My Stories

* The Beginning *


Kevin looked at the curtains as Lacey told him to stop, and he thought he could feel her gaze burning into his ass. Then she was there, behind him. Running her hand down his back, lightly grazing him with her trimmed fingernails. All the way down to his bottom, and cupping it in her hand. She leaned forward and licked his earlobe, and he shuddered. As she flickered her tongue in and out of his ear she whispered to him about how delicious he looked, and how much she was going to enjoy him this evening. She punctuated the statement by lightly but firmly biting the muscle where his neck and shoulder met. Then she was gone. He knew better than to turn around or even glance over his shoulder.

After what seemed like five minutes to him, but was probably only thirty seconds, her voice came from across the room. "Turn. Again. Slowly."

So he did. Feeling slightly humiliated, but knowing that the sensation was something that he was enjoying. As he turned and saw her standing there, his jaw dropped.

She had lost the robe, and was wearing a black semi-sheer negligee. He could just barely glimpse her pale skin through the fabric, and it dropped to about mid-thigh. It was some sort of light material, which flowed down her body, skimming her ample curves, but the bodice was tight to her breasts, accentuating their fullness.

Lacey smiled as she saw the slightly stunned look in his eyes as he beheld her in her glory. She had worn this specifically because she knew his weakness for lingerie. Her eyes widened as she watched his dick twitch and grow harder before her. Still, he didn't touch it, or try to move. She was pleased with his self-control.

She addressed him again. "Now, my sweet, I want you to go into the bedroom and get my toy basket. I don't want you to look inside it, through. Just bring it back to me."

Kevin did as she asked, walking quickly into the next room. There were MORE candles in the bedroom, but only two. They flickered, sending shadows across the alabaster walls. He looked at the bed briefly. It was made up with a cheery yellow bedspread, and about ten pillows mounded on top of it. He smiled, thinking that he could picture her all curled up, asleep with a flush on her cheeks. He heard a sound from the living room and snapped back to the present. He saw the basket over in the corner and picked it up.

As he walked back into the living room, he saw that she had seated herself on the large sofa. right smack in the center of it, in fact. Lacey smiled at him, extending her hand.

"Thank you, sweet. Now, please, just kneel right here before me," as she pointed at a spot on the carpet.

He did so quickly, leaning back on his heels as he looked at her gloriousness directly in front of him. He watched as she reached into the basket and withdrew something orange and black, but he didn't really notice what it was.

She smiled. "Are you having fun, pet?" As he nodded at her, she continued, "I am too." He watched her gaze travel south to his semi-hard dick. He watched her hand reach out and delicately touch the head. They both saw it twitch and grow a little bit at her touch. "I certainly want to enjoy you!" she added with emphasis.

She moved to the edge of the sofa, spreading her legs around him. He could see the garters from her stockings, and he wondered how they felt to the touch. He gazed at her legs, trying to see through the interfering layers of cloth to her pussy. Wanting to know if she was wearing matching panties.

Lacey reached a hand out to cup his chin, so that he was looking into her eyes. She smiled as she saw that his pupils were dilated. That meant he was excited. Good. Lacey took his right hand and pulled it to her breast, cupping it around the pillowy flesh, feeling his fingers kneading into her and his palm against her quickly hardening nipple. She reached for his other hand, bringing it to the other breast, where he quickly set about massaging that one as well. She could feel the moisture between her legs. Damn, she was aroused!

Kevin touched her and traced the outline of her bodice, he licked his lips, wanting to lick hers. He wanted to run his tongue over her curves, and pull her erect nipples into his mouth and suck them, but he knew better than to ask. She was in control here, and he knew it. They both wanted it that way. This time.

Lacey reached out and began to trace the outline of his nipple as well. He felt an electric zing run through him as she lightly pinched then simultaneously, and he glanced down and saw that his dick was fully erect and standing straight out, pointing at her. He sighed, and wished with all of his might that she would reach down and touch it again. She didn't. Instead, she withdrew her hands from his body altogether and placed them over his as he caressed her. He smiled at her, and then looked as she pulled the bodice of her negligee down, exposing herself to his hungry glaze. He leaned his head forward only to stop as she quickly pulled his hair to stop him.

"No, sweet. You may not. You didn't ask permission." She looked at him with a serious expression on her face. this was important. He needed to understand that he only touched her, or himself, when SHE wanted him to. He needed to know that her will was in control.

"Please Miss, may I lick your beautiful breasts? Please . . . let me suck your nipples. Allow me to worship them as you deserve," he begged eloquently and earnestly, looking deep into her molten brown eyes.

Lacey smiled, and said one word. "No."

Kevin stopped suddenly. this wasn't what was supposed to happen. He begged and she let him. That was how it was supposed to work.

Lacey could see the confusion on his face. Ahhh, she thought to herself, now he is feeling truly out of control. THAT was the feeling she wanted him to experience. This wasn't just a script. These power games weren't fun if you knew what was coming next. She was glad that he didn't know just how badly she wanted to feel his mouth on her breasts.

Instead, she pulled the skirt of her negligee to her waist, exposing her neatly trimmed pussy to his eyes. She had forgone the panties, knowing that she wouldn't want to waste the time dealing with them. The black garters ran up her thighs, and framed the lips that were glistening with moistness.

Her hands touched the back of his neck, and she pulled her legs up on the sofa at the same tome, showing him the inner lips that were already swollen with desire. She pulled him forward, and gave one command. "Lick, pet."

