My Stories

* Dinner and a Movie *

It was almost 7:20 and I'd been standing in the entryway of the restaurant for almost twenty minutes. I'd arrived at exactly 7:00 p.m. since that was the time Alex had told me be there, but I now suspected Alex never intended to be there before 7:30. The hostess had asked me twice if I was sure I didn't want to sit down or wait at a table. I had explained both times that I preferred to wait in the foyer, but she had been giving me odd looks the whole time. I just kept hoping the looks were because standing in the foyer instead of sitting in any of the perfectly good chairs surrounding the entry way was an odd thing to do, and not because she could hear the buzzing that sounded as loud as a
chain saw to me.

Finally at almost precisely 7:30 p.m., Alex strolled in and smiled at me in that sexy way that sends sparks of flames shooting through me. He came up behind me and cupped my ass with one hand while resting the other on my arm. He asked me, none too quietly, if I could was hearing something buzz. I'm glanced at the hostess to see if she'd heard his
comment and I'm sure I was blushing to the roots of my hair. He continued to knead my ass while speaking to the waitress, asking her if we could possibly be seated at one of the tables near the fountain. I rolled my eyes at this request as he'd chosen one of the most public areas of the restaurant. While the hostess was checking her seating chart, Alex whispered in my ear, "I trust you did exactly as I asked?" I nodded, and he continued, "Then, I think you must have something that belongs to me?" Embarrassed, but afraid to say anything for fear he would continue talking along this vein, I slipped the little, oblong, black box out of my pocket and handed it to him. He held the box up to
the light, ostensibly to see it better, I suppose, and examined each button, finally pressing one and asking, "I guess you had it on the lowest speed? And this is medium?" I nodded again, and then realizing he wasn't looking at me, I said, "Yes, I think that's about medium."

We followed the hostess to our table and Alex pulled my chair out for me as the hostess told us our waitress would be right with us. As I sat down, Alex leaned over and kissed the back of my neck, then said to me, "Keep your knees apart, I haven't given you permission to come yet." Feeling uncomfortable with the unladylike position, I did as he asked, knowing that the tortuous teasing was just beginning. Grateful for the tablecloth that hung down almost to my lap, I quickly spread my napkin over my knees to add just a little more privacy. The table across from us still probably had a pretty good view, but I hoped the darkness of the restaurant would hide the details.

Alex sat across from me and toyed with the remote, while smiling at me. The waiter sat our menus down and droned on about that evening's dinner specials, but my mind was on the little buzzing butterfly between my legs and I let Alex handle the ordering process.

Alex had given me the remote control butterfly for my birthday and promised me multiple orgasms if I would follow his instructions completely and without question when the time came. Never having played any game like this with him before, my curiosity was piqued and I had agreed. It had been two weeks since my birthday and the butterfly hadn't been mentioned again until I received the email at my office from Alex this morning. In his email, he'd told me to wear, the little black dress you wore to my Christmas party last year and not to wear any panties, but instead to wear the butterfly, turned on, but only on low. He'd named the restaurant we were at now and told me to be here at 7:00 p.m. I'd agonized over his request to wear this dress as it was so short, but in the end, I'd left work early, went home and soaked in a hot bubble bath, then proceeded to get dressed just as he'd asked. I had on thigh high black stockings and black high heels and I had to be doubly careful that not only did the bulge from the butterfly not show on the front of my dress, but that the tops of my stockings didn't show at the bottom of my dress. I had taken great care to position the butterfly low on my pussy with the top against my clit, and tighten the straps around my legs so it would stay put.

As we sat at the table, waiting on our drinks and dinner, Alex continued to play with the remote control, flicking it to a slightly higher setting and instructing me to sit still and keep my legs spread. He knew that if I could squeeze the little butterfly between my thighs, I'd probably come and it was obvious he didn't intend for that to happen just yet. The waiter appeared at our table with our drinks and I was sure he could hear the buzzing noise, yet he gave no sign. As he set the drinks on the table, the waiter turned to me and said he was sorry, but the appetizer we'd ordered was no longer available and asked if I
would like something different. Alex took this opportunity to turn my butterfly to high and I jumped, just slightly and looked at Alex with surprise in my eyes. I couldn't have formed a rational answer at that point if the waiter had asked me if the sky at noon was blue, much less make a decision on an appetizer.

After Alex and the waiter had conferred on the appetizer choices and the waiter had trotted off to the kitchen, I grabbed the edge of the table, straining to keep from grinding on the chair and leaned forward. "Alex", I begged, "please turn it down, I'm so close to coming and I cannot sit still!" He grinned at me and obligingly turned it down, just slightly. "Is your chair damp yet?" he asked me, knowing, I'm sure, that it was more than just damp. "Tell me something else", he continued, "Does this make your pussy feel empty and hungry, or are you only thinking about how soon I'm going to let you come?"

