My Stories

* Control *

The house is quiet.. silent... if I listen close, I can hear your rapid keystrokes as you work away on your latest brainstorm. Hour after hour, you work, perfecting your new program. Finally, I decide you need a break, and sneak into the kitchen to put some water on to boil for tea for you. I can hear you slaving away as I set a tray with your tea (perfect with 1 spoon of tea and two spoons of cream), and a small bowl of fresh strawberries.

As I quietly slip into the room, I notice you are totally absorbed in your work. You don't even look away from the screen, or acknowledge my presence. Smiling softly to myself, I set the tray down, and creep up slowly behind you. The morning has been nice and warm, and you are clad only in a pair of bike shorts. Reaching out, I gently begin to massage your tired neck and shoulders, working my way down your back. You pause in your efforts, and lean back against me. You reach up, and clasp your arms around my neck, pulling me closer. I lean down and kiss the top of your head tenderly, marveling at how soft your hair is. Wrapping my arms around your neck, we nuzzle quietly for several long, lingering minutes, my fingers wandering over your chest.

I murmur, "I brought you some tea, Love... you have been working for hours!"

"Well, thanks, I lost track of the time."

I smile to myself when you release me, and unbutton my robe, dropping it to the floor. You allow your hands to roam over my naked breasts, caressing and squeezing. I kiss your head again, and allow you to pull me around to face you. Guiding me, you have me straddle you, and sit in your lap facing you. You smile warmly, knowing that I am all yours in this position. I close my eyes and lean back against your desk as you begin to suckle and play with my, firm breasts. Your fingers drift downward, teasing as they go. You wrap my hair around your fingers and pull me back up towards you. You tease and tickle my neck as you kiss and nibble on me.

Holding me firmly by the hair, you take your free hand and let it wander down my belly to my smooth mound and finally to my wet, spread center. Smiling, you begin to rub my clit in small circles. Releasing me, you gently push me back against your desk, and start to tease my right breast with your fingers, pinching it, pulling on it. I moan softly.

"My, my... my little slut is very wet this morning. What are we going to do about it?"

"Oooh... enjoy it?"

"I most certainly will!" With that, and one strong lift, you place my ass on the edge of your desk, and hold my legs far apart. You have the most wicked gleam in your eye as you smile at me. I shiver slightly, knowing you will tease me until you are satisfied that I have no more to give you. I moan louder as your fingers begin their assault on my clit. Closing my eyes, I feel the most incredible sensation as you rub your lips across my clit, then continue to rub. Slowly, you begin to tease my swelling lips with a soft fingertip. The roving finger soon finds its target, and begins to softly stroke in and out, a little deeper with each stroke.

Keeping your fingers moving in and out, I can feel your breath on my clit - hot and moist. I moan deeply as you lick me softly with your tongue. Seeing my reaction, you wrap your lips around it, and begin to suck harder and faster. My moans become louder as you nibble away on it, stroking me all the while. My orgasm begins to build rapidly, as you command me to cum in your soft, deep voice. You increase your strokes in and out of me while you flick my clit with your tongue. Within moments, my orgasm explodes in a rush of hot, fresh juices covering your fingers. You lick eagerly, slurping noisily and hungrily. I continue to cum, screaming and quivering as your tongue and fingers keep teasing me.

Lifting me suddenly, you place me on the couch, my ass on the arm, my head on the seat, legs far apart. I am fully exposed to you - a willing slut submitting to you for our mutual pleasure. You move your chair by my side, and softly stroke my hair, murmuring sweet nothings.

"You were so nice to bring me breakfast, hmmmm. I a surprises for you but first, I need you to close your eyes, no peeking!"

I giggle in response and close my eyes. I feel you pulling on my left nipple, and then attaching something very firm. I arch my back with delight. You pull my right nipple out, and clip that as well. Then, you reach down, and find my hot, swollen clit, and clip something to that as well. I moan softly, then deeper as the vibrations begin nice and low, then intensify. Holding my legs far apart, you go back to stroking my sweetness softly, then more urgently. Coating your fingers with my juices, I gasp as you quickly insert one deep into my ass and begin to stroke.

It does not take long, and I am stimulated into a wild, bucking orgasm. You laugh, and pin my legs open. Turning down the vibrations on my clit, you increase them on my breasts, and continue softly stroking my center and ass as I scream and buck on the couch. I open my eyes to see you smiling down at me, and know you have still more in store for me. As my orgasm subsides, you unclip my clit, and turn the vibrations low on my nipple clamps. Smacking me playfully on the ass, you command me to get on all fours, with my legs far apart and on the arm of the couch. I rearrange myself while you watch, and wait patiently for you. You walk behind me, and decide I am not open enough to you. Grasping one leg, you place it on the back of the couch.


"Yes, Love, very." You caress my ass, then smack it hard several times, rubbing it in between strokes. I jump and moan with each stroke. Your response is to increase the intensity on my nipple clamps, and smack my ass again, harder this time. You place your hands on my burning cheeks, and pull them far apart. Dipping your finger back into my hot, wetness, you bring it to my rosebud, and begin to stroke slowly. As I relax, and let you explore at your will, you pause. Next, I feel a cool, wet head press against my asshole, and begin to invade me deeply. You push in gently with this dildo, and then begin to fuck me with it. As I relax more, you insert it more and more, stroking harder and harder. Finally, it is in all the way, nice and deep. You turn this one on, letting it throb deep within me, and toss the control over the side of my ass. You stand, and remove your shorts. Holding yourself in your hands, you begin to stroke it up and down my hot, wet slit, teasing both of us in the process.

"Not yet, my sweet slut, not yet." You pull your dick away from me, and insert your fingers deep, caressing my G-Spot until I cum again, nice and intense this time. I can feel the juices flowing down my leg, and your admiring eyes on your fully exposed, quivering slut. Grabbing the vibrator in my ass, you stroke in and out as I continue to cum all over your hand. As my orgasm subsides, you pull me up to my elbows, and reach down and turn off the vibrator at my nipples, and remove the clamps. I moan deeply as the blood begins to flow back into them. You take your hand, and massage them slowly, then begin to pinch and pull on my tortured nipples.

Sitting down in front of me, and straddling me, you tease me with your dick right in front of my mouth.. I reach out and eager lick the head of it, then take you in deep. Grabbing my hair, you hold me firmly in place while you stroke deep into my mouth. Taking one hand, I reach down and play with your balls, squeezing them playfully. I look deep into your eyes, and can see the pleasure as I suck on you and play with those full sacs. Letting my fingers wander, I tease your asshole with one fingertip, and rub that one special spot with a bent finger while I suck you nice and deep. I know how much you love this and am shocked when you suddenly pull away from me, and get up.

You walk behind me, dick in hand, and again begin to stroke it up and down my slit. In one hard thrust, you enter me. I scream out, filled completely. You ignore me, and ram that huge, hard dick into me urgently. You reach down and grab the control of the vibrator in my ass and turn it up higher. Holding me tight by the hips, you slam me back into you with each forward stroke. Faster, and harder, you impale me until I feel you begin to explode. Your grunts grow faster and harder, and you begin to fill me with load after load of hot, sticky cum. Reaching down, you rub my clit, sending me off into another orgasm right along with you. Quivering. Moaning. You have sent me off into the mindless outer limits of an intense orgasm. You quietly turn off the throbbing vibrator in my ass, and pull it out, smiling as I moan.

"Well, my hot little slut, I think it is time for a shower. What about you?"

I smile in response, knowing the fun has only begun for the day.

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