He did, bending down and running his tongue up the fragrant and tasty slit before him. He rested his hands on her soft thighs and enthusiastically licked the wetness from her inflamed pussy. She moaned loudly. He found her clit and ran his agile tongue over it, coaxing a louder groan from her mouth. Kevin licked and sucked and ate her mindlessly, loving the taste and scent that was emanating from deep inside her. He reached down and started to stroke his aching dick, but the moment he touched himself, he felt her hand pull his head away from her.

Lacey sternly looked down at his face, seeing the lower half shining with her juices, and reprimanded him, although what she really wanted to do was let him lick her to three or four orgasms. "I didn't tell you to jerk off, did I, Pet?" She paused. When he didn't answer her, she repeated the question a little more forcefully.

"Nnoo, Miss, you didn't. I'm sorry. Please . . . let me make it up to you," he told her earnestly.

Lacey laughed, a slightly evil laugh, and said, "Oh . . . you will, pet. You will. For now . . . give me your hands."

As he extended his hands toward her, she smiled, and changed her mind. "No. I think you need to stand up."

He did so, wondering what she had in mind.

"Now, sweet . . . hands behind your back, and turn around," she told him.

He did so, understanding exactly where she was going with this now. He felt a soft material twine itself over and around each wrist, binding them together firmly, but not causing him any pain. Her hands left him, and he jumped as she slapped him sharply, but not very hard, across his buttocks. He heard her laugh. "Now, turn back around," she commanded him.

He did so, and as he did, he looked down at her face, and watched her extend her tongue and lave it across the head of his aching dick. It was like he was struck by a bolt of lightning, and he moaned. Lacey smiled up at him as she licked him. He wondered what she had in mind next.

She sat back, and spread her legs again, tapping her inner thigh. "I think we were right about here, weren't we, my sweet?" she asked him with a devilishly teasing tone in her voice.

He lowered himself to his knees carefully, and leaned back in to lick her pussy. Lacey tilted her pelvis up a little more, ho thrust his tongue inside her, reveling in the moan he heard from her mouth. He ate her with abandon, running his tongue from the top of her clit past her pussy, touching her tiny rosebud. Kevin concentrated on giving her a climax that she would remember forever.

Lacey's moans grew in volume as he licked her. Kevin would thrust his tongue in and out quickly, and then start sucking her clit. He would swirl his tongue over her nether portal, making her squeal. damn, he was GOOD! Lacey loved it. She knew that if she took his hands away he would make it even better.

Finally, every muscle in her body tensed. She almost screamed as she orgasmed on his tongue. Kevin licked gently over her clit to extend her climax, and was rewarded as her hips bucked toward him time and time again. He continued licking her, feeling small aftershocks ripple through her.

Lacey relaxed, feeling his mouth continue to caress her, reveling in the afterglow of that incredible orgasm. He thrust his tongue inside her wetness, she felt her passion begin to grow again. Lacey squirmed and moaned, eventually pushing him away from her. She exulted at the dazed look in his face. He must have enjoyed it as much as she did, she thought to herself, as she swooped down and kissed him deeply, tasting herself on him.

They both moaned at the kiss. He jumped as her hand suddenly grasped his throbbing dick. Kevin pulled away from her. "No, Miss. Please . . ."He looked at her, and as he saw her face freeze, he rushed to explain himself. "If you touch me. . . I think I might explode." He relaxed as he saw her smile.

He was just SO precious to her. That licking her to that incredible climax would make him so hard that he was afraid he would come was amazing to her. She decided to reward him.

"Move back, sweet," she told him, as she slid off the sofa to kneel in front of him. Lacey touched his dick again. She squeezed it gently, and then turned and leaned over the sofa, presenting her voluptuous bottom to him. She spread her legs and then reached back and pulled his dick toward her. "Here, pet. I want you inside me. Now." She guided him inside her incredibly hot and wet pussy.

He groaned and thrust himself into her in one stroke. She felt incredible around him. He wanted to keep himself in there forever. He wanted to make her scream in pleasure. He wanted to feel her contract around him in orgasm.

So, he began thrusting in and out of her moistness. Slowly withdrawing, and then, when just the tip was inside her, slamming it back in. Over and over. He could see his prick glistening with her juices. Everytime he stroked into her, he groaned at the clasping heat of her. He wished he could grab her hips and really hold on to her, but his hands were still helplessly bound behind his back.

Lacey was delirious with the feeling of him inside her. She thought she could feel him throbbing as he reached deep inside her pussy. Every stroke of his dick rub against that special spot inside her, driving her closer to a meltdown. She wanted more. "Faster, sweet. Faster," she told him between pants.

He knew he wasn't going to last very long this way. He hoped that she would at least cum once more before he exploded inside her. He built up the pace, driving into her quickly over and over again. Kevin felt her fingernails against his balls. He realized he was touching her clit. Kevin moaned at the thought. "Please. . . . Miss. . . I am about to cum. . . Please. . . Let me cum. . ." he begged he as he drew closer to a complete meltdown.

Lacey smiled, looking over her shoulder at his flushed face. "Yes, sweet. Cum. Cum inside me. Let me feel you. . ." She pressed hard on her joy button and felt her own orgasm start.

Kevin heard her words, and then felt the walls of her pussy explode and the cum race through his pulsing dick. Her contractions milked him as he shot spurt after spurt of molten lust deep inside her throbbing walls.

Finally, they both started to regain their normal breathing, and he pulled his softening prick out of her. Lacey turned and pulled his face to hers, so they could share a deep kiss.

They smiled at each other as Lacey reached around and untied his wrists. He shook them out to regain the feeling in his arms. With one hand he pulled her hair gently so her head tilted up.

He growled against her throat as he bit her gently. "Wait until next time, love. You just wait. . . " he felt the shiver that ran through her body.



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