My Stories

* Dirtygirl *

Chapter 2

Bright light shines in through the bedroom window when I awaken. Stretching slowly, my muscles tense and stiff from the events of the previous evening, I moan softly as I work out the kinks in my muscles.

Lifting my head, I see that Johnny had already awakened and was nowhere to be seen. Rising to my knees, I stretch lazily, quickly lowering my head as I hear him approaching. He stop a few feet in front of me and stand there gazing down at me for a few moments.

He snaps his fingers and says quietly, "Look at me."

Raising my eyes to his, I see him smile down at me and I sigh with relief. "Good morning Master."

He chuckles softly, "Good morning my pet. You pleased me greatly last night."

A flush runs over my body at his words, my mind racing back to last night. "I am glad you are pleased Master."

Kneeling beside me, he unlocked the chain from my collar and removes the cuffs on my ankles and wrists. "Go and get cleaned up, I have plans for you my pet. Don't keep me waiting."

Going into the bathroom, I take care of my needs and come back to the bedroom, falling to my knees and crawling across the room to him on all fours.

I hear Johnny chuckle with approval as I kneel in front of him, my eyes on the floor. Lifting my chin with one finger, he smiles wickedly at me. "Time to play my pet."

Shivering at his touch I feel the familiar thrill of excitement course through my body.

Staring at me for long moments, he tapped his fingers on his chin thoughtfully, "Now what game should I play with my pet today? There are so many to choose from." Smiling at me he touches my cheek gently, "Does my little slave have any preferences?"

Smiling slightly, I moan softly, "Whatever pleases you pleases me Master. I am yours to do with what you choose."

Leaning forward to kiss me, he grins at me, "Very well spoken. You please me greatly today my pet."

Rising to his feet, he tugs on my collar, "On your feet."

Standing in front of him, I tremble as he picks up the leather cuffs and point to the chair in the corner. "Bring that chair to the middle of the room and sit down on it."

Doing as he asks, I sit down on the chair, my body trembling as my still sore buttocks comes in contact with the chair. Johnny grins wickedly at me, moving to stand behind me. "Is it very sore my pet?"

"Yes, quite sore Master." I shudder as his hands run down my back, moaning softly.

"Good, that will remind you to behave in the future. Put your hands behind you."

I do as ordered and tremble visibly as he buckles the cuffs around my wrists tightly, padlocking them together.

Running his hands over my shoulders, his fingers pinch and pull at my nipples, squeezing my breasts roughly.

Arching my back, I press my breasts more fully into his hands, a soft moan escaping you and I chuckle. "I'll bet you're wet all ready, you dirty girl."

Slipping the blindfold over my eyes, he buckles it tightly behind my head. Moving around in front of me, he grasps my right ankle and buckles the cuff around it, locking it securely to the back leg of the chair. He does the same with my other ankle. I moan loudly, my pussy totally exposed to your view. I feel his fingers move over it and I shift on the seat, groaning as his fingers slide over my clit.

Slapping my pussy sharply he whispers in my ear, "You are such a dirty girl, behave or I'll have to punish you again."

Shivering, I force myself to remain still, as he continues to tease and torment my clit, shudders passing through my body as I get more and more aroused. I'm writhing on the chair, moaning loudly, my whole body quivering with my approaching climax.

I hear him chuckle as his hands leave my body. I groan in frustration, my wrists twisting in the leather cuffs. Running his hands over my breasts, he pulls and pinches at my nipples, sucking them into his mouth and biting them gently.

I gasp loudly as I feel a sharper pain in my nipples and I realize that he's attached clamps as the pain continues.

Chuckling at my soft cries, he forces a gag between my teeth and ties it tightly behind my head.

"I have a few errands to run, I'll be back to deal with you in a little while. If you're a good girl I may bring you back a surprise."

I shift nervously on the chair, thinking back to a few other surprises that you've brought home for me, a shudder of excitement running through my body.

I hear him leave the room, then the soft click of the door closing as he leaves.

Shifting on the chair, I moan softly, pulling on the cuffs around my wrists, the ache between my thighs growing as I realize how totally helpless I am. The time passes slowly, my body aching with the need for release. I can feel the clamps on my nipples shift with every movement of my body, sending shooting sensations down to my clit.

