder against my face. His voice was changing, the way it does when he's aroused, from a gentle, somewhat sardonic drawl to a terrifying, primal growl that sends shivers down my spine.

Kevin, meanwhile, had ceased spanking me and was gently stroking and kissing my hot and tender ass. He played one finger around the opening to my wet pussy, and although a tiny part of me tensed and wanted to shy away, I had to restrain myself from lunging backwards impaling myself on him.

He ran his finger around my lips, spreading the copious liquid I was releasing, and stroked my clit while rubbing my lubricant. I began to grasp and twitch, and Howard growled again and pulled down his zipper.

His cock sprang free and I eagerly took him in my mouth, relishing the salty taste at the tip, running my tongue over the bumps, veins and crevices I had come to know so well. He fucked my mouth steadily, hands in my hair, while Kevin rubbed and teased me from behind.

Occasionally, Kevin would use his spare to slap me sharply and that would cause me to twitch. That twitch would be felt in my mouth, as Howard groaned and tightened his grip on my hair and thrust deeper, deeper into my mouth.

I sucked him instinctively, feeling as though I was born to do this, only this. The distinction between his cock and Kevin's fingers, between my mouth and my pussy, began to blur. It became difficult to breathe. Kevin thrust three fingers knuckle deep into me and this time I could not control myself, I did lunge backwards into his hands and he slapped me, hard, while Howard's delicious cock almost slipped from my mouth.

It was black behind the blindfold, but my inner eye saw clearly that luminous pinpoint, spiraling, spiraling. We were one organism, and my duty, my life, my reason for existing, was this pleasure, this pain. I could no longer feel the carpet beneath my knees. Three steams of breath becoming one, a wind of lust, passion, power, trust. Such power in nature!

Then Howard said, "Enough," and pulled from my mouth, leaving me bereft, hungry. My mouth gasped hopefully, baby bird style, all thoughts of grace and dignity gone. I was nothing but a core of heat.

They lifted me between them and carried me; it seemed, across the room. I felt coolness in front of me, and something steely and hard as my master lifted my arms and tied my wrists to arms stretched up and a little top the side, I was forced to stand on the tips of my toes. As I did this, shifting slightly to get as comfortable as I could, my breasts brushed against something cold. Glass!

I felt hands unbuttoning my skirt and removing the remains of my shirt. Then I was naked, save for my boots and necklace, and the cloth covering my eyes. A Hand pressed into the small of my back, leading me into a curve.

The blindfold was removed. At first I could not focus, then I slowly realized what they had done to me.

Hundreds of feet below, the street. Cars moving slowly, people like ants, lights like a votive candle. Across from me, tall buildings, dark save one floor that was illuminated and showed a busy gymnasium. I was tied to the window bars, pressed against the glass, and if anyone working out in the building opposite could look out of the window, they could see me.

Howard laughed.

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