Not believing he really expected an answer, I shifted slightly and leaned forward, still gripping the edge of the table. "Do we really need to eat dinner? Can't we just go home?" I almost whined.

"No. We are staying for dinner and possibly desert. By the time we get home, I might have let you come once or twice, but the grand finale won't be nearly as spectacular if you don't let the anticipation build." I shivered at his words, but the heat in my wet slit was nearly overwhelming and I could feel my knees shaking with the effort it was
taking to hold them apart and still. "And", he continued, "I suggest you go easy on that drink unless you want me to accompany you to the ladies room. I don't intend to let you out of my site until after I have the chance to fuck your brains out." He laughed deeply at his own words and I squirmed some more. "Actually, I do need to use the ladies room and I don't care if you go with me!" I said as my brain contemplated all the possibilities. I stood and looked at him to see if he would follow through on his threat to accompany me. The waiter was immediately at our table, and Alex simply said, "Excuse us, we need to use your facilities."

As he followed me to the ladies room, I wondered how far he would actually take this. I knew he was not easily embarrassed. As we reached the nearly dark hallway to the restrooms, I turned and said, "You're not really going in with me are you?" Hoping he would, but also hoping he wouldn't. The overwhelming sensations running through me were almost enough to make me throw all caution to the winds and drag him in with me. He reached around me and pushed the door to the ladies room open saying, "Of course I'll help you with your zipper, sweetheart," as we walked into the room. He smiled at the woman standing in front of the sink and said, "Excuse me, but my wife's zipper appears to need some first aid." He guided me toward the long line of stalls, and I opened the door of the last one.

As I stepped into the stall, Alex's hand still on my upper arm, he turned me and pushed me against the far wall. "Raise your dress," he growled at me and as I did, my bare bottom came into contact with the cold tile wall. The sensation of coolness on my ass, and the heat pumping through me were enough to chase all sense of propriety out of my head. He leaned toward me and quietly said, "I'm going to let you come one time before we have dinner, but its your only one until I get you home later and we are going to the movies before we go home, so make it good." I looked at him in confusion, still holding the hem of my dress above my nakedness, the butterfly buzzing away. He leaned back against the door and said, "This is your show darling and I'm just here to watch this one." He pulled the little remote control from his jacket pocket and said, "I'll run this for you, but the rest is up to you."

Realizing in an instant what he meant, I wondered how to precede. I'd never masturbated in front of him and certainly a brightly lit ladies room with other people in the room was an impossible situation. I dropped my dress and said "Never mind, I can wait" as the fire inside me slowly began to die. He didn't move from his position against the door and his next gruff statement caused my heart to begin pounding. "We are not moving until you do as I tell you. I think you're forgetting our agreement." I did not want the evening to end on such a note, but I had no idea what to do next.

Alex solved that dilemma by saying softly and sweetly, "Now raise your dress, Tasha, close your eyes, and let me watch you pleasure yourself. "I slowly raised my dress back up and leaned back against the wall behind me. "Close your eyes, you can do it. I know you want to come, baby." "Spread your legs a little. He'd turned the butterfly down to a very slow buzz and now he increased the speed in small increments. "Push it up into your pussy, rub it around and let it do the job its meant for." With my eyes closed, I could almost forget where I was and the building pressure in pussy did the rest. I locked my knees and began to grind my hips against the butterfly, feeling the longest nub working its magic on my clit. My arms brushed my hard nipples as I rubbed the butterfly, sending mor e shafts of pleasure through me. "Thats it baby, keep working it. Let it build." Daniel's words were the only encouragement I needed and my breathing quickened as I neared my climax. "Does that feel good? Does it make you want a hard cock inside you?" he accompanied his words with another increase in the speed on my butterfly. My hips were bucking against it, almost as if it had a life of its own and I groaned, no longer caring who shared the ladies room with us. As the waves began to wash over me, I opened my eyes to see Daniel smiling at me. My orgasm continued for what seemed like hours as the little butterfly slowly began to lose speed.

I stood there for a few moments, trying to regain some composure and AJ leaned over to give me a breathtaking kiss, while cupping my butterfly and dipping his fingers into my dripping pussy. He slowly pulled his fingers back and touched first my lips, then his own. I pulled my dress down and Daniel said rather loudly "Now that I've fixed your zipper, do you want me to leave while you use the facilities?" I laughed, knowing that the evening was only going to get better, but that is another story, or several more stories, to be shared another time.

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