My Stories

* Captive *

Chapter 2

I slipped a pair of sunglasses on before venturing out to the pool. I ached from the previous night. Alex fucked me for hours. I never thought he would stop. Where did he get that energy? I slipped a hand inside my robe and massaged my center. I could still feel that penetrating hardness rocking inside of me.

Naturally, I couldn't complain. He made me cum so many times that I lost count. I responded heatedly to him. No other thought entered my mind while Alex fucked me. He gave me enormous pleasure.

I strode onto the deck, blinking behind my shades. The sun was powerful this morning. Those warming rays poured from the sky with laser intensity. I whipped off my robe and stretched my body on a lounge chair. It felt great to relax after a wild night of sex. I needed regeneration.

As I settled in my thoughts turned to Howard. I was ashamed of Alex's treatment of him. Capitalizing on opportunity from Howard's prison record was hitting below the belt. Alex made it legally impossible for Howard to defend himself. Besides, he knew he couldn't possibly pay the attorney fees.

While my skin began to absorb the sun's heat, I continued to think of Howard, not in a sympathetic vein, but as a woman conceives a man. I thought of that robust frame, that rugged profile, those hands with their expansive fingers. I thought of those muscles, combined with that piercing stare of his, and I couldn't help from getting wet.

It wasn't as though I objected to having Alex, but there was something positively delicious about Howard. Possibly it was his underlying sexiness, or his arresting masculinity, or his slim but powerful build. All these qualities came to my attention. I couldn't look at Howard without his having a shirt. The sight of that heavy matting against a developed chest drew longing stares. No, I considered Howard unobtainable, taboo. Alex would never forgive me for that transgression. He would disown me the instant he found out.

As much as I found Howard irresistible, he was equally attracted to me. I noticed how his dark, penetrating eyes trailed me. I felt the heat of his stare, interpreted that secret longing he attempted to disguise. I'm not sure if he was intrigued with me, or if his attraction to me was genuine. There were occasions when we were left alone in the same room and I felt the temperature rise several degrees. I could feel his ache for wanting to touch me.

Perhaps there was something I could do to overturn Alex's decision. If I spoke to him, appealed to his sense of loyalty, I might be able to convince his to settle with Howard. He shouldn't be cheated.

Alex strolled out of the house, his sunglasses affixed, as well as a smug grin. He was carrying a cup of coffee from the pot I'd made in the kitchen. "Hi, baby," he greeted me, sitting in the chair adjacent to mine. He had obviously taken a shower, donned his swim trunks and looked totally refreshed. There wasn't a hint of fatigue in his expression. He might very well do a few laps in the pool as means to recharge himself. "You're up early. I would have figured you'd sack out until noon."

"I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind."

"Oh?" He sipped his coffee, scanning my body. Alex loved to gawk at me. I supposed he thought it was the manly thing to do, making him appear tireless when I was fucked out. I didn't think I could handle another round with that big dick until later this evening. I was too sore.

"Alex." I decided to broach the subject. "Is it possible you might reconsider Howard's situation."

He grimaced. "I told you to forget him."

"But what you've done is unfair. He's entitled to a greater share of the profit. You're giving him half of what he deserves."

"I explained my position, my reasons. There's no need to revisit the subject." He turned away from me, picking up the morning newspaper. I carefully arranged the sections so that the business portion was on top. Alex had voracious appetite for financial information. He had maintained subscriptions to Crain's, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. His fixation with keeping apprised of his investments was total. Nothing much happened without Alex's knowledge.

I made him angry. I could tell. His dismissal of me was abrupt, indisputable. The fact that I was sore was no longer a personal issue. I had to do what was necessary to restore his interest. Compromising my relationship with him wasn't worth seeking justice for Howard Dorough.

I rose from the chair and went behind him. My fingers sought his shoulders. I began to massage him, weaving my female spell. Alex could be manipulated if done properly. He didn't take kindly to blatant suggestion. Sex was a tool of which I made regular use.

"How does that feel?" I asked him, delving into his flesh. "Hmmmmmmm?"

Alex failed to respond to my efforts. I had to increase them if I wanted success. I leaned my breasts against his head, letting them cushion him. That thick brown hair brushed against my luxuriant skin. My fingertips floated over his shoulders, kneading them to his satisfaction.

"Better?" I whispered.

Alex let out a groan. Despite his annoyance at my assertiveness, he couldn't help but enjoy what I did. He welcomed my arousing touch. There was an infectious tingle I spread that radiated to each of his nerve endings. He couldn't resist them. I worked those muscles with female charm.

