* Bathtime *

I lay on the couch, my head in his lap. Staring up at him I realize how lucky I am to be where I am. He slowly and absentmindedly plays with my dark hair as he sits entranced by the movie we rented. All I can think of is how wonderful he looks. His deep brown eyes and soft skin. How his lean frame looks as he stands under the running water of the hot shower in the morning. How his black hair is tousled in the morning when he drags himself out of bed, awakened by an obnoxious alarm clock.

I think. . . I can't wait until the movie is over. Maybe I'll get up and draw a hot bubble bath so it's ready. Not sure I can move, his caressing has put me in such a deep state of relaxation. My mind starts to wander again. The bath will be nice. He will blow bubbles in my face and I will lean back against him so my bottom rests in between his legs. Maybe he will wash my hair and back, or maybe we'll just relax and listen to the soft music in the background. The candle will start to flicker, reminding us that we really should go to bed for we have a full day ahead of us.

I'll get out of the tub first and grab a green towel from the bar. Handing it to him, I get another for myself. As we dry each other off, he will embrace me and kiss me long, hard and deep, stirring emotions I hold deep inside myself. As we hold each other I can feel something growing long and hard. Knowing how excited we are both getting, I take him by the hand and lead him to the bedroom. The lights are already off but I decide that a candle should be lit. I want to see his face; I want to look into his eyes.

Something funny must have happened in the movie because he is laughing. I like his laugh, just as I like his smile, the way he moves and the way he talks. There is nothing fake about him and I appreciate that. He is so sexy; he doesn't even have to try.

The scented candle is lit. The room starts to smell like jasmine and the clean scent of our fresh bodies. I lie down on the bed and wait for him to come to me. It doesn't take long for him to appear beside me. His lips meet mine and we kiss for awhile. His hand starts to slide down my body. When our lips part, he moves his down to my breasts with their tan nipples, nibbling at them, they soon become hard. His hand runs itself along the inside of my thighs and makes it's way up to the prize. A hot, wet pussy awaits his skillful fingers.

As he concentrates on pleasing me, I move my hand down his chest. My nails scraping against his skin, as they near his dick, he shivers in anticipation. My hand grabs hold of his hard member and begins to slowly move up and down. His finger circles my clitoris and the very tip of my lower lips. Very lightly it circles, it speeds up for awhile than slows down. Occasionally it reaches down for more lubrication but always returns to what it was doing before. My body begins to tense. I beg for him to do it faster. As he speeds up a tingling feeling starts at my toes, causing them to curl, and rushes up my body. My stomach contracts and I become totally unaware of my surroundings. A moan escapes from my lips and I smile as my body finally relaxes.

Now I pull away from him and lay him downflat on the queen size bed with it's black cotton sheets. My lips embrace his and my tongue eagerly explores his mouth. A little nibble on the ears and a love bite on the neck and my tongue slowly makes it's way down his chest. It doesn't take too long for my mouth to find its mark. I run my tongue along the shaft and around the tip. A drop of precum appears and it is soon gone down my throat. Grabbing his balls in my hand I plunge my mouth over his hard dick and start to move up and down on the throbbing appendage. He groans and I taste saltier precum. As his hips start to buck mildly, I relax my throat muscles in order to let his beautiful manhood slide all the way in. His groans are becoming more frequent and his body is starting to tense. I stop.

Sitting up, I position myself above him and quickly slip down onto his dick, letting it slide into my pussy with ease. My hips move in circles at first but then I move up and down, slowly at first but then with more urgency. Rolling over, he is soon on top of me, pounding his dick inside of me with such speed and strength. Knowing that he is soon going to cum, I match his speed and try to grab his dick with my pussy. It works . His body stiffens and a low long guttural groan enters my ears. He shudders and rolls over onto bed. His face illuminated by the candle shows utter contentment and a big smile.

As I pull myself out of my reverie I realize that the movie had ended and he is staring at me. I smile back at him, get up off the couch and tell him that I'm going to start running the bath water.

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