My Stories

*Could This Be Love*

Chapter 1

Zai looked out the door into the starry night as she felt breeze whip through her strawberry blonde hair. The moonlight sparkled in her eyes making them look like blue sapphires in the darkness. She remembers years ago when she gave up her virginity so willingly wishing she knew then what she knows know. A rush of wind blew through her thin nightie sending a cold chill all over her golden tan body. She certainly felt very old to only be 18. Zai silently shivered making her nipples stand straight out for Alex to see as she turned to him and the warm glow of the flickering fireplace. He looked on her with exceeding lust and desire. He would gladly sell his soul to have a girl like Zai. His hands warmed her body as he rubbed her up and down. She let her nightie drop to the floor. Laying her on the bed he rubbed Zai's legs up to her thighs and waist. Them he rubbed her back loosening her muscles up. Rubbing around her shoulders and working around to the r breasts. He massaged them with great care. Then he got up as Zai turned over on the bed onto her back. She thought by the look of his hands that he must have a nice size penis. AJ pulled off his shirt and his jeans. His manhood bulged out through his underwear. She reached down in his underwear to feel it as it got harder with every second. A peaceful feeling fell over her as AJ began sucking her nipple. First the right and then the left one. He looked at her and told her she looked like an angel. Well she sure did not feel like an angel. The truth is she did not know how being an angel felt. She assumed he meant an angel from hell. They can look good too, and be very enticing.

AJ ran his tongue all around Zai's nipples. The n he went in a circular motion until he licked her entire breast. He did then worked his way down to her stomach. Licking her navel got Zai more excited. He turned her on her side and licked deep into her ass. Zai felt herself getting wet now. AJ went from her ass in between her legs licking it, and making it very wet. As he got to the bottom of her center his tongue went deep into her several times. Then she laid on her back again spreading her legs as far apart as she could. He continued the tongue penetrations. Zai's nipples were like rocks now. AJ started licking his way up the lips of Zai's center. Licking higher each time. Then he got to the top of her center and ran his tongue over her clit. She moaned. AJ licked her clit repeatedly and then using his tongue he sucked it into his mouth. Tears fell from Zai's eyes as her body tingled from head to toe. God it felt so good to her. He sucked her clit in and out of his mouth. AJ had found her weakness. Now he could make her cum anytime he wanted to. If he didn't stop she would cum very soon. Zai grabbed his head and began to hunch and grind his face and tongue. Shoving him into her deeper felt extremely good. Then he stopped and showed his wet face to her while stroking his penis. He slid all the way into her with one stroke. As he did she gave a long moan. "Aaaahhhhh"!!!! AJ saw the sweat beads sparkling on Zai's body as it glowed a golden tan in the firelight. He fucked Zai so hard for several that she felt as though he was trying to fill her with himself. Her center was dripping. Deeper and harder he slammed her as hard as he could. He grabbed her legs and pulled himself deeper into her. Then he stopped. He laid her back on the bed and kissed her deep as he continued to fuck her. She was so horny. As they kissed, Zai switched and got on top and had a really deep ride. Then to her surprise as she rode him he fingered her clit. Zai hunched harder back and forth on top of AJ. He was fingering her weak spot again. She knew he had her now, and that she was going to cum soon. She knew it would be a big one. AJ could tell he was about to make her go over the edge, so as Zai rode him he worked her clit over really good. Zai knew she could not last long now. Her sexual excitement was getting very intense.

Zai hunched his fingers as his full length penetrated her deep. Suddenly a wave of climactic passion swept over her as she started to cuming. Sensations tingled and warmth surrounded her body. Zai hunched and jerked as she pulsated. Another wave of tingling passion took over her body as if possessed by some horny demon. Her whole body was pulsating and jerking. As another wave of tingling passion swept over her she yelled with pleasure as the merciless fingers of AJ worked her clit. She felt like she was fucking and ridding his dick all the to hell. Zai was cuming so hard she begged him to take his fingers away so she could breath. He worked her over for a couple more minutes and she was cuming so hard she screamed. AJ's body suddenly jerked hard. Zai that knew then he was shooting off inside of her. He kept cuming draining himself inside her. After they stopped Zai fell onto the bed. She smiled at him She loved AJ cuming inside of her. Zai loved playing Russian Roulette. She knows that she will get the chamber with the bullet when she gets pregnant. She knew it was foolish but she loved taking chances. She loved AJ even though she couldn't admit it now. She hoped one day that she could.

The next morning AJ is sleeping beside her. The fire in the chimney has gone out but not the fire in Zai's heart. Sadness rolls over her as she remembers the night before. AJ gets up and pulls out his wallet and hands her $500 dollars.
He says, "Thanks kid, same time next week?"
"Sure," she replies as she walks out the door.
AJ does not admit even to himself that he wishes he had a girl like Zai for his lover. Zai brushes away the tears as she walks down the street of the big city.
She wonders, "What would it be like to be AJ's girlfriend?"
Then Zai thought to herself, If I'm every man's fantasy, I would sure as hell would hate to be they're girlfriend. Pushing back her emotion for AJ she walks back into her world.


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