Although dark lenses disguised them, his eyes didn't have to be seen. I knew the sort of unfocused look they had. When our flesh communicated, Alex couldn't curb the impulse to close his eyes and give himself over to that enveloping lushness.

Giving him a basic massage couldn't be enough. I knew that he would soon recover from its pleasant effect and demand more. Judging from the swirls of delight that permeated my lower body, I was ready to give it.

I undid the strings to my bikini. The bottoms fell to my feet. I shivered as they dropped.

I swung my legs in front of him. My center was aimed in the path of those dark lenses, leveled so that he had an unobstructed view. I caught the tightness of his mouth, the strained corners, and heard the faint intake of breath.

I took my love button between my fingers, then rubbed it. " Ohhhh. Still sore from your dick," I murmured. "You fucked me so much, I'm aching from your thrusts.'

"You like it like that?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

My lips curved. "Sometimes." I moved toward him, making myself available.

Alex accepted my invitation. His hands enclosed my ass, dragging my closer. "Yet you say nothing?"

I was going to tell him more, but Alex's tongue silenced me. He attached himself to my flesh and sucked. I moaned, shoving myself at him.

"Oh, my God." I flung my head back, molding myself to his face. The sunglasses remained in tact, not moving even a fraction. Alex elicited a growl of pleasure as he delved into my moist center. He did me exactly the way I liked, without warning.

"So good," he muttered. Lapping my flesh. "So fucking good. Mmmmmm."

A searing weakness tore through me. I shivered, cumming against his mouth. I cupped the back of his head and spasmed roughly.

It took me several moments to regain my composure. I was dragging air into my lungs, fighting to keep balance. I hadn't expected such intensity. I must have been hornier than I thought.

I stepped back, sighing. "That was incredible," I admitted to him. "Positively incredible."

He looked smug. " Still hurting from last night?"

I matched his grin. "Not a chance."

I began to give thought to straddling him and letting another part of me assure him. Before I could, however my doorbell sounded. I could hear it through the open patio doors.

I glanced at Alex, looking to him for permission to answer it. "Go see who it is," he told me. "I asked Lou to stop by. He's got a package for me."

I caressed his hairy thigh, trailing up to his crotch. "I hope he won't be staying."

"Don't worry. He's just dropping something off."

I fastened the strings to my bikini bottoms, unwilling to show myself to Lou. After securing them, I sent Alex a sizzling look. "I hope so. I'm getting hungry."

My initial mistake was not in checking the peephole in the door. It was customary for me to establish the identity of my guests before allowing them to enter. Alex had drilled that precaution into my head so often it became routine.

"Hi," Howard said, standing at my doorway in a swimsuit. His voice was gentler, his features relaxed. There was no similarity between him and that inconsolable man who stormed in last night. Not even an adverse glint. His serene mood puzzled me.

"Hi." I was exhilarated by his lack of clothes. Except for the Hawaiian trunks he wore, his lean muscled body was totally exposed to me. I couldn't help glimpsing the span of his chest, the hair-rough flesh, and the muscular thighs.

His gaze traveled down the length of my body, examining the curves, the smooth flesh that tapered to the triangle between my legs.

A moment of acute hunger passed between us.

"I stopped by to apologize to Alex," he said, explaining his presence. "My behavior was inexcusable last night."

"Alex, there's no need."

"I insist. Alex was right. He was of enormous help when I was sent to prison. He ran the business in a profitable way. I'm grateful for what he did."

He seemed sincere. I couldn't be sure, but reading his gentle expression was sufficient affirmation. There was no reason to doubt him. He came with good intentions, and I wasn't going to disallow his visit.

I assessed him a moment longer. His curly hair gleamed in the sunlight. The dark glasses he wore added sexiness to his otherwise handsome looks. Sometimes I thought they gave him a sinister appearance, others an enhancement to his virile profile. Today, I decided on the latter.

"He's sitting by the pool," I said before noticing he was carrying an equipment bag. "What's that?"

"I was on my way to the health club when I decided to make a detour. It's just my tennis racket, a change of clothes and," he paused for effect, "my jock strap."

I think I would have enjoyed seeing it, but refrained from asking. I didn't want to put any ideas in his head, no matter how delightful.

Alex didn't register surprise at seeing him. Of course, with his sunglasses in place, his expressions couldn't easily be read. "Dorough. Looks like you've cooled off."

Howard took the chair across from him. "Sure did. Sorry for the way I acted. I was completely out of line."

Alex shook his extended hand. "I forgot all about it."

The man seemed to exchange pleasantries. I saw that as my cue to fetch them something to drink. "Would you care for a Coke, iced tea, coffee?" I offered Howard.

"Iced tea sounds fine."

I look to Alex. "More coffee?"