By the time he returns, my thighs are growing wet from my excitement, my body quivering, hovering just this side of orgasm. Johnny enters the room and stop beside me, his hands sliding over my body lightly.

"How is my pet doing? Are you behaving?"

His warm fingers slide between my thighs, probing my pussy and he chuckle with approval. "Oh you are a dirty girl. Getting all wet without permission. You need to be punished."

I moan softly through the gag, my body quivering violently on the chair. "Patience my pet, I'll see to your punishment shortly. I have a surprise for you my little slave."

Trembling violently, a thrill of excitement runs through my body, already excited at the thought of your "surprises".

I hear him leave the room and several long moments pass before he returns. I'm surprised to hear the soft moans of another woman.

Stiffening on the chair, I hear the rustle of the covers on the bed, then the familiar clinking sound of handcuffs against the metal frame of our bed.

Johnny comes back to me and remove my blindfold. I moan softly at the sight before me. Another woman is chained to the bed in the same manner I was last night, her buttocks high in the air, her legs spread wide and her pussy fully on display.

"A pretty sight isn't it? I thought you'd like to see how luscious and irresistible you looked last night." His voice is low and husky as he whispers in my ear, his hands sliding over my body lightly, teasing every inch of me. "Sit back and enjoy my pet. I'll deal with you soon enough."

Moaning softly as he stands behind the bed and caress the woman's buttocks, I writhe on the chair, unbearably aroused and unable to do anything about it.

He slides his hands between her thighs and I watch avidly as his fingers slide in and out of her pussy, your fingertips brushing over her clit and probing at her ass.

Shifting on my chair, I groan as I see him take up the wide leather strap from last night and prepare to spank her ass. I see her jump slightly as the first blow lands, a soft cry escaping her as her thighs quiver.

He continues to smack her ass, slowly reddening the entire area, not stopping until he has her screaming and begging him to stop.

Grasping her hips, he forces his dick deep in her ass, thrusting strongly against her hips. Fucking her hard, I see him slide his hand over her clit, her whole body quivering as she screams out her release, his dick thrusting deeply into her one more time.

The agonizing ache between my thighs growing, I writhe on the chair as I see him slip his dick from her ass, a low moan coming from her. He looks over at me and smiles, "Did you enjoy that my little slave?" Chuckling softly he look at me a long moment, "Yes, I can see that you did. Patience my pet, I'm nowhere near ready to deal with you yet."

Unchaining the woman from the bed, he cuffs her wrists behind her and forces her down onto her knees. Ordering her to remain there, he comes over to me and slides his fingers over my pussy, pushing into it roughly. "Oh you are a dirty girl. You liked that little show didn't you? Such a nasty girl getting so wet."

Chuckling softly, he moves away and turns his attention back to the other woman. Leaning down to tease and fondle her breasts, he smiles as she groans and arches towards him, her body responding to the pleasure.

I writhe on the chair as I watch him caress her body, slowly teasing her, soft moans escaping her as his hand trail over her body. I pull on the cuffs attached to my wrists, the aching between my thighs nearly unbearable as he pleasures the other woman slowly.

Pulling her to her feet, he spread her legs widely and starts to lick and kiss at her pussy, his tongue probing deeply into her. Her soft moans grow in intensity as he drives her quickly to orgasm, her knees starting to shake as her climax peaks.

Pushing her back to her knees, he forces his dick deep into her throat, gripping her hair and thrusting hard. I groan as I watch his dick slide in and out of her mouth, straining at the cuffs on my wrists. He looks over at me and grins as he sees me struggling on the chair, the inside of my thighs wet with arousal.

I moan softly as I see him thrust hard against her mouth, his dick throbbing, a deep groan escaping him as he cums long and hard.

Pulling the woman to her feet, he takes her from the room and returns a few moments later. Stopping in front of me, he smiles slightly and his eyes slowly travel over my body taking in every sign of my arousal.

Chuckling softly, he moves behind me and starts releasing me from the chair. Pulling me to my feet he leads me to the bed and lays me down on it. Stretching me out spread-eagled; he attaches my wrists and ankles to the corners of the bed, leaving me very little room to move.

