My Stories

*Caresses In The Dark*

Chelle woke up from what seemed like a very long, hard sleep. You know the kind where it feels like you slept for days. Not knowing what time it was or where she was, she began to panic. Then footsteps started coming down the hall slowly. Slow enough to make her anticipation grow stronger and stronger. Chelle was straining her ears to hear every move the person made hoping it would give away some sort of clue as to who it was.

She could feel the blindfold on over her eyes keeping her in darkness, the restraints tied around both her wrists and her ankles keeping her from moving anywhere and her nakedness, suddenly realizing that she was not wearing any clothing. Struggling to get free Chelle could feel the restraints pulling tighter and tighter. Finally realizing she would get no where she gave up.

The foot steps moving down the hall still, getting closer and closer with every step now. She hears a hand rest on the doorknob and she can hear it slowly turning. Chelle felt a sense of anticipation and fear sweep over her body all at once causing a slight tremble to cross her body, making her nipples perk up.

Sensing there is someone in the room Chelle asks, "Who is there?" No answer so she speaks again. Still when no one answers she lays quietly listening to the person breathe. As this person starts walking towards the bed Chelle begins to tug on her restraints trying to free herself only to find that the harder she tries the tighter they become.

She feels someone slid onto the bed, between her spread legs, and lightly kiss the lips of her pussy. Feeling a warm tingling feeling spread throughout her body, she moans softly, but you can still sense the fear -- even in her moan. Chelle feels a tongue lightly dancing across her pussy lips, almost as if her pussy were an ice cream cone. A hand starts to lightly move up her stomach, which is moving up and down very heavily both with anticipation and fear. Tracing her belly button and moving up further, running a finger gently across her left nipple sending socks roaring through Chelle's body. Her breathing becoming very deep as she becomes more and more aroused and begins to forget how frightened she is!

A hand slides between Chelle's legs. Running up and down her pussy lips, a finger just lightly brushing her clit. Feeling a finger suddenly slam into her at the exact same time her left nipple is being pinched very hard. She cries out in pain...but by the reaction her body gives off her captor can sense that she is enjoying herself. Kissing up Chelle's body and placing hot lips around her right nipple, her captor starts to suck very hard all the while sliding a finger in and out of her pussy, faster and faster gaining speed with every thrust. Chelle moans loudly feeling the finger slam in and out of her hot, wet pussy. Finger fucking her harder and harder as her captors lips move from nipple to nipple. Biting them lightly, teeth being dragged along them, sucking them all the way into a hot mouth. Chelle feeling herself getting closer and closer to climax starts to arch her back trying to slam her pussy as hard as she can down on the fingers that are probing her hot cunt.

Sensing that Chelle is about to reach climax, her captor slides off of her body and quickly left the room closing the door behind.

Chelle's pussy drips with her sweet juices and all she can do is lay there, feeling her whole body on fire, wishing the person would come back and fuck her hard. Lying in the dark, listening, she hears nothing. She closes her eyes and eventually drifts off to sleep, still dripping wet.


Her eyes fly open, all is still dark and she is breathing hard, her chest moving up and down at very fast speeds. She feels someone between her legs sucking on her clit, hard, biting it and sending shivers through her entire body. She feels a finger, maybe two, slamming hard into her pussy, stretching it, making her cry out hurting her so good! Chelle's back arches up as she lets out a cry of pure ecstasy. Her juices flowing over her captors tongue. Breathing hard, her body quivering, she feels the restraints on her legs start to get pulled up as she lifted her ass off of the bed, at least a good foot. She feels hands on her ass smearing her own cum all over her asshole. Finally feeling his hard, throbbing cock against her tight, hot asshole, he slowly slides the head of it in. Chelle draws a sharp breath and bites her bottom lip to keep the scream sealed within the depths of her. Sliding his cock in further now, inch by inch, stretching her tight asshole. Chelle moans loudly feeling his cock begin to slam fuck her ass. Her captor starts to finger fuck her pussy, his thumb moving over her clit fucking both of holes like mad. Her breathes becoming shorter and faster, feeling her cum start to run down, the crack of her ass coating his cock as it slides in and out. Chelle lets out a scream of complete and total pleasure, feeling her body spasm uncontrollably and then darkness -- passing out.

Being awakened by a soft, tender kiss on the lips, Chelle opens her eyes to see her loving boyfriend Brian lying next to her. A devilish grin spreads across his face and as she begins to say something he smacks her ass, smiles, and kisses her again.