He nodded.

I went off to the kitchen, busying myself with their refreshments. I was still haunted by that moment of weakness I experienced with Howard. I had thought I'd gotten over it, and then I consigned all such impulses to the back of my mind. One thing I absolutely didn't want to do was to reveal my attraction to him in front of Alex. I knew, only too well, how insanely jealous Alex could be.

I set the beverages on a tray and started back to the pool. I was more conscious of not spilling anything than watching what was happening ahead.

I expected to find Alex deeply involved in conversation. Discussing financial matters ranking top in priority. When I saw him, something odd caught my attention. The slant of his head wasn't natural; he seemed slumped in the chair. His mouth was slack, his jaw dropped. A line of spittle flowed from the corner of his mouth. His sunglasses masked his eyes. Further inspection made me aware of his arms; they hung limply at his side. His hand brushed the ground.
Initially, I thought him ill. He must have had an attack of some sort. Panic clutched my throat. What could be wrong with him?

I looked to Howard for an answer. He glanced cautiously at me, guilt flaming his face. His features looked darker, more sinister. His brow was furrowed, his mouth tight. As he stepped back from Alex, I saw a cloth in his hand. He tried to hide it from view, but it was too late; I'd seen it.

"What did you do to him?" I gasped in horror.

Howard, unresponsive, merely sniffed, "He'll be alright. The bastard."

I recognized that ferocious tone. I thought I'd heard the last of it. I ran over to Alex, held his hand, prompting him to wake. "Alex, honey, are you okay?"

Howard put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't bother. He'll be asleep for at least an hour."

"What have you done to him?" I demanded to know.

"That's irrelevant. Right now, I need you to come with me." With a single yank, he pulled me to my feet. "I don't want any argument."

"Why? Where are you taking me?"

The strength he exhibited in holding my wrist bore no compromise. Howard wouldn't accept my refusal. "Let' go."

"No." I tried to tear away from him, but couldn't. His grip on me was non-negotiable. "Take your hands off me. I'm calling the police."

"No, you won't, baby." Howard pulled me up against him. I felt the brillowy texture of his chest along my back. My ass was flush with his crotch. A second attempt to hurl myself from his clutches ended with a resounding slam to his muscular frame.

If circumstances had been different, I would have panted from that seductive pose. I would have thrilled to his touch, having his hands roam my body. Having my ass pushed against his dick was another enviable position. There were nights when I lay awake at night and actually fantasized about his "taking" me. Of course, I knew I would let him. He turned me on from the start.

The anger with which he spoke frightened me. I didn't want to be pinned by those powerful arms, against that masculine flesh. God, I didn't want to be his prisoner.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you," he said, trying to reason with me. "I just want you to get into my car. We're going somewhere."

"I won't!" I screamed. "No."

My struggles were futile. Howard defeated any attempt on my part to escape. He tried dragging me toward the house, but I kicked and cursed every step of the way. He might have had the advantage in terms of might, but I wasn't going to make it easy for him.

It became increasingly apparent I was no match for his imposing strength.

"Let go," I snarled. "Let go of me.'

"Don't make me use the same stuff on you, baby," he warned. "You'll be sorry."

I was half-listening. My brain whirred, searching for an avenue to dodge him. I couldn't believe Howard would manhandle me in order to secure my compliance. He wasn't that kind of guy. I remembered his gentle nature, his kind face. This maniac that fought to restrain me was not someone I knew.

I sank my nails into his thigh, then drew them across his flesh. He howled.

"Okay, baby, you asked for it."

The rag went over my nose and mouth before I could let out another scream. It was obviously soaked with some foul-smelling chemical' very likely chloroform. It made me instantly woozy. My hands shot up, trying to pry it away from my face. The strength Howard exerted in his thumb could not be argued. It remained clamped in place, forcing me to breath the intoxicating fumes.

"I didn't want to have to do this," he muttered, subduing me. "I didn't expect you to fight me." His feet, set evenly apart, didn't budge a fraction.

I kept trying to remove his hand and that awful cloth, but both were inflexible. That large thumb of his was made of steel, totally unshakable. I groaned as the polluted air over took me.

"That's a good girl," he said, fondling my breast. "Breathe it, don't fight me, it'll do you no good, you can't win."

It was true. Howard was vastly more powerful. I gave one last shot at trying to push his thumb away from my nose. I began to collapse. The chloroform was taking effect. It took the fight out of me. Those muscles wouldn't give. I fell back into his arms, gasping for air. At the last moment, he released the cloth from my face. None of the gulps I took prevented me from descending into darkness. Howard caught me before I fell.

"Good girl." I heard him say.

And then I was out.

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