Slipping the blindfold back on, he runs his fingers over my body, slowly teasing me to the brink of orgasm, stopping just short and whispering, "I'll be back to deal with you in a bit."

I hear him leave the room and I groan softly, my whole body still quivering, my nipples and clit swollen and throbbing for release. I pull on the restraints, but there's no give in them at all and I feel that thrill of helplessness run through my body again.

It seems to take forever for him to return and I shiver nervously as he approaches the bed. His hands trail over my body, slipping between my thighs to push into my pussy, my hips arching off the bed to meet them.

Johnny slowly tease my body, caressing every inch of me, bringing me to the point of orgasm over and over, but not letting me have that release. I'm writhing beneath him, pulling at the restraints on my wrists and ankles, my whole body quivering with need.

He slips the gag from my mouth and removes the blindfold, staring down at me with a wicked gleam in his eyes. He starts arousing my body all over again, smiling as my moans get louder and louder, then turn to groans of frustration as he stops and the hands leave my body once again.

Chuckling softly, he brushes his fingers lightly over my clit, "You want to cum badly don't you my pet?"

I nod my head slowly, my breathing ragged and uneven and moan loudly as he touches my clit again. "Beg me for it. I want to hear you beg me to let you cum."

Groaning I shake my head and I see his grin widen, "I'm going to make you beg me for release. I want to hear that sexy voice of yours quivering, begging your Master to let you cum."

He starts teasing me all over again, driving me closer and closer to orgasm, stopping once again just this side of climax, my body shuddering and heaving beneath him. My moans get louder and louder and I hear him order, "Beg me. Do it and I'll let you cum."

Gasping for breath, I groan loudly, my whole body aching for release. My hips arch off the bed as his fingers brush my swollen, sensitive clit and I cry out loudly, "Ohhhhh please...I can't take any more."

Chuckling, his hand continues to move over me, "You know what to do to make it end. Now do it."

I stare at him for moments, my whole body writhing beneath his hands. Swallowing hard, I cry out as his fingers slide into my pussy slightly. "Oh god please, Master, please let me cum."

He grinned down at me, "Good girl, now was that so hard?"

He slides his fingers deep inside me, his thumb pressing firmly against my clit. I scream out my release as the shudders shake my body, my whole body arching off the bed as the spasms start at my hips and spread throughout my body. My body continues to quiver for moments, my whole body covered in a light sweat, my breath coming fast and hard.

Undoing the restraints he pulls me onto his lap and kisses me softly. "You did very well my pet. Your Master is very pleased with you. But you need to learn to give into my wishes more easily."

Looking up at him, I nod my head slightly, "Yes Master."

Sliding me off his lap, he rises to his feet and sends me off to get cleaned up. When I return to the bedroom, I see he's brought in dinner and I take my place at his feet, earning a small smile of approval from him.

He eats slowly, feeding me as I kneel beside him, my hands behind my neck as ordered. When he's finished he snaps your fingers and points to the floor, chuckling with approval as I kneel with my bottom in the air, my thighs spread widely.

"Good girl."

I hear him leave the room and the soft rustle of fabric as he comes back and sit back down in the chair. Long moments pass and I realize that he is simply sitting there and looking at me.

My thighs begin to shake as I continue to kneel there and I moan softly.

"A little longer my pet, you can do it."

I shake visibly, "As you wish Master" and a thrill runs through me as he laughs, "You are learning my little slave. Well done, you may kneel up."

Rising up, I rest my bottom on my heels and look at you, "I am glad you are pleased Master."

Rising from the chair, he moves to the bed, "I am very pleased my pet. You may sleep in the bed tonight."

Crawling across the floor to him, I kneel in front of him, and whisper softly, "Thank-you Master." Curling up on the bed, I shiver as his hands run over me, then sigh softly as he attaches the chain to my collar, tethering me to the bed once again. He pats my buttocks while moving around the bed, "Goodnight my pet, sleep well."

I shift slightly as he makes himself comfortable in the bed. Falling asleep I wonder what surprise you will come up with next.


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