My Stories


"Sherl…could you pass me a towel?" he yelled from the bathroom. She opened the door and saw Howie standing there wet and naked. "What will you give me for it?" she teasingly asked as she scanned his hard body. "C'mon hun, I'm cold," he said grumpily as he took the towel from her.

He ran the towel through his long black hair then across his hairy chest. She loved his naked body and was getting horny watching him. He wrapped the towel around his waist and flexed his muscles at her jokingly before looking at himself in the mirror. She placed herself between him and the sink wrapped her arms around his waist. He was still a little wet and his skin was still hot from the shower. She lay her head on his muscular chest and could smell the soap he had just used. Slowly she let her hands come to rest on his tight ass and gave it a little squeeze. "Alright…I have to shave," he said as he pushed her away playfully. She got the feeling he wasn't in the mood, but that didn't deter her. She quietly watched as he took out his shaving cream and razor and inspected his face in the mirror.

Sherl was feeling quite naughty and came up with an idea. "Howie…have you ever helped anyone else shave before?" He looked at her puzzled. "Well, shaving isn't exactly a participation sport my dear. Besides, men don't shave each other like woman do each others hair." She laughed because he wasn't picking up on her subtle hint. "No silly, women's pussy." Howie wondered what she was up to and deciding she was only trying to get a rise out of him played alone. "As a matter of fact no I haven't if you sit your pretty little ass on the counter here, you can be my first customer. He didn't think she would and was surprised when she took off her robe and sat down. Sherl liked to shock him and today was no different. He wasn't complaining though. She'd never shaved her pussy for him before and the right time had never come up for him to ask. "Aren't you a naughty girl today," he said. She was in fact quite horny and wanted to feel the dick she could see was coming to life under his towel. He loved the feel of a smooth pussy.

Howie's dick was tenting out in front of him and she seemed to be enjoying the reaction she had gotten from her request. Howie went to get some scissors and when he returned she was leaning back against the mirror with her legs spread. If he didn't have a task to perform he would have taken her right then. Carefully he trimmed her raven pubic hair as short as he could. There wasn't much there so the shaving would be easy. He took a hand towel and ran it under hot water. Having squeezed the excess water out, he placed it on her pussy. The heat of it instantly made her clit throb. Howie shook the can of shaving cream and asked her, " You are sure now?" she kept silent and just nodded her head. She looked awfully wanton sitting there naked with her legs spread and he couldn't wait to finish so he could sink his swollen dick into her.

In the palm of his hand he sprayed a generous amount of shaving cream. He bent down and placed a wet kiss on her clit before applying the white foam to her pussy. She giggled and he himself couldn't help but laugh. When he'd finished with the shaving cream, he filled the sink with water and took out a new razor. He knelt on the bathroom floor and inspected the area before beginning. He decided to start at the top. "Be careful," was all she said as she felt the razor gently glide against the top of her pubic bone. Howie got up and rinsed the razor in the sink before continuing. He could see that he was doing quite a good job. "Would you kindly spread your legs a little more ma'am?" he jokingly asked. She did and he again knelt on the floor between her legs. This time he started at the bottom and worked his way up one side and then the other.

Sherl watched his eyes as he worked. He looked so focused and serious. "You missed a spot," she said to tease. He smiled at her and continued till he thought he had gotten it all. He took the wet towel and wiped the little smudges of shaving cream away to reveal her now smooth pussy. Sherl inspected his work. The last time she had seen her pussy like this she'd been 11 years old.

She pulled him closer and wrapped her legs around him. "Now fuck me," she said, pulling him closer. Their lips met and her mouth opened. Their tongues met and his hands came up to rest on each side of her head. She could feel his hard dick grinding through the towel and the roughness of it against her bald pussy was a heightened sensation. Sherl yanked the towel away to reveal his eight inches of rock hard dick. Slowly he rubbed it between her legs, letting him feel and enjoy the results of his latest handiwork. Howie moaned and wondered to himself why they had never tried this before. Putting his arms around her waist he pulled her to the edge of the counter. His dick was standing straight up and he had to push it down a little to enter her soft smooth center. She was so soft, wet and willing, a combination he couldn't resist. Sherl wasn't comfortable and asked him to sit on the toilet. Howie put the lid down and did as she asked. She placed her legs on both sides of him and placed the tip of his dick at the entrance of her soaking wet center. Slowly she lowered herself onto it. She rested her weight on him a moment and pushed his long hair aside to kiss his neck. With her feet firmly on the floor she used her legs to slowly pull herself up and down on his huge member. Howie's hands were exploring her firm body. Her legs were straining from the effort and he could see the outline of muscle on her legs. Cupping her generous breasts, he held them up while his mouth sought out one of her nipples. Sherl let out a little cry and sat down hard, enjoying the feel of his hot mouth on her breasts and the thick dick between her legs. He continued to suck and lick her breasts while she fucked him. Their bodies fit together perfectly. Over and over she continued till her legs were aching.

Sensing she was getting tired he held her by the waist and pushed her so that her head was touching the floor. With her bent back like that, his dick slipped a little further into the fleshy folds of her pussy. Harder and harder he pulled her against his till she was moaning in delight. He looked down between her legs and could see all of her. Her clit looked swollen and when he rubbed it with his finger she cried out for more. This encouragement, coupled with the soft smooth feel of her dripping wet center made him bang her even harder. She was bracing herself with her hands and trying to spread her legs even more. He was so thick and hard that in on time his expert rhythm had her cumming. Howie stood up, still holding her and she wrapped her legs around him. She was pinned up against the wall. He pumped and drove like a madman. Deeper and harder he worked his aching dick till he could feel the hot cum travel from his balls and out into her satisfied pussy. They were still locked together when she said kissing him, "Now we shave you?"


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